[IC] STOMP Super Spooktacular Special!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Two days before Nightmare Night every STOMP member, past and present finds a letter addressed to them in their mailboxes. It is a midnight blue envelope with their names on it, and image of the moon with a silhouette of a wing across it. In the upper left corner. Each letter is similar, it reads:

Greetings STOMP.

Many of you don't know me, but I have found something that might interest you: an old artifact from long ago. The Scarlet Masque of Death, this artifact was rumored to hold power over death itself, and was supposedly responsible for the event a thousand years ago known as the Red Plague. Of course all this is silly superstition from ignorant ponies of yore and the Masque is just an elaborate mask. And to prove such, I will have it on display at a Nightmare Night Masquerade party, as such only seems to be fitting for an artifact such at this. You are all free to attend, and encourage your participation as at the end of the night, I shall donate the Scarlet Masque of Death to the Callibustion Museum, provided nothing happens to it.

Party will be held at the old Whipstaff Manor on Nightmare Night. Party starts when the moon rises. Food, drinks, and entertainment will all be provided. Feel free to dress up, it is Nightmare Night after all. I hope you all enjoy the night, and that nothing unfortunate happens before dawn. See you soon.

The Mistress of Lore.​


Nightmare Night:

The sun sets over the port city of Callibustion and The Masquerade Party will be starting soon according to the letter. Whipstaff Manor has supposedly been abandoned for several decades after the last owner died. On the outskirts of the city, nearly obscured completely by trees and and overgrown yard, In the middle of the courtyard is a statue of Nightmare Moon rearing up with wings spread wide threateningly. It doesn't seem like the place has had any upkeep in the previous decades, which could be on purpose to add to the atmosphere of the night. It certainly seems that STOMP weren't the only ponies invited as about a dozen other ponies also make there way to the manor, all dressed up for the night.

At the door was a well dressed androgynous piebald pony, midnight blue mane framed their face and a large deep purple bow, and in back their tail was done up with a similar colored wrap. Dressed in purple pin-stripped coat and a domino mask, the pony greeted every pony as they came in. "Greetings, I am Swift Tart." They say with with an almost exaggerated bow, "Welcome to Whipstaff Manor, please pardon the mess; but I assure you the inside is much nicer looking." They say with a warm smile and open the door to the foyer. "Please, proceed inside, go straight back to the Ballroom, that is where the party is and where the masque will be unveiled."

Swift Tart's was right, as once you are past those grand double doors, the interior of the manor has been... mostly cleaned up. It was clearly a rush job, to get it mostly fit for the party as there is still a layer of dust in places and cob webs in some corners but nothing that could be considered a health risk. The furniture was all uncovered, tables and mirrors polished. Rooms like by candelabras and chandeliers. The smell of food comes from the kitchen, and there seemed to be waitstaff working in the dining room as well. But most other rooms were roped off to try and prevent wandering and guide everypony to the ballroom without distraction.

Entering the ballroom, it was very clear that this room was the priority, looking just as grand as it did in its heyday, but fixed up with a lot more modern amenities. There was stage set up for a band to play on, though the curtains were still drawn as it seemed they were setting up still. Those there was already many guests in various costumes all mingling with each other. There was a table that had drinks and simple snacks food on it, as it seemed like the main meal was still being prepared.

Once all of the guests have arrived, Swift Tart enters with a smile on their face. "Ah, I just love a Masquerade." Several member of the staff following behind him as they spread out before bursting into song. Yes, this was gonna be one of those nights.

Every day the Masquerade is sending out the call
Every day that Night Brigade came crashing through that door
They said "What are you doing siting all alone just staring at the Fireplace?
There's a place we know that you can go and join in the parade"
And I said "I'm just sitting here licking my wounds
And i don't think i'll be finished soon
Where can I find a place to hide from this mess I've made?"

At the Masquerade!
You'll be glad you came!
They won't see the holes that in your soul when you cover up your face
At the Masquerade!
It's gonna be ok!
Trade your shame for wealth and fame where no one knows your name!

Blast and break through
They dragged me to this zoo
"Put your mask on: That's the key"
Which animal is right for me?
So I burst through the pearly gates and
I was alarmed by what awaited
They greeted me with open arms: Like I was one of them
And I felt right away they let me in
Absolved me of my prior sins
So I shed this wretched skin at last!
And I became the mask!

At the Masquerade!
You'll be glad you came!
They won't see the holes that in your soul when you cover up your face
At the Masquerade!
It's gonna be ok!
Trade your shame for wealth and fame where no one knows your name!

It's a chance to leave it all behind (leave it all behind)
Start again, begin a brand new life
They were right that I wouldn't hate it
To think that I hesitated
I finally checked my checkered past
And i'm not going back!

At the Masquerade!
You'll be glad you came!
They won't see the holes that in your soul when you cover up your face
At the Masquerade!
It's gonna be ok!
Trade your shame for wealth and fame where no one knows your name!

Come along don't you fear the Masquerade!
Step in: Don't be afraid
Take your pain and deepest shame
And let them go a the Masquerade!
Grab a mask and cover up your face!
Wrap yourself in silk brocade.
Just forget the mistakes you made
Cause no one cares at the Masquerade!

Swift Tart:


And yes, this WILL be a musical.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Amber didn't even look around her to see if anypony else was applauding. She'd been to a fair number of donation events on the part of the Keep, particularly after her transfer to Trottingham, but that was decidedly always a matter of - hmm, ah, responsibility, and yet this party seemed quite lively and that Swift Tart was very entertaining. Something about him - her? - she'd figure it out later - was simply infectious.

She looked up toward her forehead and magically adjusted the brassy laurel tiara above her horn, glancing absently at the trail of her flowing white toga and wishing it wasn't quite so flowing, finding herself fidgeting to keep this or that fold from trailing on the floor.

It would have been her habit to stick close to the ponies she knew, but she had learned the importance of mingling; she'd have to fight the urge to stick to her friends from Caballuston and elsewhere all night. Still, she should say hello to anypony she knew first - she shouldn't wish to have them feeling snubbed. And surely she would have some chance to speak to this Swift Tart later in the night - after all, it was terribly important that she show appreciation to the host, and nopony was introducing herself as the Mistress of Lore. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at the very thought, almost certainly one of those reclusive, aging eccentrics who don't even attend their own parties.

With a sigh, she drew out her notebook, realizing she would never keep track of everypony's names without it, dashing the period accuracy of her attire and wishing she'd thought of a wax tablet beforehoof, but she put on her best party face.

She looked for anypony in the throng she could recognize through their costumes, half-expecting to see a tall top hat above the crowd with Night Cap somewhere underneath.

"Hello! Capital meeting you here."

Whoever posts next can decide whether they're the pony being addressed. = ]

Static noted the Nightmare Moon statue on his way in. His initial reaction was disgust. This was not the side of his beloved Luna that he'd prefer to have seen on display. However, he remembered reports of how even Luna spent a Nightmare Night in Ponyville dressed up as Nightmare Moon. So it seems she owned it. And it was something that happened. So what could he say.

His first instinct was to wear an actual costume. He hadn't dressed up for Nightmare Night since he was a foal. But when he saw that it was more of a masquerade than a costume party, he was glad he went with his second idea. He was dressed in a formal suit that he had gotten. He saw the fact that he once attended Light Fantastics ballet in nothing more than a tie as a dark blot on his record. So he actually had a suit now. He also had a masquerade mask styled to look like a timberwolf.

He nibbled on some of the snack foods as he waited on the main meal. He didn't want to ruin his appetite after all. He looked around to see if he noticed any other STOMP members, wondering if he'd even recognize them in masks.

EDIT: Ninja'd

"Why, Ms. Spark! Long time no see! It's good to see you again."

Maple read the letter after Miss Sweet told her it had arrived... a party would be fun and costumes and a new exhibit for the tour.... oh it was all so exciting!

She instantly thought about going and visiting Misty to maybe coordinate costumes... but then again, she thought about what a neat surprise it would be to see what she came up with on her own... yes, that was the ticket... oh how funny it would be to see something like a cowcolt and a pirate pony hanging out together...

"teeheheheh" Maple couldn't keep from giggling and rolling around on her bed as each crazy pairing she imagined got funnier and funnier.

"Besides... if we really don't match, it's not like I couldn't just turn into something that does match her better." She said. Rubbing her tummy after such a good giggle fit.

Finally the night of the party:

Arriving a little early Maple moved over to the snack table while their lovely host talked about stuff.... Maple hoped most of it was just banter because she hadn't seen Misty yet and was looking between the door and the other ponies who'd arrived already...

"Oh goodness, if she's already in here her costume is way better than mine... I'll be sure to tell her how impressed I am." She mumbled, side-stepping toward the punch bowl -what with her not really needing to eat, she'd begun to avoid what was essentially wasting food that other ponies -real ponies could actually use. Ironic given her Changeling costume. It was kind of funny that Greenbean had an old jobber 'darkmatch' suit that not only fit her (close enough) but that -one, he'd let the Changeling Champion come up with her own design for a new costume and two, he said that Maple could keep it after the party because he said he felt a little bad about having it and using it to bump upcoming talent after Maple had told him her secret. After Hugging the old goat (not actually a goat) Maple had said thank you and not to worry about it. Changelings are the badguys, she told him it was fine... and that he was being silly. though it Did remind her that she should likely have to have a similar talk with t.c.c. too, just to let her know not to feel weird about it.

OOOh was that Misty! ... no those were obviously platform shoes

she'd just have to wait and see.

"Static, I did guess right!" said Amber, with a quick clap of a hoof. "All of these lovely masks and I'm dressed like a filly out for candy, I do feel a little silly." She tilted her head. "But enough about me. I hope things have been going well for you and the others at the museum? Not too many adventures? My, Trottingham has been a whirlwind, some days it almost feels like the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance, but I remind myself, really Amber, it's only a review deadline..." she shook her head, realizing she was talking about herself again, and smiled.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As Scarlet Spectrum spiralled down out of the fast darkening sky, the wind whipped up his scarlet cape and flared it out behind him. This was part of his outfit, a far more elaborate outfit than he had originally planned on after reading through the ‘Invitation’. This was because his parents had been able to make a flying visit, since they were both (thankfully) between projects. At least for a while.

His Mum had taken one look at the ‘Masquerade’ part of the letter and promptly told him he was going ‘in style!’ His father had merely given a resigned sigh as his shrugged behind Diamond Mums back. Clearly telling jis song that trying to talk her put of this was futile.

