Another Code Recollection


I played this on the DS (Trace Memory for those of us in the US) back in the day. It was short with not much replay value. But it was a lot of fu. I never knew there was a sequel, probably since it never released here in the US.

Anyways, they've both been remastered for the Switch, so you can guess what I'm doing tonight. Anyone else playing this or ever played Trace Memory before?


I just finished the first of the two games.


I'm not crying. You're crying.

Oh...and it goes straight into the next game. Nice!

So...please tell me I'm not the only one playing this.


Nonstop Baaka
You are not alone.
Also played the old DS one. I barely remembered any of it, so it was fun rediscovering it. Though, there were some puzzles that got cut/changed since the Switch doesn't have the same functionality as the DS.
I just finished the 2nd game this morning.
I could've sworn the original had the mark slowly appearing on D as you progress? I definitely remember a puzzle where you close the DS to stamp something. That one had me so stumped.
2nd game: It was nice to not be stuck in a dreary mansion, but the music side story was meh. A lot more dialogue this time. It really bugged me that I could buy snacks and recycle cans for tokens, but they had no real use. Unless I missed something somewhere. It was nice having more resolution, though there are some contradictions.
I wish I could start from specific chapters, rather than starting over. I missed some of those cranes.


Didn't read the spoiler. Still haven't finished the second game yet.

I bought the DS version as one of my first DS games. But after beating it 3 times in two days and seeing nothing more to it, I sold it to Gamestop. I did buy it again in preparation for the Switch release, but didn't get it finished before the Demo came out. So my memories of much of the DS game are too faded to compare/contrast.

Still, yes it is great to rediscover this gem. I really hope it does well in sales. Maybe if it does, Nintendo will continue the franchise.


I have been playing this digitally. But the physical version finally made it from Amazon. So I can finally do this.





Nonstop Baaka
Note: After you beat both games, you can start over with Ashley's original outfit from the DS game.


This is how a unicorn comments
I need to buy this. I've not had a lot of cash recently so I've had to hold off, but I've been waiting to play the sequel for years.

I have Trace Memory for my DS, but never actually beat it. I basically found out if you don't get all of D's memory's a scene won't trigger and you aren't getting the best ending, so I re-started, but yeah since it doesn't have the best replay value, I think I got bored and ended up playing another game for a bit and just never went back.

I'd been thinking of importing the sequel from the UK region and using hacks to get it to run on my Wii. I mean I got Fatal Frame 4 to play in English on my Wii so I know there is some trick to get imports to work.

Of course now I don't need to go through that hurdle. I can just buy it on Switch.

I'm going to assume the device Ashley gets at the start of Trace Memory in this port looks like the switch instead of a DS?


Nonstop Baaka
Yep, it looks like a Switch.

I also looked for my old copy of Trace Memory, but I must've traded it in at some point. Oh well. I don't really feel like buying it again.


I traded my old copy in too. But when I saw this was coming out, I bought it again off of eBay as a prep. Didn't get far, but it's nice to own it again regardless.

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