Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts


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Council of Elders
This probably isn't the weirdest weather Maretime Bay has had.

I wince every time I hear a phone buzzing. I need a vacation so bad.

Looks like this is going to be an adventure episode.


This is such an MLP problem.

"O-o-o-kay, you're just jumping straight in there." Yeah, I wouldn't have had that idea either.

G5 music is still not great.

So these clouds are just tangible for everyone.

... Or gravity is just broken here. Or something. What is anything anymore?

I can't stop watching their ears.

OH MY GOD STOP. We all know who frigging Zipp is. Ignore the idiot executive who said this needed to be a thing for season 2. He's probably never seen a single episode and will never know. Change the locks while he's on vacation if you have to.

Together it is.

I wonder who built this thing. It must predate the loss of magic, and it still works.

Sparky's enjoying this.

There's some fun bit here, but this all makes no sense.


Well-known member
Oh, no! The rainbows are rising up! It was only a matter of time! They're sick of playing second fiddle to horses and our ready to take over the show!

"What is going on?!" Said with all the annoyance of someone who's already had to deal with a fight with her sister and her bed coming to life today alone.

...God? Or maybe Thor?

Okay, I don't know how Zipp already knows that this is a "thing" instead of a "someone". Detective's intuition, I guess?

They're stealing our rainbows! Who would do such a thing? *Looks vaguely over to the breezies*

"The place where rainbows are made!" Note that only Izzy is also excited by this proposition.

Wait, so this ONE cloud has been making the rainbows for the ENTIRE world this entire time? Okay.

No one's been paying for these rainbows for 100 years! We're repossessing 'em! What, you think rainbows just HAPPEN?! That they're just reflections of light through water in the atmosphere or somethin'? Get outta here!

"HOOkay, you're just jumping straight in there!" Zipp fears no rainbow teleporter!

More magic buttons! This time made of clouds?! Magic buttons are very in this season.

Behold....STAIRS! The most whimsical method of conveyance!

That moment that you realize that they're basically playing around in a old abandoned factory. Then again...they do have experience with that with the old Canterlogic factory. Old abandoned factories are basically their second homes, at this point.

Cloudball fight! They do this back home with Cloudpuff all the time.

Okay, so the clouds are either VERY sticky or they exert their own magical gravitational force to walk upside down on them like that. Interesting.

Bold of all of them to jump like that. Of course, I guess they really only have to worry about Hitch falling to his doom.

Rainbow-nado! Coming soon to Syfy!

Zipp, you really don't need to do your whole power up speech before you try to do some plumbing.

Meanwhile, Hitch, Misty, and Izzy are just sitting there watching all this happen and eating clouds like popcorn, I guess.

All you need to do to fix broken machinery is just to scream at it. Noted.

There's a snail in it's craw! You mean to tell me that never happened in the last 100 years? Okay, fine.

*Literally pukes rainbows* This pega-snail now owes Zipp a life debt!

Rainbow pop-sickles just don't taste the same without the rainbow, y'know?

Well, Zipp just invented a new extreme sport. Rainbow surfing!

And now the girls own what's left of the old Rainbow Factory. They can start charging for tours! And rides!

And in the "original" Spanish!
I'm not sure if I like the Spanish voice for Zipp. It's a little nasally. Maybe it'll grow on me, though?

Sunny sounds pretty identical, though.

I guess Hasbro doesn't pay for ANY non-English music. We knew that from last time, but I was curious if they'd at least do Spanish or something.

I feel like the Spanish version of Zipp's power-up speech really should sound more dramatic than it does.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Just yesterday I was wondering if they had ended this without telling anyone, given how... broken timing seems to be these days.

Anywho; I'm a big fan of posey, so seeing her get some of the limelight despite her "go away, leave me alone" attitude is nice.


Staff member
Council of Elders

At least this show can afford crowds.

You showed up for this too, Posey. What's your reason?

Bits don't seem to buy anything anymore. Dang inflation.

No magic for lonely people, apparently.

Oh man. The G4 sitting pose was very doglike or catlike, and it's incorrect. Horses sit like total dorks, and G5 nails it.

It's not broken, Posey. You're broken.


No one can say no to Pipp. Not even Posey.

Still don't like G5 music.

I never get tired of the ragdoll physics on their ears. It is wonderful.


This is how a unicorn comments
Not going to lie, if something like this was possible it'd be really cool/neat.

I almost want to ask why these news casters know Posey by name, but it IS Posey...

Be thankful to Pip Posey. Not many ponies would put up with you. A shame too, when she let's herself relax like she does here, she looks adorable and seeing her all excited just adds to it.

Pip: I know somepony who'd love to spend the day getting to know you.

Posey: Oh yeah? Who's that?

The face Pip makes here. It's the type of face that back in the 90's I'd have spent the time printing it out to put on my wall.