So here he was, dressed in Scarlet cape, tunic and hat. Charcoal turtleneck, trousers and a silvery mask under the hats sunvisor. His tunic, hat, cuffs twined mixture and cape were all trimmmed in a twined micture of emerald green, sky blue and a speckle of diamond, as well as the capes clasp being a stylized ‘S’. Unsure of what to expect, even after the unusual Swift Tarts introduction. Once the singing started however, he began to relax. A little.

Taking a look around, Scarlet spies Static formal suit.

“Evening all!”

"Static, I did guess right!" said Amber, with a quick clap of a hoof. "All of these lovely masks and I'm dressed like a filly out for candy, I do feel a little silly." She tilted her head. "But enough about me. I hope things have been going well for you and the others at the museum? Not too many adventures? My, Trottingham has been a whirlwind, some days it almost feels like the fate of Equestria hangs in the balance, but I remind myself, really Amber, it's only a review deadline..." she shook her head, realizing she was talking about herself again, and smiled.

"Sounds exciting. You know STOMP. Never a dull moment. I could write a book about all the adventures we've been on." He looks around at all the costumed ponies. "So...what do you wanna bet the 'silly superstition' behind the masque isn't quite as silly as The Mistress of Lore seems to think? Personally, I'm thinking this night may wind up being...interesting."

"Evening all!"

Static raises an eyebrow. "Niiiiice! Hey, Scarlet! I don't think you've met Amber before, have you? She used to be Rhapsody's marefriend." He takes a sharp breath and gives Amber a questioning look. "Do you two still write each other at all?"

A semi-familiar trio of ponies entered together: One the left was a gray unicorn with a blue-streaked white mane and tail, though its hard to tell, as most of her body was covered in a black one-piece suit, with a bright red shawl with a spider-web design over it for color. Her face obscured by a black mask made to look like a spider.

Next to her in the middle was a somewhat imposing black pegasus, devoid of any bright colors; both coat and mane nearly pitch black in color, the only contrast she had, was her costume. a black and white striped overcoat with a purple shirt under it and sloppily done necktie, her face obscured by a white butterfly mask.

And on her right, was a white earth pony with blonde mane and tail that had multi-colored streaks and purple colored hooves. She seemed to have the simplest costume of the three of them, a black high collared dress with red inner lining. The sleeves look worn and ruffled, as a ruby shines on her chest. Her face was obscured by a black mask that looked like a bat.

"I don't see WHY you talked me into this, you two are CLEARLY a set, I'm just lucky I managed to find something that doesn't stand out from you two."

"Oh... well... When Rhapsody and I got the invites... we uh... felt it was wrong if we were both at a party and you stuck in your shop..."

"Don't be such a downer, Harmony. Its Nightmare Night. The night where you can be anything... so don't be yourself for once."

"Oh my, you don't see too many sets this evening. It certainly seems to be an interesting theme, you've gone with." Swift Tart says with a grin as the Trio walks past him into the ballroom.

"Oh... Um... Thanks... Miss... sir... um...?"

"Oh my darling little pony, I can be be whatever you wish me to be, but please... Just call me Swifty." The androgynous pony says with a bow and teasing grin.

"Come on Symphony, I'm sure 'Swifty' Here has a lot to get done and we have friends to meet."

Okay, Rhapsody."

Since I don't think there's a picture of Harmony yet:


"Well, speak of the Tirek!" Static said with a nervous glance between Rhapsody and Amber. "Uh...Scarlet? We...may not want to be standing between these two."

Static does a slow backaway, backing into a small pony dressed as a Changling. "Oh...beg your pardon...Ms...Maple???"

Static bumping into her was enough to make Maple pick her jaw off the snack table... that gorgeous earth pony could only be Rhapsody and Symphony's other Sister.

"Oh um... good evening Static, no harm done... I should have been paying more attention honestly, I've just been kind of distracted looking at mares...

...er um... for one in particular. Heh, have you seen Misty by any chance?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Not yet. But it's still early. So...interesting costume."

He looks around at all the costumed ponies. "So...what do you wanna bet the 'silly superstition' behind the masque isn't quite as silly as The Mistress of Lore seems to think? Personally, I'm thinking this night may wind up being...interesting."

"If my time with your group taught me anything, Static, it's to make no unsupported assumptions. Still, we shouldn't let our caution ruin such a splendid party."

Static raises an eyebrow. "Niiiiice! Hey, Scarlet! I don't think you've met Amber before, have you? She used to be Rhapsody's marefriend." He takes a sharp breath and gives Amber a questioning look. "Do you two still write each other at all?"

"You know I've been terribly busy and - "

"Well, speak of the Tirek!" Static said with a nervous glance between Rhapsody and Amber.

"Urp." Luckily for Amber, looking at Mr. Scarlet meant not looking at Rhapsody. She carefully, slowly, tip-hoofed her way around him, hoping the big stallion would provide enough cover for her slight stature.

"Mr. Scarlet ... Prism is it? Are you quite sure we haven't met? You know I'm quite familiar with your work on that mystery of Moonbeam Writ's puzzle box, fascinating to have it all come together like that, terribly sorry to have left the whole mystery in your obviously capable hooves -"

"Not yet. But it's still early. So...interesting costume."

"Ha, indeed! I may never have recognized you looking like that, Maple!"

Hey Static, youre looking quite respectable tonight, he says with a grin. Well have to get a pucture for Anchors.

Turning to the toga dressed Unicorn, he smiled warmly.

Ms. Spark. Pleased to meet you finally. Im Scarlet Spec statics words made him look round quickly. ah. Ahem. Anyway. Im Scarlet Spectrum.

With a nod and a bow he was about to move aside, when he saw Amber Spark moving around him. Much as he didnt want to upset Rhapsody. Scarlet felt it would be bad form to simply abandon Ms. Spark if she wasnt ready to talk to her marefriend(?) yet.

so he watched Rhapsody and her sisters arrive out of the corner of his eye. Scarlet had to admit they looked lovely. Hopefully, hed get chance say hi later. Lowering his voice slightly, Scarlet said,

i have to admit it was a shame we couldnt solve that puzzle together. You might have saved me from a few blunders. Still, it all worked out in the end. More or less.

You do seem very familiar though Ms. Spark. Did we have Coffee once?

As Scarlet walked, Amber tried in vain not to appear to have any particular interest in walking in another arc alongside him, one that only coincidentally kept her out of Rhapsody's line of sight. She mulled absently on his comment about Static looking respectable. "Hmm, yes, everypony's costumes are so convincing," she said, almost to herself.

Hey Static, youre looking quite respectable tonight, he says with a grin. Well have to get a pucture for Anchors.

Static returns the grin. "Scarlet, please! I have a reputation to think about. I can't have other ponies thinking I'm..." he gives an exaggerated shudder, "...respectable!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
A pony of a familiar blue shade enters the ballroom. At first glance, she appears to be a pegasus... but some details are a bit off. Batlike ears... large, membranous wings... a wild, unruly coat and unusually shaggy mane... and sharp fangs protruding from her mouth.

She waves to the small crowd of her fellow STOMP members, then flutters over to join them.

"Oh vow! Vhat a vonderful party this is."

"Perhaps we did, Mr. Spectrum," said Amber, looking perplexed at first, then smiling. "And whatever you say about 'blunders', I know the team is lucky to have you."

"Oh, Miss Monsoon! Hello!"
Amber grinned. "This nasty, scary, beastly little Changeling was looking for you," she said, with a nod to Maple and a chortle.

"Oh... It seems like almost everyone is here... I think. I don't see Night Cap yet..." Symphony says as she looks around, seeming to easily recognize her teammates despite their costumes. .

"I doubt he'd be hard to miss, just look for the most ridiculous costume and that'll likely be him..." Rhapsody huffs as she scans the ballroom.

"I have no idea who either of you are talking about." Harmony says with a swish of her mane.

Symphony smiles and trots over to the group. "Heyas... Um.. I hope you're all enjoying the party." She says and then blinks as she looks to Amber, cocking her head a bit. "Oh I don't think I..." She then blinks again as if sudden realization hits her. "Oh... oh... um... This is gonna be am interesting isn't it?" She says as she looks to the others before glancing back to her older sisters.

Harmony heads to the refreshment table to get herself something to drink, not knowing anyone it seems like she's not wanting to impose on the group.

Luckily, it seems like Rhapsody's not noticed Amber yet, as she goes about examining the room, exploring the perimeter, and generally being Rhapsody as it seems she's going over the room's security measures and probably making plans for possible situations. At least it means Amber has time to steel herself for the eventual meeting.

"Oh, Miss Monsoon! Hello!" Amber grinned. "This nasty, scary, beastly little Changeling was looking for you," she said, with a nod to Maple and a chortle.

"Vhat?... Oh! Ohhh!" It takes her a moment to process Amber's comment, but then she sees Maple's costume. "Haha, that's great, Maple! I like it."

Static perks up as one of the group decides to go off alone. He follows to the refreshment table. "Hmm, white earth pony...walked in with the other sisters...would I be too far off assuming you're Harmony? Pleasure finally seeing all three of you. I'm Static. I ...doubt Rhapsody's menttioned me."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Suddenly, coming from the direction of the ballroom entrance sounds a faint squeak.

To most ponies this squeak would mean nothing, and in an event such as this would likely go unnoticed. But to ponies in the know, it is the familiar signal of a certain photoallergic earth pony entering a brightly lit room and immediately battling a sneeze.

Night Cap, clad in dark armor, has arrived.

I was saving this, but here we go.
Halloween 2017 1.jpg

Static does a double take as Night Cap enters. "I wish I were surprised," he mutters. He returns his attention to Harmony. "Prepare yourself. You're about to meet Night Cap. You'll remember that name for the rest of your life...guaranteed!"

Maple was stunned silent as soon as Misty came in.

Life was moving in slow motion up until She spoke to her and then it suddenly felt like time was going fast enough to catch up and lap itself...

but really it was only a slight delay before Maple dryly ... choked out a "Hi Misty." her mouth was so dry she had to look down to make sure she hadn't drooled herself into being a raisin.

Amber maneuvered herself like an automaton, stepping forward in deliberate steps and extending a hoof while looking back and forth between the three sisters, grinning over a grimace. "Pleasure to meet you. Amber Spark," she said to Symphony.

