Making a Top Trumps card set


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I am in the early stages of trying to put together an unofficial Top Trumps-style set of cards for Haywire3.
(Top Trumps, if you haven't heard of them, are sets of themed cards with various numerical values on them that you play by comparing a particular value on each players cards). These will probably have various characters from Pokemon, Kaiju, Mecha, maybe even some Scooby Doo and Paw Patrol.

What I'm wondering is, is there a good formula to generate numbers for cards like that? Unlike a typical Top Trumps set, I am not planning to use actual stats, just a set of colors and numbers (like "red 5", "yellow 10", or "blue 7", etc), with the idea of adding a corresponding game board later on. I know what characters are his favorites, so I'd like to weight those a little, but don't want to make them invincible. Probably have 4 or 5 colors to generate numbers values for.

Anyone do this kind of thing before, or have any suggestions?

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