I kinda feel there should be a safety measure to prevent you from being able to do that with the Bumper Bubbles.

While it figures Posey would lose the charm like that, I'm so glad they didn't end it where it stayed lost. I hate endings like that.


Staff member
Council of Elders
When the charm hit the water I did kinda expect the episode to just end right there. But it went in a different direction, and then another. This show is great sometimes.


Well-known member
Hey, we're back at the Boardtrot! It feels like it's been a long time!

Pipp's selling charm bracelets. That actually might be a step down from all the hair care stuff for her salon. But, you gotta chase those trends!

"CHARMED, I'm sure!" No...just no. You're better than this, Pipp.

"Is this what being a robot is?" Yeah, that's the ol' 9 to 5 for ya. They make you act like a robot until they can replace you with a actual robot. Kinda ironic given those (now probably false) rumors of Hasbro debating using AI for Make Your Mark.

"HAVE I TURNED INTO A ROBOT?! *thinks about it*....YES!" Izzy is ready for her cyborg upgrade now, please.

Posey's wondering if everyone got invited to a birthday party except her...that's so sad. Her mind immediately goes to other people deciding to leave her out. This pony needs a hug count...1.

Posey's photo bombing is justified count...1.

Oh, so everytime you do something with a friend you magically get more charms. That's actually kind of neat. I mean, it's basically giving you video game achievements for doing things in real life...which is worrying, but still. Neat.

Posey's expenditure is justified count...1.

Aww, Posey doesn't have anyone to hang out with. I guess Dahlia and Windy are both busy today? This is kind of heart breaking just waiting for something to happen.

Yes...they're "out" of the magical charms that appear out of nowhere. Right. Posey's denial is strong count...1.

Just give it a good whack, that'll get it working!

Well, look on the bright side Posey, at least you probably won a stuffed animal or something for winning that carnival game.

Hey, you know what? Trying to do something with herself in the mirror was worth a shot. How was she to know that the charm bracelet could tell the difference? Posey's creativity is justified count...1.

Okay, they TOLD Posey that this bracelet only works with friends before she bought it. She was informed. Posey's refund is NOT justified count...1.

These charms seem ridiculously easy to get, as long as you have a friend. Literally anything you do together creates one. I wonder if that could be a problem, later? Like, ponies can't move their hooves because they're weighed down by all the charms?

I'd hate to see the charm you get if you both got sick from going on the roller coaster together.

D'AWWW...Jazz and Rocky are being all lovey-dovey. That's nice. They're a cute couple. Not so much for Posey, but oh well. Posey's jealousy is justified count...1.

Posey was JUST about to learn a lesson about being able to have fun by yourself. But, then FRIENDSHIP got in the way!

So many Posey faces this episode!

I guess Pipp's just abandoning her business. Or leaving Izzy to do all the work alone. I wonder if you get a charm for ditching your friends to hang out with someone else?

*Pipp's sparkling "ME!" Face* Okay, this is meme-able.

I...guess Pipp and Posey are just friends now? Honestly, outside of getting her hair done at Pipp's salon, I'm not sure if Posey's said 5 sentences to Pipp before. But...fine. I'll allow it! Posey's joy is justified count...1.

Posey's little happy bounce at finally getting a charm is so cute! Pipp and Posey's musical number is justified count...1.

*Squints* They're throwing balls at...magical flying coconuts? Okay.

Posey wins Pipp a plush doggie! Posey's aim is true count..1.

Is one of these games just bouncing your friend in the air? I mean, it works if they're a pegasus, but for everyone else it's worse than a see-saw.

Bumpercars! These ponies shouldn't be behind a wheel!

Wearing cotton candy as a wig feels like it'd just be a invitation for bugs in your hair later. But, it's still cute.

*Posey immediately loses her charm bracelet in the ocean* Posey's a butterfingers count...1. (...butterhoovers?)

Pipp would risk her LIFE for fashion!

And Posey joins her in the ocean with a cannonball. I honestly didn't expect that.

Posey made a friend today count...1.

You know what? I honestly expected Posey to do something to mess this up, but she didn't. Posey just had a good day... count 1! That's just nice to see! Posey kind of deserves it at this point, she's been better for a while now.

I kind of wonder if they'll end up building on this episode later? And what happened to Izzy? Did she enter herself into Battlebots? Inquiring minds want to know!

And the "original" Italian! We're finally caught up to the leaked episodes!
I kind of like the voice for Italian Posey.

Italian Izzy is pretty spot on, too. Pipp is consistently the character I'm never sure works as well in other languages.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
This show respects introverts. It doesn't mean being shy. It doesn't mean never wanting to leave the house. It doesn't mean having no need whatsoever to socialize.

Posey needs friends, but on her terms, and those terms are acceptable.

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