From the stage came a rustling. Swift Tart perks up and smiles. "Oh, I think the band is about ready to start, which means..." They say and pauses as a scroll appears before them. "Oh dear, It seem our host, The Mistress of Lore, will be running late due to unforeseen complications at her workspace. She will be joining us as soon as she can, but it seems that I shall be your host till then. So, just give me a few minutes while I get things ready." He says and tosses the scross to another staff member that disposes of it as the piebald goes behind the curtain.

Static perks up as one of the group decides to go off alone. He follows to the refreshment table. "Hmm, white earth pony...walked in with the other sisters...would I be too far off assuming you're Harmony? Pleasure finally seeing all three of you. I'm Static. I ...doubt Rhapsody's menttioned me."

Harmony looks over to Static with a charming smile and a sparkle in her eyes as she looks to him. "Yes, I am Harmony. Owner of 'Harmonious You' in Manehatten." She says and bobs her head. "While I don't personally know you, or any of my sisters friends, I hear you're from Manehatten as well, yes? That's simply Stunning." She replies, neither confirming or denying if Rhapsody has told anything, as she could just be picking up on Static's accent.

Clearly yellow text=Manehatten Accent

Amber maneuvered herself like an automaton, stepping forward in deliberate steps and extending a hoof while looking back and forth between the three sisters, grinning over a grimace. "Pleasure to meet you. Amber Spark," she said to Symphony.

Symphony smiles and nods. "Oh yes, I know you, or uh... well.. OF you..." She giggles softly. "I am Symphony, one of STOMP's newest members and youngest sister of Rhapsody." She says and leans in closer. "She still cares about you... but... but she's hurt... Deeply... I-I don't know what happened... but.. maybe try to mend things, just a bit, maybe?" She asks in a soft demure voice.

Suddenly, coming from the direction of the ballroom entrance sounds a faint squeak.

To most ponies this squeak would mean nothing, and in an event such as this would likely go unnoticed. But to ponies in the know, it is the familiar signal of a certain photoallergic earth pony entering a brightly lit room and immediately battling a sneeze.

Night Cap, clad in dark armor, has arrived.
I was saving this, but here we go.
Halloween 2017 1.jpg

Rhapsody looks over, and sees... Black Night Cap. She lets out a heavy sigh and rolls her eyes, however before she can say or do anything the curtains on stage open wide. On center stage is Swift Tart, They're standing next to a podium with a covered box on top. Around them are three unicorn mares all dressed up in black with long capes giving off a witchy vibe. A blood red mare with black and red stripped mane and tail is in front of what looks like a mic stand with a guitar next to it. In the back to the left is a dark green more with blonde mane and tail that has green highlights in it, and across from her to the right is a purple mare with messy orange mane and hair, standing in front of a keyboard. The banner behind them reads "The Hex Mares" with a pentagram behind the word hex.

Static does a double take as Night Cap enters. "I wish I were surprised," he mutters. He returns his attention to Harmony. "Prepare yourself. You're about to meet Night Cap. You'll remember that name for the rest of your life...guaranteed!"

Harmony nods softly at that and looks over to the masked new comer. "Well that's certainly a knock-off quality costume if I ever seen one." She says narrowing her eyes a bit, and one could almost swear she sounds insulted by it.

Swift Tart clears their throat and the sounds reverberates across the room, a special little wand being held in front of them, a result of the band's magic that amplify sound. "Ah, yes. If I may have your attention please. It is time to unveil our main event." They says with a bright smile and pulls the tarp off the podium, revealing a old red mask, that was in the shape of a skull that rests on a black velvet pillow. "According to legends, this was created by a pony tempted by the dark magics as a way to better harness them, whatever their real name was has been lost to time but the figure they became was known as Facilier... a play on Facilitate... cute. It was with this masque's power that he created the red plague that ravaged Equestria, until a foreign sorcerer known as Olmec used his powers to separate the mask from Facilier and seal it away... until recently." The masque seems to almost gleam in the light, despite its old rough exterior having no reflective qualities. "All a bunch of childish superstition, if you ask me." Swifty giggles. "To prove it, the mask will remain her on display in the ballroom until morning's first light when it will be donated to the local museum."

"And now that we have that business out of the way, I shall let these lovely fillies play."
The piebald replies and bows before heading off stage.

"Thank you Swift Tart. Greetings ponies, I am glad to see so many out here tonight ready to flirt with and bask in the dark glory that is Nightmare Moon. This is going to be an enchanting evening, so I'm going to start by casting a spell over all of you!" She laughs wickedly and picks up her instrument as the trio start to play singing into a similar wand that Swift Tart spoke into allowing the song to fill the ballroom.

I'm gonna cast a spell on you.
You're gonna do what I want you to.
Mix it up here in my little bowl,
say a few words and you'll lose control.
I'm a Hex Mare,
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.

(I'm gonna put a spell on you)
I'm a Hex Mare,
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.

(Put a spell on you)

You'll feel the fog
as I cloud your mind.
You'll get dizzy
when I make a sign.
You'll wake up in the dead of night,
missing me when I'm out of sight.
I'm a Hex Mare,
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.

(I'm gonna put a spell on you)
I'm a Hex Mare,
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.

(Oh yeah)

With this little cobweb potion,
you'll fall into dark devotion.
If you ever lose affection,
I can change your whole direction.
I'm a Hex Mare,
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.

(I'm gonna put a spell on you)
I'm a Hex Mare,
and I'm gonna put a spell on you.

We're gonna put a spell on all of you!

Hex Mares:



Scarlet Masque of Death, thanks to Fnu:

No one cared v2.jpg




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Petrified as she was, Amber couldn't help a smug roll of her eyes as Swift Tart announced that Ms. Lore would be delayed. The kind of eccentric host not to attend her own party, or the kind to be late to create a sense of occasion for her entrance? A betting pool of probabilities in her head consulted their charts and exchanged bits.

Symphony smiles and nods. "Oh yes, I know you, or uh... well.. OF you..." She giggles softly. "I am Symphony, one of STOMP's newest members and youngest sister of Rhapsody." She says and leans in closer. "She still cares about you... but... but she's hurt... Deeply... I-I don't know what happened... but.. maybe try to mend things, just a bit, maybe?" She asks in a soft demure voice.

Amber's forced grin drained, leaving only the grimace, as Symphony cut straight to the point. "You don't think there's any chance she might - ah - just happen to forget that I exist? You're all terribly busy, and you know, new faces, new adventures, it can sometimes be hard to place...." Amber's expression turned somber, and her head fell, so that she seemed to be speaking quietly to the floor. "I don't want to hurt her any more than I already have," she said, and sighed.

She looked up to the stage as Swift Tart addressed the room again. If anything, her broken enthusiasm removed a distraction; she stared keenly at the mask as it was unveiled, running through a mental list of anything it might remind her of. It seemed simple and unimpressive at a glance, and yet she couldn't take her eyes off it. Static was right that old, silly stories sometimes had a habit of turning out not to be so silly on closer inspection, but even if the myth was only myth, this mask was sure to be a fine piece for the museum.

As the music started, she glanced around the room, bobbing her head to peer through the crowd, to see where Rhapsody might have gone.

Oh dear sweet merciful Luna, Scarlet murured as he saw Black Night Cap make his entrance. He wasnt what he expecred the earth pony to arrive in, but he certainly hadnt expected this. Looking around, he noticed Symphony talking to Amber, so he decided to head over to the refreshments table for some food and drink. It had been a long day after all.

As he walked, Swift Tart revealed the Mysterious Masque and its legend. Whatever the reality of this cursed artifact may be, Scarlet felt quite sure that as the night progressed, their host had several events set up to add some flavour to it. He also noted that their Mistress of Lore was conveniently absent while a spooky band built the suspense and spookiness.

Talk about waiting for a dramatic entrance.

Still, the Hex Mares were nice listen to and to look at. So he picked up a few snacks and bobbed his head to the rythm while he munched quietly.

"Ah! This band is amazing! Vhat do you think, Maple?"

"I'd love another chance to dance with you... if you want?" Maple says... smiling.

"This costume was a little big for me when I got it, but I seemed to have grown into it... *wink* ...so it might be a little easier for us to hold each other in the right spots this time..." Maple's face was warm... was it hot in here for the ponies too... oh golly gosh...

Harmony looks over to Static with a charming smile and a sparkle in her eyes as she looks to him. "Yes, I am Harmony. Owner of 'Harmonious You' in Manehatten." She says and bobs her head. "While I don't personally know you, or any of my sisters friends, I hear you're from Manehatten as well, yes? That's simply Stunning." She replies, neither confirming or denying if Rhapsody has told anything, as she could just be picking up on Static's accent.

Clearly yellow text=Manehatten Accent

Static grimaced. Yeah, he was from Manehatten originally. But except to visit his parents, he tried to visit as little as possible. He tried for most of his life to get out of there. The city didn't hold very many good memories for him. Still, he didn't want to insult anypony from there who still loved it by giving his true opinion. "Yeah, born and raised. Maple over there's also from there.

Static does a double take as Night Cap enters. "I wish I were surprised," he mutters. He returns his attention to Harmony. "Prepare yourself. You're about to meet Night Cap. You'll remember that name for the rest of your life...guaranteed!"
Harmony nods softly at that and looks over to the masked new comer. "Well that's certainly a knock-off quality costume if I ever seen one." She says narrowing her eyes a bit, and one could almost swear she sounds insulted by it.

Static grimaced again. Rhapsody was still annoyed by Night Cap...at best. He wasn't sure how Symphony was getting along with him. But he'd hate for another of the Rhapsody sisters to wind up hating him before he had a chance.

"He's kinda...eccentric. His life's left him with the social grace of a...of a...umm...well..he has no social grace. But he does try." Static squints at the costume "I think that's supposed to be Black Night? Odd. I've only met her once. She saved my life that night, as well as the Keep. Not sure why Night Cap idolized her enough to try and copy her costume though. They...kinda butted heads at their first meeting."

As Swift Tart announced that their host would be late, he gave a slight eye-roll. Since he knew Night Cap, he was no stranger to social faux pas. And to be fair, he's committed a few of his own. But with all the work that obviously went into this gathering, it was odd that the host would be do something as simple as not be on time.

Still, he wasn't going to let that ruin the night.

He looked stunned as the mask was unveiled. Swift may be dismissing everything to childish superstition. But after seeing things like the Anugypt Strut, a couple actual magic wands, artifacts that sucked ponies into alternate dimensions and such...he thought that maybe he for one was going to pay the mask the respect it deserved and try to keep his distance...and maybe keep an eye out to make sure the other party goers did the same.

