UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
"Pick a fight with DAVID TENNANT" doesn't exactly seem like a winning strategy...

Well, it worked for David Camero-- er, I mean, "Harold Saxon"....


jumbled pile of person
Still impressive that a political figure who's never been the head of state can quit his party, run as an independent, and still poll second behind the party he left. Both for him and for the system, really. Imagine that happening in the US literally ever.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Still impressive that a political figure who's never been the head of state can quit his party, run as an independent, and still poll second behind the party he left. Both for him and for the system, really. Imagine that happening in the US literally ever.
Guess it shows that people just automatically vote by the party logo on the ballot, not the name next to it?

Apparently Corbyn for all his many faults is meant to be a good constituency MP (as in, he lives in the constituency, actually turns up and listens to locals) so I’m surprised that he’s failing in the polls. Maybe his recent apologism for the Russian invasion of Ukraine is offputting to his constituents?

Anonymous X

Well-known member
LOL, Frogface Farage is going in a strop and won’t appear on BBC television because they didn’t give him preferential enough treatment for his tastes. Someone who owes his entire career to the BBC’s politics department giving his fringe party more coverage than by rights they ever deserved.


jumbled pile of person
Unfortunately, one thing I do know about UK politics is that the BBC license fee is just about one of the most universally hated policies in the entire country. I can't think of a better way for a candidate to get support than to announce that you plan to get rid of it.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Unfortunately, one thing I do know about UK politics is that the BBC license fee is just about one of the most universally hated policies in the entire country.
I’ve watched American broadcast television. The licence fee is better than the alternative.

Do remember that the commercial media absolutely guns for the BBC constantly due to its public broadcaster status. And the cuts to the BBC over the last 14 years have sapped its popularity – unfortunately it doesn’t produce anywhere the quality or quantity of programming as they did just a decade ago. (Unfortunately I’m doubtful of the incoming government improving matters.)

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