Recent content by Rhinox

  1. Rhinox

    The Original Gobots returning to TV

    I'm suddenly reminded of the awesomeness of Shaolin Showdown and need to buy all the seasons so I can watch again.
  2. Rhinox

    Biden-Harris / Dems

    *sigh Yes, yes, it is Congress that gets to do that. But, Biden, as the President, came out and said he was against even the attempt...
  3. Rhinox

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    I continue to be disappointed by people I had admiration for at one point.
  4. Rhinox

    Biden-Harris / Dems

    Not often I fully agree with you, but here we are. Regardless of who started the trend, this is happening under Biden's watch. he has had opportunities to walk back some of the worst of Trump's decisions, like expanding SCOTUS. he has chosen not to for reasons. There is a reason why young...
  5. Rhinox

    Police behaving badly

    Yes, there's a misunderstanding here. Arresting someone is more than just placing them in cuffs and detaining them. It's a process, with paperwork and other aspects. Kansas law officers can halt and reverse that process. It's more than just uncuffing and saying, 'you're free to go'.
  6. Rhinox

    Police behaving badly

    That is a very different thing. And that will vary state to state. Did you know that Kansas has given officers the ability to 'unarrest' someone? Seriously, if a cop feels like something has changed or perhaps a boss didn't approve of what was done, they can literally unarrest someone and...
  7. Rhinox

    Hyrule Town Square
  8. Rhinox

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    I don't think you're wrong. But I do have a question. If the election were held tomorrow, do you think the results would be the same as the election in November?
  9. Rhinox

    Police behaving badly

    As someone in the field (even if only tangentally right now) here's my thoughts on improving policing. First and foremost is the removal of qualified immunity. While a good idea in concept, protecting police and other public servants from civil liability for simply doing their job, the way it...
  10. Rhinox

    Police behaving badly

    I am unaware of any quotas relating to potential murder investigations. (or lack of investigations, as this case is concerned) Seriously, I am absolutely with everyone appalled at this behavior. What has me confused is what Pocket said. I do not understand what is trying to be said or...
  11. Rhinox

    Police behaving badly

    I am curious as to how that would even work. Cops being penalized for arresting someone who doesn't end up convicted. Not trying to digress, but do you realize just how many people are involved in an arrest decision outside of those cases where an on scene incident arrest takes place?
  12. Rhinox

    The US Supreme Court and its decisions

    Thurgood Marshall is rolling in his grave.
  13. Rhinox

    Police behaving badly

    Absolutely disgusting. Just appalling.
  14. Rhinox

    Biden-Harris / Dems

    Or super excited at the thought of a horse race.
  15. Rhinox

    Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

    I really do not understand just why the GOP as an entity has decided to hang on so tightly to Trump. Literally any other candidate would have a really good shot at beating Biden in November. Inflation has absolutely killed any popularity he may have. Really the only thing Biden has going for...

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