As the music started, he felt like he wanted to dance to it. Not that he was a good dancer by any means. Still, he wished Anchors were there. But she was still off on another mission for the museum. So instead he stuck by the refreshment stand.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Momentarily distracted by the 'shiny' mask, Black Night Cap turns his attention back to the party and realizes he is still alone.

Success. No one recognizes me.

Satisfied with himself, he makes his way to the refreshment stand to see if they have any coffee

Success. No one recognizes me.

"Hey, Night!" Static greets him as he walks up. "Night Cap, this is Harmony, Rhapsody's sister. Harmony, Night Cap."

Petrified as she was, Amber couldn't help a smug roll of her eyes as Swift Tart announced that Ms. Lore would be delayed. The kind of eccentric host not to attend her own party, or the kind to be late to create a sense of occasion for her entrance? A betting pool of probabilities in her head consulted their charts and exchanged bits.

Symphony smiles and nods. "Oh yes, I know you, or uh... well.. OF you..." She giggles softly. "I am Symphony, one of STOMP's newest members and youngest sister of Rhapsody." She says and leans in closer. "She still cares about you... but... but she's hurt... Deeply... I-I don't know what happened... but.. maybe try to mend things, just a bit, maybe?" She asks in a soft demure voice.

Amber's forced grin drained, leaving only the grimace, as Symphony cut straight to the point. "You don't think there's any chance she might - ah - just happen to forget that I exist? You're all terribly busy, and you know, new faces, new adventures, it can sometimes be hard to place...." Amber's expression turned somber, and her head fell, so that she seemed to be speaking quietly to the floor. "I don't want to hurt her any more than I already have," she said, and sighed.

She looked up to the stage as Swift Tart addressed the room again. If anything, her broken enthusiasm removed a distraction; she stared keenly at the mask as it was unveiled, running through a mental list of anything it might remind her of. It seemed simple and unimpressive at a glance, and yet she couldn't take her eyes off it. Static was right that old, silly stories sometimes had a habit of turning out not to be so silly on closer inspection, but even if the myth was only myth, this mask was sure to be a fine piece for the museum.

As the music started, she glanced around the room, bobbing her head to peer through the crowd, to see where Rhapsody might have gone.

"Are you capable of forgetting she exists?" Symphony asks in that soft demure tone of hers, she wasn't judging or accusing, even if she could have a way of cutting right to the heart of the matter. "Wouldn't you rather try, instead of remaining in the realm of What-ifs and Neverweres? Time can be fleeting, we never know how much we got until its gone... I know that probably better then any pony..." Symphony says with a soft sigh and then gently puts a hoof on Amber's shoulder. "She might be more hurt if she knew you were here and never tried, then if you tried and failed..."

Harmony looks over to Static with a charming smile and a sparkle in her eyes as she looks to him. ""Yes, I am Harmony. Owner of 'Harmonious You' in Manehatten." She says and bobs her head. "While I don't personally know you, or any of my sisters friends, I hear you're from Manehatten as well, yes? That's simply Stunning." She replies, neither confirming or denying if Rhapsody has told anything, as she could just be picking up on Static's accent.
Clearly yellow text=Manehatten Accent

Static grimaced. Yeah, he was from Manehatten originally. But except to visit his parents, he tried to visit as little as possible. He tried for most of his life to get out of there. The city didn't hold very many good memories for him. Still, he didn't want to insult anypony from there who still loved it by giving his true opinion. "Yeah, born and raised. Maple over there's also from there.

Static does a double take as Night Cap enters. "I wish I were surprised," he mutters. He returns his attention to Harmony. "Prepare yourself. You're about to meet Night Cap. You'll remember that name for the rest of your life...guaranteed!"
Harmony nods softly at that and looks over to the masked new comer. "Well that's certainly a knock-off quality costume if I ever seen one." She says narrowing her eyes a bit, and one could almost swear she sounds insulted by it.

Static grimaced again. Rhapsody was still annoyed by Night Cap...at best. He wasn't sure how Symphony was getting along with him. But he'd hate for another of the Rhapsody sisters to wind up hating him before he had a chance.

"He's kinda...eccentric. His life's left him with the social grace of a...of a...umm...well..he has no social grace. But he does try." Static squints at the costume "I think that's supposed to be Black Night? Odd. I've only met her once. She saved my life that night, as well as the Keep. Not sure why Night Cap idolized her enough to try and copy her costume though. They...kinda butted heads at their first meeting."

As Swift Tart announced that their host would be late, he gave a slight eye-roll. Since he knew Night Cap, he was no stranger to social faux pas. And to be fair, he's committed a few of his own. But with all the work that obviously went into this gathering, it was odd that the host would be do something as simple as not be on time.

Still, he wasn't going to let that ruin the night.

He looked stunned as the mask was unveiled. Swift may be dismissing everything to childish superstition. But after seeing things like the Anugypt Strut, a couple actual magic wands, artifacts that sucked ponies into alternate dimensions and such...he thought that maybe he for one was going to pay the mask the respect it deserved and try to keep his distance...and maybe keep an eye out to make sure the other party goers did the same.

As the music started, he felt like he wanted to dance to it. Not that he was a good dancer by any means. Still, he wished Anchors were there. But she was still off on another mission for the museum. So instead he stuck by the refreshment stand.

"Such hubbub over such a crude, ugly, little mask, don't you think?" Harmony asks as she looks over to the Mask as it is unveiled, clearly not having the level of experience in the supernatural as you've had. It is when she looks back to Static that she notices the Earth pony in the ugly knock-off costume. "Looks like you might get your chance to ask them." She muses softly.

Success. No one recognizes me.

"Hey, Night!" Static greets him as he walks up. "Night Cap, this is Harmony, Rhapsody's sister. Harmony, Night Cap."

Harmony nods curtly to him, her eyes looking over the costume not that he was closer, as if trying to find every flaw in it. It wasn't the pony she cared about to those observant enough. She shakes her head as she looks back to Static. "Or Maybe we should have a bit of fun and get out on the dance floor, handsome?" She says with a smile.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"You hear that, Night?" Static asks with a grin. "She wants to dance with yo..." *panic face* "Wait...me? I'm...flattered...really...and I'd love to...honest...but...my mare friend probably wouldn't approve. Um...ah... but thanks for the offer."

[Smooth, Static!]

[You were saying something about Night Cap and social faux pas?]

"You're right of course," said Amber, magically adjusting her tiara again. "I should go and find her." She nodded, raised a hoof in mid-step. "Thank you, Miss Symphony," she said, and wandered away to find her erstwhile partner in adventure.

Thank you for giving me the exact post I was expecting, Caldwin.

"You hear that, Night?" Static asks with a grin. "She wants to dance with yo..." *panic face* "Wait...me? I'm...flattered...really...and I'd love to...honest...but...my mare friend probably wouldn't approve. Um...ah... but thanks for the offer."

[Smooth, Static!]

[You were saying something about Night Cap and social faux pas?]

Harmony grins softly. "You certainly seem lonely for handsome stallion with a marefriend, all alone here at the refreshments table..." She says with a grins and wraps a hoof around your shoulder and proves she's just as musical as her sisters.

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Young hearts, out our minds
Running 'til we outta time
Wild child's lookin' good
Living hard just like we should
Don't care who's watching when we tearing it up (You Know)
That magic that we got nobody can touch (For sure)

Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah)
Take my hand, I'll show you the wild side
Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep dancing 'til we die

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

Young hunks, taking shots
Stripping down to dirty socks
Music up, gettin' hot
Kiss me, give me all you've got
It's pretty obvious that you've got a crush (you know)
That magic in your pants, it's making me blush (for sure)

Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah)
Take my hand, I'll show you the wild side
Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep dancing 'til we die

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young

We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young

Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Black Night Cap returns the nod and inspects his costume.

"What gave me away?"

”Nothing really, Black Night Cap,” Scarlet said from behind him with a low chuckle. ”We just know you that well my friend.”

As he listening to Harmony (beautiful voice) weave her words around Static, Scarlet had to work hard to suppress a sly grin. He knew that Harmony wasn’t trying to steal Static away from Anchors. Just as he knew that Static was too honest to even think of such a thing. However, he had a nagging feeling that as the night wore on, things would most likely get much less frivolous. So everypony should enjoy themselves as much as they could.

Feels like the setup to one of moms films.
The strange invitations. The ‘Cursed’ artifact. The strange manor, with a host who hasn’t even turned up yet. The musical numbers! All we need now is...

Heh. Maybe i should start taking notes. Everypony loves a goid spine-tingler every once in a while, right?

Static gulps at Harmony's persistence.

[There's no way we should do this. We're cheating on Anchors.]

[Are we? It's just a dance.]

[Do you want to be the one to tell her that we 'just danced' with another mare?]


[I'm not telling her!]

[If you can't tell her about it, then it's cheating!]

[We're gonna burn in Tartarus! We're gonna burn in Tartarus! We're gonna burn in Tartarus!]

[SHUT UP! It's just a dance.]

Static takes a deep breath. "Just a dance, right?" He takes another deep breath. "I guess what Anchors doesn't know can't hurt me."

I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of a spin
And since I've done all the old ones
Till they've all been done in
Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for an original sin

You can dance forever
You got a fire in your feet
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
You can fly and never land
And never need to sleep
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough

It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day
Everything that they taught us was nothing but lies
Everything that they brought us was nothing but bribes
But it'll all be over now

All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never got an equal share
When the stars are out of sight and the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight

All I needed was a spot in the light
It never had to get so dark
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight

I've been looking for the ultimate crime
Infinite victims, infinitessimal time
And I'm so very guilty for no reason or rhyme
So now I'm just looking
And killing some time
Endlessly searching for the ultimate crime

You can lose yourself in pleasure
Till your body's going numb
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough
You can always take whatever
You conceivably could want
But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough

It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day
Everything that they taught us
Was nothing but lies
Everything that they brought us
Was nothing but bribes
But the lies are over now

All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never got an equal share
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight

All I wanted was a spot in the light
It never had to get so dark
When the stars are out of sight
And the moon is down
The natives are so restless tonight

I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of a spin
And since I've done all the old ones
Till they've all been done in
Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for an original sin

I'm applying for a license to thrill
Going out on the edge
Moving in for the kill
They'll be hell to pay someday
Put it all on the bill
Cause we'll always be paying
And paying until
We're beyond expiration
With a license to thrill

"I'd love another chance to dance with you... if you want?" Maple says... smiling.

