Of sleeves and instruction sheets.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Couldn't find an appropriate thread, so I just... yeah.

So I've been working on keeping my instruction sheets sorted, organized and protected over the last few years. Some of y'all might remember I had another thread about this a ways back. Well, because of a garage sale we had, I wound up cleaning out an old DVD binder... and that's it. That's the ultimate solution. DVD protector sheets.

Soft textured backs holds onto even glossy printed sheets, there's enough depth to the pocket that unless you're trying to fold a titan instruction sheet in there, you can generally fit two with enough tension they can't just flop out on their own. And I resorted beast wars, prime, animated, and various stages of generations... and they all fit. Either upright or sideways, they all fit. So yeah, that's my solution from now on.


Staff member
Council of Elders
This sounds like a neat idea, if only because the spine is already wide. I've been making do with clearbooks for years, and they get filled up immediately. Impossible to stack.


Wondering bot
I put the instructions into a storage box, thou I need to get another box and seperate TF from lego instructions as the box is overflowing

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
And there we go. I spent the last hour removing, re-sorting, and replacing all my sheets going all the way to beast wars. All of my oldest series aren't broken up like more recent instruction sheets are. I wish they would standardize the size for the instructions sheets, but three binders are now down to two, with room to spare. Plus the DVD binder has a zipper on it, so all the oldest stuff is protected.

Welp, what's the next project?

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