IDW G5 Set Your Sail #3


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Previously, on My Little Pony...

Seven Seas for Seven Treasures for Seven Chosen Ones to find over the course of Seven Days! Afterward, they'll go celebrate at Seven Restaurants and order Seven Desserts, which will each cost Seven Dollars! And they'll split the check Seven Ways!

The magical world of Equestria is being devoured by Unfriendly Seas. Only Izzy, a young artist, can stop it by finding the Seven Anchors of the Seven Seas. At her side are a unlikely but loyal crew of misfits. At her back, the misguided Queen Calla Lily who will stop at nothing to get the treasures for herself. It's HIGH ADVENTURE with...

So how is it?

Oh, it's good. This is rapidly becoming my favorite of the G5 comics.

Things are really heating up under the sea now! This issue has some world-shaking consequences, which I didn't expect. The dialogue is witty. The situation is complex. The characters are deeper than you would expect from a comic like this. There's actual political and magical intrigue here. Top Tier stuff.

And the art's still great. You all know how much I love this artist for G5 comics. This is still knocking it out of the park.

If you're bothering to read this review, you should be picking this up. It's great stuff. Highest possible recommendation.

Even under the seas, Pipp keeps running into fangirls.

Antentacles. I'm not sure if I love or hate that name. Also, Izzy WILL let a jellyfish glomp onto her face, gladly. "They're such babies!!! Hi, babies!"

Ah, and we find out the name of the Shadow Sea's Anchor, the Shadow Pearl. Methinks someone's referencing Pirate of the Caribbean's Black Pearl, as is fitting. Oh, it's good to have LORE again.

Also, something is "corrupting" Creeping Jenny's books. That's a interesting potentially magical problem.

"Pipp, everyone knows that REAL pirates all lose their treasure at least once" She has a point. Pirates are TERRIBLE with directions. Why do you think they make maps of everything?

Okay, so apparently finding all the Seven Anchors won't save the will cause a worldwide flood that will drown the land-dwellers. The stakes have been raised! Also, they seem to be on the same wavelength as recent chapters of One Piece, which I appreciate.

"That's NOTHING like the Unity Crystals!" "Yeah. That's the DISUNITY Crystals." Well, at least these crystals don't judge you if you've had a bad day. These crystals don't force you to make friends against your will or consume you in a black hole. I think I'd still take these crystals over the Unity Crystals, myself.

No matter the world. Under or over the oceans. Coffee is forever.

Zipp is exposing AI art to solve a mystery! How topical.

Creeping Jenny is a squid. Okay. I guess it sorta makes sense for a squid to be a writer. Because of the ink, you see. She's actually able to use her ink to make something like shadow puppets which is kind of a neat idea.

"G L U B" Izzy fangirling over her favorite writer is fun.

So, it's just volume 4 that's fake. Yeah, that's probably Calla Lily's doing.

And we see Calla Lily use her sand-illusion-magic to try and "restore" her crumbling castle. Poorly. She's just not a artist. I wonder who could possibly help her with that? *Looks over at Izzy*

Zipp gets locked in her room for accusing the Queen, and her sister Anemone finally turns against her. I do like that Zipp was THIS close to just throwing a chair through her window to escape...only for Anemone to do it anyway.

"Long ago the seas were full of wonder and hope, hope and...Wonder and hope, hope and...Hope and..." Okaay....Queen Calla Lily might not be in her right mind, right now. It's a very PG mental breakdown, but I appreciate even attempting something like this in this kind of comic.

Okay, the derpy seapony guard is kind of a memorable design. Derpy must visited here on one of her mail runs WAY back in the day.

"Hey, watch it! I'm swimming here!" New Jersey finally disappeared under the ocean. And it didn't stop them. Nothing could.

Anemone has a realization that they could be the baddies.

And Izzy and Pipp do a pirate radio broadcast to try to give a message to the entire undersea world, saying that the Trenchponies aren't the real baddies. Again, more recent One Piece parallels.

,,,Which causes Queen Calla Lily to spiral and grow even more desperate. Izzy and Pipp just made things worse. Because she's now desperate enough to try and make a fake Shadow Pearl out of her illusion magic, thus completing her collection. And causing a earthquake that rocks the entire world. Even back at Zephyr Heights.

"We will rebuild" *One stool is tipped over* Heh.

But, now it's time to call in the cavalry. The rest of the Manes are becoming seaponies too, to find out what's going on with Izzy, Pipp, and Zipp.

Also, they're having WAY too much fun with the fish-puns in the letters column.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

References were on point in this issue.

Forget G5. This arc is some of IDW's strongest MLP work period. And coming so soon after the Milkway arc, it feels like they've really found their footing. I hope they can somehow pull out of their death spiral because I want this run to continue.

The AI thing sure is topical, and impressively seamless. It doesn't feel like an intrusion into this universe. It fits the story they're doing here, and it lets Zipp do her thing.

I am still getting major G1 vibes (and that's a good thing!) from they way this story appears to be going. I don't feel like I can rule out another twist, but we'll see.

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