"This costume was a little big for me when I got it, but I seemed to have grown into it... *wink* ...so it might be a little easier for us to hold each other in the right spots this time..." Maple's face was warm... was it hot in here for the ponies too... oh golly gosh...

"Oh, I vould love to dance vith you, Maple,"
Misty replies. She bows deeply, folding one bat wing like a cape, then stretches out her hoof for Maple to take.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Oh my gosh, this is kinda romantic right now... did you want to try leading this time, your Ladyship?" Maple asks with a sultry eyelid flutter, as she curtsies deeply -which must look dreadfully hilarious in her current outfit.

"Or we could just boooooogie" she adds, seeing how the music wasn't exactly slow dance appropriate at the moment. Certainly not for a waltz either, which would be even more appropriate for Misty's costume - and equally again less appropriate for her own.

Harmony smiles. "A dance never hurt anyone." She says as she lets her tails sweep softly against Static's chin in a gentle caress as she moves to the dance floor with him. "I'm certainly not one to kiss and tell... so to speak." She giggles as Static joins her in a dance.


Meanwhile on the other side of the Ballroom, Rhapsody has successfully managed to ignore Black Night Cap. She was much more monochrome then she preferred to be, least the shirt added a splash of color. The costumes were Symphony's idea and she wasn't gonna turn down one of her sister's when they're so passionate about an idea. Tonight was a big important night, and she wasn't going let anything ruin that if she could help it which seems to involve her almost divorcing herself from the party festivities as she always seems to do, being more concerned about the job and others before her own personal needs, so it was easy for Amber to find her, alone away from the crowd... The strong, tall, dark mare with an imposing figure, even more so in the semi-formal costume she wore. This wasn't likely to be easy for either of them...


Symphony smiles as Amber heads off to speak to Rhapsody and watches as Static tries to keep his cool around Harmony, she always seemed to know how to get what she wants. She trots over to Static and Night Cap. "Hi... So... You both have rather... um... interesting Costumes." She smiles softly, still seeming to have some issue speaking to 'groups' or ponies.

That is so cute.

"Uh, thanks. I've been working on it for a long time."


"I am the night!"

Harmony smiles. "A dance never hurt anyone." She says as she lets her tails sweep softly against Static's chin in a gentle caress as she moves to the dance floor with him. "I'm certainly not one to kiss and tell... so to speak." She giggles as Static joins her in a dance.

"Heh! Kissing is definitely out of the question." Static said with a grin. He then spared a glance towards Rhapsody. "Not to ruin the mood or anything, but between meeting up with her old marefriend and her two sisters getting along with ponies she...at best...tolerates...I'm somehow doubting this is such a good night for Rhapsody. You and Symphony may want to see about doing something extra nice for her later."

Amber moved warily once she spotted Rhapsody. Still as beautiful and as tough as ever, and no sign she was any a particularly good mood. Rhapsody had protected Amber, comforted her, been a dark wall of protection for her when she needed one and a warm, gentle wing around her when she needed that, too. Now she seemed like foreboding fortress. The electricity that would have hummed through Amber's heart was a cold pressure instead. And she hadn't even drawn attention to herself yet.

She adjusted her tiara one last time, reminded herself what she'd become over this time, how she had grown. Tried not to think about how centrally Rhapsody herself featured in so many of those memories.

There was still only one way to begin. She slowly stepped forward, fighting the urge to teleport away. "Um, Rhapsody?" she said. "May I speak with you?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Harmony smiles. "A dance never hurt anyone." She says as she lets her tails sweep softly against Static's chin in a gentle caress as she moves to the dance floor with him. "I'm certainly not one to kiss and tell... so to speak." She giggles as Static joins her in a dance.

"Heh! Kissing is definitely out of the question." Static said with a grin. He then spared a glance towards Rhapsody. "Not to ruin the mood or anything, but between meeting up with her old marefriend and her two sisters getting along with ponies she...at best...tolerates...I'm somehow doubting this is such a good night for Rhapsody. You and Symphony may want to see about doing something extra nice for her later."

"Oh Rhapsody's going to be fine, darling. Nightmare Night happens to be her favorite night of the year, its just tonight she's distracted with work." Harmony replies with a soft sigh before turning to look towards Static once more. "Just being here has her in a better mood then usual... I'm kinda surprised you don't see it, you work with her after all. Or maybe that's the issue? Maybe she's just 'that pony you work with'? You should give more of a chance. She cares about most of you more then I think you lot realize." Harmony says with a gentle smile, as she watches as Amber approaches her sister while she talks to the handsome pony. "You'd probably be at a loss if something happened to her... or maybe you wouldn't. Maybe you'd be glad to be rid of her, she really IS quite the hoofful; but who can say. I don't really know you or your team that well. Maybe you you try to spend all your free time with her and she dismisses you, or maybe you just give her a wide distance and actually never try." She says with a gentle shrug, her tone remaining non-committal, not accusing Static of anything after all she knows how her sister can be better the anypony. "But I think maybe that's getting to heavy for party talk..."

Amber moved warily once she spotted Rhapsody. Still as beautiful and as tough as ever, and no sign she was any a particularly good mood. Rhapsody had protected Amber, comforted her, been a dark wall of protection for her when she needed one and a warm, gentle wing around her when she needed that, too. Now she seemed like foreboding fortress. The electricity that would have hummed through Amber's heart was a cold pressure instead. And she hadn't even drawn attention to herself yet.

She adjusted her tiara one last time, reminded herself what she'd become over this time, how she had grown. Tried not to think about how centrally Rhapsody herself featured in so many of those memories.

There was still only one way to begin. She slowly stepped forward, fighting the urge to teleport away. "Um, Rhapsody?" she said. "May I speak with you?"

This was one of the few nights where Rhapsody usually was relaxed, always her favorite night of the year. The one night of the year where ponies seemed to actually enjoy the night, where ponies actually enjoyed the stores of Luna, even if they focused on her Dark side, but Luna had seemed to embrace that rather then reject it, at least for this night. So there didn't seem to be much problem in indulging in one's darkness for a night as long as everypony was having fun. Still there was things she wasn't ready for or expecting. This was one of them. A critical eye would notice a shiver going up her spin as Amber speaks to her. The black pegasus takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and steels herself.

"Oh, So you actually DO remember me?" She asks with a critical tone, trying to mask both the hurt and the glee. Amber kinda deserves it, with how she just left, and how she never wrote, and now she was here... Yet it took everything Rhapsody had to not want to hug her with all her might... considering that might just put the beige unicorn in traction if she did...

Scarlet was happy to let the music and the party mood wash over him. He kind of enjoyed simply watching the others chat and have fun, although when he saw Amber headed for Rhapsody, he turned away. That was a private thing. So he muched on his snacks and hoped things went the right way.

It was more fun watching Static struggling with Harmonys playfulness. He did catch a bit of the conversation when it turned to Rhapsody. It reminded him of how he initial view of the black pegasus had coloured his judgement. Perhaps tonight would allow him the time to fix that.

Scarlet munched his food and watched.

"Oh my gosh, this is kinda romantic right now... did you want to try leading this time, your Ladyship?" Maple asks with a sultry eyelid flutter, as she curtsies deeply -which must look dreadfully hilarious in her current outfit.

"Or we could just boooooogie" she adds, seeing how the music wasn't exactly slow dance appropriate at the moment. Certainly not for a waltz either, which would be even more appropriate for Misty's costume - and equally again less appropriate for her own.

"Vhatever you vant," Misty replies with a smile.

"is getting nibbled on out of the question?" Maple asks quietly as the move away from the table

Misty covers her mouth with a wing as she giggles. "Silly... ve're just getting started." She uncovers her mouth, showing off her fangs. "Ve'll have time for a bite later."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple's wings fluttered inside her costume ... "Oh my...very well then. but I'm going to make sure you keep your promises."

It felt like she was floating as she took Misty's hooves in hers and shimmied her way back into the center of the room where a few others were swaying slightly already with the band's playing. Maple of course never took her eyes of Misty's face.

"Oh Rhapsody's going to be fine, darling. Nightmare Night happens to be her favorite night of the year, its just tonight she's distracted with work." Harmony replies with a soft sigh before turning to look towards Static once more. "Just being here has her in a better mood then usual... I'm kinda surprised you don't see it, you work with her after all. Or maybe that's the issue? Maybe she's just 'that pony you work with'? You should give more of a chance. She cares about most of you more then I think you lot realize." Harmony says with a gentle smile, as she watches as Amber approaches her sister while she talks to the handsome pony. "You'd probably be at a loss if something happened to her... or maybe you wouldn't. Maybe you'd be glad to be rid of her, she really IS quite the hoofful; but who can say. I don't really know you or your team that well. Maybe you you try to spend all your free time with her and she dismisses you, or maybe you just give her a wide distance and actually never try." She says with a gentle shrug, her tone remaining non-committal, not accusing Static of anything after all she knows how her sister can be better the anypony. "But I think maybe that's getting to heavy for party talk..."

"I've definitely tried. Several of us have." Static said, maybe a bit more edgy than he intended. "I only recollect one of us succeeding," he motioned over to where Amber was walking up tentatively to Rhapsody. "I always knew she cared. Problem was that she never allowed us to care back." Static sighed. "But you're right. This is way too heavy for party talk."

Static looked around for a change of subject. Well, of course! Duh! It's what the entire night was about! "One thing I always did like about Rhapsody...total Lunaphile. I can relate. I can't help but think there has to be some amusing childhood stories?"

"I could never forget you, Rhapsody!" Amber blurted out. She shook her head. "I will never forget you. You changed my world. You - you weren't just strong and brilliant and beautiful and brave and surpassing all expectations in the bedroom -" Amber's eyes grew as tripped over herself with the rapid list of qualifications and shook her head to cut herself off "- You believed in me and showed me what I wanted to be. And when I was informed of my promotion - Sisters know it was easy to hang up my adventuring gear and say goodbye to Ms. Flint and Mrs. Iron and write Miss Jack about how happy I was not to be trudging through any swamps...."

Again Amber shook her head. She felt the tears that had begun to trickle down her cheeks as they spattered in her fur from the sudden motion. "And I care about you, Rhapsody, and the position was never more important to me than you, but when I realized - when I realized it was more important to me than us -"

Amber slumped. "That's when I knew. And I just couldn't face you, couldn't bear to tell you so." She lifted her head, still not meeting Rhapsody's eyes but a determination slowly building back in her voice. "I'm sorry," she said simply, and finally met Rhapsody's gaze again.

