

I thought we had a thread for this already, but I couldn't find it. Anyway, I never read the book(s), but I have watched the 1984 movie (theatrical and extended), the 2000 mini-series and now the more recent movies.

Not having read the books, I still know that they go far past the end of any of the movies. Still, I have a few thoughts about the newest movie.

Now Part Two ended pretty much where the '84 film ended. House Harkonin is brought low. The emperor is defeated. Paul had his dual with Feyd. So this is pretty much where I expected the movie series to end.

However, the other houses don't recognize Paul's ascension and Jessica said in no uncertain terms that the holy war has just begun. Are they planning on doing the entire series? As someone who's never read the books, just how many movies could that wind up being?

Also, Christopher Walken as the emperor was a bit of a surprise. But he actually did a pretty good job of it with surprisi little of the usual Walkeness.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
While I'm not wild about both movies, I liked how they changed stuff like their actual bloodline. And the Feyd baby maybe.

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