Recent content by DefaultOption

  1. DefaultOption

    Biden-Harris / Dems

    No, they didn't. At no point in the fifty years since Roe have there been sixty pro-choice votes in the Senate. Even the brief Dem supermajority in 2009 that got the ACA passed included several Blue Dogs who would not have supported an abortion rights bill.
  2. DefaultOption

    Transformers x Hot Wheels images leaked!

    No joke. I very casually collect 1:64 cars, and I'm always amazed to see grown adult men sifting through the pallet crates of Hot Wheelses that end up in the middle of the main aisles of Wal-Marts and such for ages. And then there are the guys who will take stuff off the pegs and just leave it...
  3. DefaultOption

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    We're finally getting a G1 Scrounge. He'll feature Special Arm detaching ability and a Smelting Pool playset.
  4. DefaultOption

    Transformers x Hot Wheels images leaked!

    Yeah, that's awesome, but not $80 worth of awesome.
  5. DefaultOption

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    Allegedly. I don't remember who it was (I know it wasn't Mark Cuban, but that's the only name my brain is willing to come up with atm), but I heard an actual billionaire make the case that by spending roughly $20 million a year a person can convincingly act like a billionaire, and if there's...
  6. DefaultOption

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    The thing most people seem to be not getting about this whole saga of Kristi Noem and the story of her late dog is that she included it in her book for an audience of one, and the unspoken message to him is "I will do anything you ask me to do, including shooting the dog, and therefor you should...
  7. DefaultOption

    2024 Celebrity Deaths

    More than a bit, I'd say, and people who like mainstream stuff owe him too for discovering the likes of Nicholson and De Niro. On the other hand, ninety-eight is a heck of a long run, so good for him.
  8. DefaultOption

    The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor Yeah, that's it, I'm done. I decided I should delete my account after Elno let Alex Jones back on twitter, but I haven't gotten around to it until now.
  9. DefaultOption

    Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    Whelp, I have found the graphical limit of a twelve year old HP business laptop. Halo 2 Anniversary runs okay in 'classic mode', but the updated graphics cause it to chug. At least the new versions of the cutscenes play okay. 🤷‍♂️
  10. DefaultOption

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    I got carded trying to buy some Christmas booze a few years ago, which really confused me, because I wear a beard and my chin is entirely grey, and I pointed this out as I handed over my ID, but the cashier said "well, you look young". And any goodwill this comment may have generated was undone...
  11. DefaultOption

    Vanity Plates Transformers would have (40th Anni)

    Sunstreaker, on the other hand, would have something like "IM-GR8"
  12. DefaultOption

    Happy Birthday, Transformers

    My first exposure to TF comics was when a kid on the school bus was showing off one of the early Marvel issues (#4 or #5, I think, but after forty years it's a but fuzzy), and I was hooked instantly. We didn't have cable when I was a kid, and we couldn't get the UHF stations that ran the...
  13. DefaultOption

    The toy and packaging variation oddity, mystery and discovery thread

    I always assumed that detail was similar to Hound's rifle becoming a pistol for his character model because of the foreshortening used for the packaging art (where they looked at the detail on OP's forearm and decided they needed to put *something* there, but they couldn't tell what from just...
  14. DefaultOption

    Lego and other brick toys

    Way back in the early days (like year two or three) of LSW, they released several 'minifigure packs', which were just three minifigs with stands and trading cards (I bought one of them because it had the first Palpatine minifig), but this kind of set was never revisited. Some people in the...

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