"Oh Rhapsody's going to be fine, darling. Nightmare Night happens to be her favorite night of the year, its just tonight she's distracted with work." Harmony replies with a soft sigh before turning to look towards Static once more. "Just being here has her in a better mood then usual... I'm kinda surprised you don't see it, you work with her after all. Or maybe that's the issue? Maybe she's just 'that pony you work with'? You should give more of a chance. She cares about most of you more then I think you lot realize." Harmony says with a gentle smile, as she watches as Amber approaches her sister while she talks to the handsome pony. "You'd probably be at a loss if something happened to her... or maybe you wouldn't. Maybe you'd be glad to be rid of her, she really IS quite the hoofful; but who can say. I don't really know you or your team that well. Maybe you you try to spend all your free time with her and she dismisses you, or maybe you just give her a wide distance and actually never try." She says with a gentle shrug, her tone remaining non-committal, not accusing Static of anything after all she knows how her sister can be better the anypony. "But I think maybe that's getting to heavy for party talk..."

"I've definitely tried. Several of us have." Static said, maybe a bit more edgy than he intended. "I only recollect one of us succeeding," he motioned over to where Amber was walking up tentatively to Rhapsody. "I always knew she cared. Problem was that she never allowed us to care back." Static sighed. "But you're right. This is way too heavy for party talk."

Static looked around for a change of subject. Well, of course! Duh! It's what the entire night was about! "One thing I always did like about Rhapsody...total Lunaphile. I can relate. I can't help but think there has to be some amusing childhood stories?"

Harmony smiles coyly. "Oh, I see, hoping to get some blackmail material on my sister?" She asks teasingly.

"I could never forget you, Rhapsody!" Amber blurted out. She shook her head. "I will never forget you. You changed my world. You - you weren't just strong and brilliant and beautiful and brave and surpassing all expectations in the bedroom -" Amber's eyes grew as tripped over herself with the rapid list of qualifications and shook her head to cut herself off "- You believed in me and showed me what I wanted to be. And when I was informed of my promotion - Sisters know it was easy to hang up my adventuring gear and say goodbye to Ms. Flint and Mrs. Iron and write Miss Jack about how happy I was not to be trudging through any swamps...."

Again Amber shook her head. She felt the tears that had begun to trickle down her cheeks as they spattered in her fur from the sudden motion. "And I care about you, Rhapsody, and the position was never more important to me than you, but when I realized - when I realized it was more important to me than us -"

Amber slumped. "That's when I knew. And I just couldn't face you, couldn't bear to tell you so." She lifted her head, still not meeting Rhapsody's eyes but a determination slowly building back in her voice. "I'm sorry," she said simply, and finally met Rhapsody's gaze again.

Rhapsody lets out a huff as she turns to face Amber finally. "I don't really get you or understand your reasoning. How can you feel it was more important then me, yes more important then us? Unless you're saying you doubted yourself." She asks directly. "So you decided rather then try to talk it out, you leave me without saying a word, leave and can't bother to write me, but can write Maple? Or is running just all you're good at now? I could have supported you, I could have found other ways to help you. Buck, Static's dating a fish, and they make that work! Surely we could have found a way."

"Blackmail! I would never!" Static says in a mock offended tone. "I just want to mercilessly embarrass and annoy her," he adds with a devilish grin.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet opened his mouth, then thought better of it and merely smirked. Then he remembered Symphony and Black Night Cap.

Harmony smiles. "A dance never hurt anyone." She says as she lets her tails sweep softly against Static's chin in a gentle caress as she moves to the dance floor with him. "I'm certainly not one to kiss and tell... so to speak." She giggles as Static joins her in a dance.


Meanwhile on the other side of the Ballroom, Rhapsody has successfully managed to ignore Black Night Cap. She was much more monochrome then she preferred to be, least the shirt added a splash of color. The costumes were Symphony's idea and she wasn't gonna turn down one of her sister's when they're so passionate about an idea. Tonight was a big important night, and she wasn't going let anything ruin that if she could help it which seems to involve her almost divorcing herself from the party festivities as she always seems to do, being more concerned about the job and others before her own personal needs, so it was easy for Amber to find her, alone away from the crowd... The strong, tall, dark mare with an imposing figure, even more so in the semi-formal costume she wore. This wasn't likely to be easy for either of them...


Symphony smiles as Amber heads off to speak to Rhapsody and watches as Static tries to keep his cool around Harmony, she always seemed to know how to get what she wants. She trots over to Static and Night Cap. "Hi... So... You both have rather... um... interesting Costumes." She smiles softly, still seeming to have some issue speaking to 'groups' or ponies.

Scarlet smiled.

”Evening Symphony... Sorry about that i was, kind of fascinated by how your sister is weaving around Static.


Anyway, uh, well.
he shrugged.

”My parents dropped in as a surprise, Mom saw the letter and, well... Decided she wanted me to wear something ‘special’. So, here i am as... as... Captain Scarlet!”

This time his awkwardness couldn’t quite cover his foallike joy at being dressed up to the nines. Despite his best efforts to hide it and remain calm. Looking at Black Night Cap brought a grin back to his face.

”Hero in the Shadows, eh Night Cap.”

Amber shook her head slowly, then arched back, drawing up her resolve. "You're certainly right about one thing, Rhapsody," said Amber. "I've run away quite enough. And it was selfish of me. If I could face Barometz, surely I could have faced you." She took another step toward Rhapsody. "I can't ask you to ever forgive me or think of me as a friend."

"I hope someday you'll find somepony as unselfish as you, Rhapsody,"
she said, beginning to turn to walk away and fighting not to let herself cry again.

That is so cute.

"Uh, thanks. I've been working on it for a long time."


"I am the night!"

Scarlet opened his mouth, then thought better of it and merely smirked. Then he remembered Symphony and Black Night Cap.

Harmony smiles. "A dance never hurt anyone." She says as she lets her tails sweep softly against Static's chin in a gentle caress as she moves to the dance floor with him. "I'm certainly not one to kiss and tell... so to speak." She giggles as Static joins her in a dance.


Meanwhile on the other side of the Ballroom, Rhapsody has successfully managed to ignore Black Night Cap. She was much more monochrome then she preferred to be, least the shirt added a splash of color. The costumes were Symphony's idea and she wasn't gonna turn down one of her sister's when they're so passionate about an idea. Tonight was a big important night, and she wasn't going let anything ruin that if she could help it which seems to involve her almost divorcing herself from the party festivities as she always seems to do, being more concerned about the job and others before her own personal needs, so it was easy for Amber to find her, alone away from the crowd... The strong, tall, dark mare with an imposing figure, even more so in the semi-formal costume she wore. This wasn't likely to be easy for either of them...


Symphony smiles as Amber heads off to speak to Rhapsody and watches as Static tries to keep his cool around Harmony, she always seemed to know how to get what she wants. She trots over to Static and Night Cap. "Hi... So... You both have rather... um... interesting Costumes." She smiles softly, still seeming to have some issue speaking to 'groups' or ponies.

Scarlet smiled.

”Evening Symphony... Sorry about that i was, kind of fascinated by how your sister is weaving around Static.


Anyway, uh, well.
he shrugged.

”My parents dropped in as a surprise, Mom saw the letter and, well... Decided she wanted me to wear something ‘special’. So, here i am as... as... Captain Scarlet!”

This time his awkwardness couldn’t quite cover his foallike joy at being dressed up to the nines. Despite his best efforts to hide it and remain calm. Looking at Black Night Cap brought a grin back to his face.

”Hero in the Shadows, eh Night Cap.”

Symphony nods and giggles softly at the comment about her sister. "Ah yes, Harmony's always had a... way with stallions." She says with a slight blush. "It always seems like she always knows the... uh... right words to influence others... I've never been good at talking to other myself..." It seems like both Rhapsody and Symphony might be mildly jealous of Harmony for different reasons.

Thought what little jealousy she might have disappears near instantly as Scarlet explains his outfit. "Well... It... uh.. certainly shows..." Symphony giggles softly as she looks to Scarlet. "You're just might be... well... the fanciest one here..." She says and then turns her attention to Black Night Cap. "Certainly an interesting look... so.. I guess there must be a story to it if you've um... been working on it so long?"

Amber shook her head slowly, then arched back, drawing up her resolve. "You're certainly right about one thing, Rhapsody," said Amber. "I've run away quite enough. And it was selfish of me. If I could face Barometz, surely I could have faced you." She took another step toward Rhapsody. "I can't ask you to ever forgive me or think of me as a friend."

"I hope someday you'll find somepony as unselfish as you, Rhapsody,"
she said, beginning to turn to walk away and fighting not to let herself cry again.

"Blackmail! I would never!" Static says in a mock offended tone. "I just want to mercilessly embarrass and annoy her," he adds with a devilish grin.

"Ah, yes. I certainly understand the difference there." Harmony replies with a sly grin... "Well, I guess I could tell you about this one time..."

Before Harmony can say anymore, all the lights in the ballroom suddenly flicker out from an ill wind. An ominous chuckle can he heard as the holes in the mask glow faintly. In the near pitch blackness, there is movement as the Masque expands its influence finding the right mind to cause the havoc it needs, there was one thing it needed before it could gain full power, and it intended to get it... one way or another.

"Quickly, get the lights back on!" Swift Tart commands to the unicorn staff as a figure shambles its way towards the moping Amber as she starts to walk away from her once lover. "AMBER!" Rhapsody shouts, seeing the motion of the shambling pony and something gleaming in the pony's mouth in the faint moonlight, and acts fast taking wings and shoves Amber out of the way before crying out and falling to the ground with a loud thwump.

The candle lights all slowly flicker back on as the mystery pony darts off, revealing what has happened. Rhapsody lays there with a knife piercing the side of the black and white suit she was wearing, now stained with blood as it pools on the ground beneath her. She huffs and coughs as she looks up wo Amber with a weak smile,

I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

When the day has come
But I've lost my way around
And the seasons stop and hide beneath the ground
When the sky turns gray
And everything is screaming
I will reach inside
Just to find my heart is beating

You tell me to hold on
Oh you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong

'Cause I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

When the hour is nigh
And hopelessness is sinking in
And the wolves all cry
To feel they're not worth hollering
When your eyes are red
And emptiness is all you know
With the darkness fed
I will be your scarecrow

You tell me to hold on
Oh you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong

'Cause I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

I'm bleeding out for you (for you)
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)
I'm bleeding out for you

'Cause I'm bleeding out
Said if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bear my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out
I'm bleeding out for you (for you)

And with that her eyes flutter close...

And welcome to the first half of the end of the prologue... After all it wouldn't be a murder mystery haunted mansion, without somepony dying would it? The second half will fully introduce our villain for the evening, once everyone's had a chance to react.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Certainly an interesting look... so.. I guess there must be a story to it if you've um... been working on it so long?"

"Yeah. I met a pony dressed like this around the time I settled into Caballuston and I've been trying to track her ever since. There's something I really want to talk with her about, and it'll just kill me if I never get to-"

**stuff happens**

At first there's nothing Black Night Cap can say. It hits like a kick to the gut, and he can't quite suck enough air back in to make a proper sound. His lungs freeze, refusing the order to expand.

With what little air he has, he whimpers.

"S... Socks?"

Amber was stock-still but for her stunned breathing, staring. "Rhapsody," she said weakly, as the big pegasus closed her eyes.

Something clicked into place, the sound came back, Amber could feel her hooves on the ground again. With her magic, she lifted a flap of her toga to wipe over her cheek, then unfastened it and cast it and the annoying tiara aside. Read the situation, Amber thought. Maple had medical training, she remembered.

"MISS JACK!" she shouted, rearing up and leaning from side to side to locate the Changeling in the crowd. The aura around her horn pulsed and sparked as she reached out to the little pegasus, expecting to see her materialize at Rhapsody's side.

"Where did that monster go?!" she demanded of the crowd, horn pulsing again as she bolted away.

Wink (Teleportation) (3) – 6/Day [Created By Philadelphus]
Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
You or target willing ally can teleport to a location up to 30 feet away from the target of this power’s starting location. You must be able to clearly see both the ending location and, if using this target on an ally, the ally in question. You may expend additional uses of this power to increase this range by 30 feet per use, or expend a Magic Point to double the range of this power to 60 feet for the next five minutes.
However many uses is equivalent to Maple's distance from Amber but I'd guess about two?

Static's eyes widen. "Rhapsody!" He runs over to look her over. "Ohbuckohbuckohbuckohbuck! Hold on, Rhapsody! Maple, over here, quick" He looks over to see Night Cap standing still and muttering "socks." "You too, Night. Snap out of it. She's in bad shape. She needs both of you.

"C'mon, Rhapsody! You're too stubborn for this. Don't you dare die on me!"

Emergency Treatment (0) – At Will [GM Created]

Make a Heal check and remove Fatal Damage equal to the following results:
DC 15 = Remove 5 Fatal Damage
DC 25 = Remove 10 Fatal Damage
DC 30 = Remove 15 Fatal Damage
DC 35 = Remove 20 Fatal Damage
DC 40 = Remove 25 Fatal Damage
DC 60 = Remove 50 Fatal Damage

Doctor's Hooves (3) – 1/Day [GM Created]
Prerequisite: Emergency Treatment
Gain a +15 bonus to an Emergency Treatment skill check.

Heal: =[d20]+8+15=34
Rhapsody loses 15 FD

Maple suddenly wasn't dancing- instead, she was kneeling over Rhapsody trying not to be teleportation sick all over the wound. Fortunately, training is training and in emergencies even more so.

"I've done what I can. Mr. Night Cap, I need you over here!"

Maple's costume was getting in the way, she couldn't find a pulse, so the costume had to go.

Black Night Cap snaps out of it and runs over to help. There's a problem though.

I only know basic first aid. o_O

Indeed he recalls nothing from his training about how to put all of the blood back into a pony. All he can do is try to stall for time and hope for intervention.

We're obviously unlikely to succeed here, but in a Disney movie this would totally work.

Emergency Treatment

Roll(1d20)+20 (5+15)

DC 35 = Remove 20 Fatal Damage



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple leaned in close, Night Cap might have been able to hear her... but that wasn't important.

"Rhapsody... I don't know if we can do much more...I think help is on the way, but... I can help you in another way if you let me... I can help you forget what happened with Amber if you want."

As Night Cap and Maplejack attended to Rhapsody, Amber darted around the room, looking for any sign of where the attacker might have gone, which exit he or she might have taken while the lights were out.

Perception: 1D20+7 => (3 + 7) = 10

Oh hug me

As Night Cap and Maplejack attended to Rhapsody, Amber darted around the room, looking for any sign of where the attacker might have gone, which exit he or she might have taken while the lights were out.

Perception: 1D20+7 => (3 + 7) = 10

Oh hug me

Amber couldn't find any trace of the attacker as if they'd simply vanished into thin air; though at a party like this, it was easy for a pony to blend with minimal effort.

Other responses will wait for later, but this one I felt needed addressing the most atm.

In the moments of confusion, Misty, trying her best not to lose her wits, focuses on what she was able to see during the moments of darkness...

Making use of the following abilities:

Eagle Eye (1)
You take no penalties to your Perception checks from weather or atmospheric conditions such as smoke, fog, rain, etc. You can also clearly see small objects and fine details up to a mile away.

Nightwatch (2)
You can see in the dark, and suffer no penalties to Perception checks in non-magical darkness.

And adding a Perception check:

Scarlet feels a slight blush coming on himself at Symphonys words.


It all goes dark, except for the faint glowing Masque.

” ...you?”

Then the light return and...

For a half a second, Scarlet stared open-mouthed as shock ran through his body. Only to be washed away by a surge of anger.


Leaping into the air so he could hover over the paniced ponies, Scarlet stared around frantically. Despite his horror at what lay below him, there was still a part of his mind. A psrt his father had worked hard to ensure his son had. That could detach from the situation and focus.

Was this just some random act of malice?
A part of the nights performances gone horribly wrong?
Some sick joke being played because of the ‘Cursed Masque’?

Or was Swiftys ‘silly’ Legend of the Masque and the Blood Plague. Suddenly mot so silly anymore.

All questions to point out to his friends later. First, Scarlet scanned for any sign of the mystery attacker.

Perception check

Wow! Nat 20!



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Seeing no sign of where the attacker may have gone, Amber dodged stunned partygoers to skid to a stop near Night Cap, Maple, Static, and the bandaged lump of Rhapsody. "I couldn't see anything," she rasped between breaths, locked in a wide-eyed stare at Rhapsody. "We have to split up. We must find them. We must stop them."

"And search where?" Static asked, turning a sharp look at Amber. "Everypony in this room in in a state of panic. It won't do us any good to add to it.

"If the culprit's already disappeared from the room and nopony has any idea which way they went, the best thing to do is get everypony calmed down, see what can be done for Rhapsody...then we can form a plan for finding who's responsible."

Maple starts ripping parts of her costume off... using the materials to form a makeshift compress ..well it looked like a corset... to hold Rhapsody together and stop any more blood loss.

Not sure if this will be as good as I want it to be, as RL has been dedicated to killing my creativity and desire to do anything this morning



The sisters cry out in unison as the lights come back on and reveal what has happened. Though its Symphony that seems to get hit the hardest. As the Members of STOMP rush off to either try and help Rhapsody, or find the one that did it... Symphony just... runs off, darting through the ballroom and out into the mansion. Before anyone can follow her, and ill wind blows through the ball room and the doors slam shut.

"What the Buck just happened?" Harmony demands ans she goes over to the team, she looks over to Amber. "This is YOUR fault, Isn't it? You we're the one talking to her!" She growls.

Static's eyes widen. "Rhapsody!" He runs over to look her over. "Ohbuckohbuckohbuckohbuck! Hold on, Rhapsody! Maple, over here, quick" He looks over to see Night Cap standing still and muttering "socks." "You too, Night. Snap out of it. She's in bad shape. She needs both of you.

"C'mon, Rhapsody! You're too stubborn for this. Don't you dare die on me!"

Black Night Cap snaps out of it and runs over to help. There's a problem though.

I only know basic first aid. o_O

Indeed he recalls nothing from his training about how to put all of the blood back into a pony. All he can do is try to stall for time and hope for intervention.

We're obviously unlikely to succeed here, but in a Disney movie this would totally work.

Emergency Treatment

Roll(1d20)+20 (5+15)

DC 35 = Remove 20 Fatal Damage

Maple leaned in close, Night Cap might have been able to hear her... but that wasn't important.

"Rhapsody... I don't know if we can do much more...I think help is on the way, but... I can help you in another way if you let me... I can help you forget what happened with Amber if you want."

As Harmony goes about accusing Amber Rhapsody huffs... well its more of a cough, a spittle of blood landing on the floor. "Stubborn doesn't stop death..." She says weakly before looking over to Maple. "No, I'd rather keep my memories the good and the bad, they are what make us who we were. Tell the ill deeds with good, let them be judge accordingly..."

Maple starts ripping parts of her costume off... using the materials to form a makeshift compress ..well it looked like a corset... to hold Rhapsody together and stop any more blood loss.

In the moments of confusion, Misty, trying her best not to lose her wits, focuses on what she was able to see during the moments of darkness...

Making use of the following abilities:

Eagle Eye (1)
You take no penalties to your Perception checks from weather or atmospheric conditions such as smoke, fog, rain, etc. You can also clearly see small objects and fine details up to a mile away.

Nightwatch (2)
You can see in the dark, and suffer no penalties to Perception checks in non-magical darkness.

And adding a Perception check:

Scarlet feels a slight blush coming on himself at Symphonys words.


It all goes dark, except for the faint glowing Masque.

” ...you?”

Then the light return and...

For a half a second, Scarlet stared open-mouthed as shock ran through his body. Only to be washed away by a surge of anger.


Leaping into the air so he could hover over the paniced ponies, Scarlet stared around frantically. Despite his horror at what lay below him, there was still a part of his mind. A psrt his father had worked hard to ensure his son had. That could detach from the situation and focus.

Was this just some random act of malice?
A part of the nights performances gone horribly wrong?
Some sick joke being played because of the ‘Cursed Masque’?

Or was Swiftys ‘silly’ Legend of the Masque and the Blood Plague. Suddenly mot so silly anymore.

All questions to point out to his friends later. First, Scarlet scanned for any sign of the mystery attacker.

Perception check

Wow! Nat 20!

Seeing no sign of where the attacker may have gone, Amber dodged stunned partygoers to skid to a stop near Night Cap, Maple, Static, and the bandaged lump of Rhapsody. "I couldn't see anything," she rasped between breaths, locked in a wide-eyed stare at Rhapsody. "We have to split up. We must find them. We must stop them."

"And search where?" Static asked, turning a sharp look at Amber. "Everypony in this room in in a state of panic. It won't do us any good to add to it.

"If the culprit's already disappeared from the room and nopony has any idea which way they went, the best thing to do is get everypony calmed down, see what can be done for Rhapsody...then we can form a plan for finding who's responsible."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As the ballroom doors Slam shut, that ominous laugh is heard again, but this time a voice accompanies it. "ITS SHOWTIME!" A deathly voice cries out as the glass box containing the mask shatters, glass shards flying across the stage. It seems that Scarlet's ponderings we're getting answered sooner then later as the mask starts to float up. "Heh heh heh... Even after all this time... Ponies are so fragile...and death... Death remains so powerful. And thanks to one of you, death has allowed me freedom... heh heh heh" A voice seems to come from the mask as it twitches slightly with each word it seems to speak. "And now, you've even provided me with a lovely body to take... heh heh heh..." The mask the zooms towards Rhapsody's dying body and before any pony can react, latches to her face.


A firey red aura surrounds the dark mares body as she lifts up of the floor slowly. as a transformation occurs, the black and white suit becoming totally black as strange bone-like armor forms around her joints and hooves, being the same rusty blood red that the mask itself is. With a flicker her mane and tail ignite into flames the flicker and dance as eyes look out. "Well... this is strange..." The voice is Rhapsody's and yet isn't, and each of the mask's twisted voice behind it. "Seems I might have a new lease on life... or maybe after-life?" She says and rotates her neck an almost sickening popping of her joints is heard. "Such.. freedom..." She says with a giggle that seems creepy coming from Rhapsody. "It was so weary being the hero... trying to protect you all, and never being shown any real respect or adulation for my efforts. No, That buck up messes everything up, and you all LOVE him for it," She says pointing to Night Cap "I try and protect you all and all I ever got was fights and arguments and accusations. I certainly don't need your pity or your weak attempts to console your guilt by trying to fake being broken up by my death... I tried so hard to be the hero, the savior... Well, Not ANY MORE!" She yells and rears up spreading those fierce new wings of hers.

"I'm not the damsel in distress" She says looking to Static, Night Cap, and Maple.
"I'm not your girlfriend" She says with the attention turned to Amber.
"Or the frightened princess"
The mare turns to look at the right with a sickly sweet smile.
I'm not a little bird
Who needs your help to fly
Nope, I'm the bad guy!

She lashes out with her power, and its now that you seem that there are many more bodies on the floor, including the band on stange that wasn't able to get out of the way of the glass. From those bodies spirits seem to rise up and look to Rhapsody for command.

All these former ponies that you see
Each of them, with shaking knees
Has knelt before me
"So I'm not your teammate"
She says turning her attention to STOMP
"Or your partner in crime"
Before focusing it soley on Night Cap.
What am I mares?

(She's the bad guy)

Rhapsody raises a hoof and from it shoows a firey tendril that grabs a random member of the staff, watchign that they fade ways leaking only their clothes behind that the lets drop to the floor.

Oh it's magic
To watch a pony
Shrivel up and die
Oh it's thrilling
To be a villain
I destroy their hopes
And then I watch them cry
'Cause I'm the Bad Guy

She puases for a moment and looks to the STOMp team again, for a second it seems like the Rhapsody they might know might still be in there.

I'm not the Bad Guy
I'm just a bit surprising
It's not worth losing sleep
It's not worth analyzing
The was a time before
Not so long ago
I was just like you
Can you hear my call?

Though whatever lapse she seems to have passes as that firey passion returns to her voice.

Oh ain't it fantastic?
"I see something I blast it!"
She says shoots a fireball at another staff member that falls to the ground.
And let me tell you why
I always had a weakness
For barrenness and bleakness
I crush all your hopes
And then I watch you cry

Though once more her attention comes to her former teammates. She lashes out and grabs Static and Night Cap with her firey tendril and draws them closer as they start into the skull-ish fate of their previous comrade

See I find this business rather fun!
I don't want your assistance
Or your adulation
I'll vaporize your homes
And bid you bye-bye
Come on guess!

('Cuz, you're the bad guy?)

Well... mare.

"Rhapsody... that name is so... meaningless now. From now on, I'm Rasophae. And you will all be joining me on the other side, then maybe you all will finally see thigns my way!"
She cackles.

Though the pair is saved by a very unlikely hero. Keeping his head down and moving quickly, Swift Tart lights a candle different from the rest, and a strange golden glow bathes the ballroom with a calming light. The spirits all flee from this strange source of light and even Rasophae drops Static and Night cap, hissing at the piebald pony and retreating into the mansion with a red puff of smoke.

"Quickly, everypony over here..." Swift Tart says waving them over. "It is a good thing that, my mistress is always prepared... She might have doubted the Mask's abilities, but that didn't mean she was foolish..." They explain and points out a set of four orbs around the room that the light seems to halt at. "This is a sanctuary spell, she found it in a scroll that was with these..." The pony says and opens a chest that is just off stage revealing six round golden talismans. "These are apparently created by the Wizard that defeated Facilier a thousand years ago... IF there is any truth to those legends... and it looks like there might just be... these should provide some protection again the mask's power." They state and hands one Amulet out to each of the STOMP members. "There are only those six... Anyone else will be helpless out there without their protection... So I and the survivors need to stay here where this feild can protect us."

"Buck that. Someone here killed my Sister, and I'm not staying with them. I'm gonna find whoever did it and they'll pay." Harmony states. "Not to mention my other sister is out there somewhere, and this blasted field of yours has ensured that she's gonna be at that... thing's mercies!"

"Now now, Please do calm down. There is not much we can do. These ponies were chosen specifically for this task, it is what they are good at. We need to trust in them for now." Swifty says with a sigh and shakes there head. "There MIGHT be a way to fix all this... Might..." They says and show the scroll to STOMP, its old and falling apart and some text is ruin and nearly illegible. "There is mention of a counter spell... a way to break the mask... but... I don't know what or how... The Mistress does... but she's not here to help us.... I do know that she choose this location specifically because it is rumored to be where the mask was originally created... so maybe you can find info about it somewhere and maybe we can still save some lives tonight..."

And now the game begins in full...


Spooktacular Special v8.jpg

Rasophae's song, in three diffrent flavors!:


Cover, where Rhapsody's verse comes from:

And pony, cuase why not?



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber stepped up to Night Cap and Static and looked them over to reassure herself they were alright. She drew in a long breath and half-turned to look sidelong in Harmony's direction, sounding more tired than apologetic. "Yes, this situation is, in fact, my fault." She stared in the direction that "Rasophae" had disappeared. "But at least having one of our friends possessed by an ancient, banished evil and holding ponies hostage while singing about it is something I've had some experience with," she added, to nopony in particular.

She turned around and addressed Swift Tart. "Do you have anything like a map of the mansion?" she said, drawing out her notebook again and motioning to her former teammates. "If there's something here that will banish the mask, we'll need a plan." She raised a hoof to wave Night Cap in particular into the conversation.

Misty, at this point, has completely lost her wits and is currently shivering under Night Cap's Black Night costume's cape.

"G-G-G-G-Ghost R-R-Rhapsody..."

Maple Scoots in beside Misty and puts her wings to either side of her face... giving them a little privacy as best she could.

"It's going to be okay Misty, when we get her back, just think about how happy she's going to be to have had something so similar to Luna happen to her too."

Amber stepped up to Night Cap and Static and looked them over to reassure herself they were alright. She drew in a long breath and half-turned to look sidelong in Harmony's direction, sounding more tired than apologetic. "Yes, this situation is, in fact, my fault." She stared in the direction that "Rasophae" had disappeared. "But at least having one of our friends possessed by an ancient, banished evil and holding ponies hostage while singing about it is something I've had some experience with," she added, to nopony in particular.

She turned around and addressed Swift Tart. "Do you have anything like a map of the mansion?" she said, drawing out her notebook again and motioning to her former teammates. "If there's something here that will banish the mask, we'll need a plan." She raised a hoof to wave Night Cap in particular into the conversation.

Harmony huffs as she glares softly at Amber. "You're just as bad as the killer. Or maybe you are the killer. Maybe Rhapsody crying out your name is because she seen the knife right before you stabbed her!" The white mare says, being far from rational at this moment.

Swift Tart rolls his eyes slightly at Harmony. "Now is no time for baseless accusations, Plenty of time for that later!" They say with a sly grin before turning to Amber. "Oh yes, of course, we do have one map of this floor of the house. The other floors are inaccessible, as they've not been cleaned up and we've blocked off access to them." The piebald stats and hands over a map to Amber.

Maple Scoots in beside Misty and puts her wings to either side of her face... giving them a little privacy as best she could.

"It's going to be okay Misty, when we get her back, just think about how happy she's going to be to have had something so similar to Luna happen to her too."

Swifty perks an ear at Maple and looks to her. "You do realize that even without being possessed, she's still suffering from a fatal wound, yes? The only way she's 'alive' right now is because of that mask's powers. She's probably not going to be anything when this is over."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple's head rounds on Swifty in an almost unnatural manner. "Well, that's certainly an opinion you have there."

I want a refund for that first aid class.

"She's probably not going to be anything when this is over."

"Not with that attitude."

Black Night Cap shakes off the shock. Maybe it's just impossible to not feel heroic in a cape, especially with someone cowering underneath its protection, but he suddenly feels filled with determination.

He takes a look at the map.

"I suggest we be organized about this and not scatter aimlessly. Half of us go left, half of us go right. We meet back up by the foyer."

Amber tried to ignore Harmony; she smiled weakly and thanked Mr. - ah, - Ms. - oh, really! - Tart for their help, first with Harmony and then with the map. She unfolded some leaves from her notebook and began to copy the map out in sextuple, making quick if (it pained her) far from clean work of it.

"That may be, Mwumumble Tart, but we must try. Rhapsody is still in there - I don't mean we should attempt to reason with her, that never works -" she thought of all the cases of mind control she'd encountered, or for that matter, cases of reasoning with Rhapsody - "but the mask is keeping her alive in some form and we must try everything we can to turn her back."

She nodded at Night Cap's plan. "You are the expert, Mr. Cap," she said with sincere deference. She would have preferred to stay all together, but Mr. Cap's plan meant that they may find whatever they needed sooner, and be able to put an end to all of this.

"Do you feel up to it Misty?" we can stay here... or move into the hallway and help coordinate the groups."


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