Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
He AWESOME, handled much better than the G2 desgin, not sure what they were thinking desgining those shoulders, it was a unnessary change, Armada Prime is one of the best mainline OPs to date, the person desgining him stayed true to the original cab look but also improved upon some of the joint movements, thou I wish they had used the Jetfire hand gimmick for the Super mode robot!

grumble grumble

*adds armada prime to must have list*

Edit: WHOA! 136, yeah that's an "After christmas" purchase.


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
My haul from today's Apple and Pork Festival:


Not pictured is a M.A.S.K. Switchblade (minus the blades, but otherwise in good shape).

Odd mishmash of stuff.

Sharkticon (can never have too many),
Old Tomica car that is only 1 number away from being a Hot Wheels Jazz,
Old Comandron Magna jet (still walks and rolls)
An ink pen that turns into a jet,
Converters Wagon,
Some kind of knock-off Shogun Warrior,

and my personal favorite, this thing:

He's so amazingly terrible. That head. That torso. It's all just so, so bad. And I love him for it.


The shoulders start about 3 feet behind his head.


His jet mode seems better at first. Heck, it even has landing gear.

Of course, the back landing gear and front landing gear are at wildly different heights, giving him a Carolina Squat look.


Kid: Mom, can you buy me a Starscream?
Mom: We have Starscream at home!


Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
That poor ketchup-and-mustard Getter Dragon, missing most of its crown and either missing its wings and shoulderpads, or possibly not even designed to have them.

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Boooo. ;p

Admittedly I always supercede the 90s Armageddon design in my head, which has the shoulder pads and wing bits much more prominent, I forget they're much smaller on the version this would be drawing from, with an extending capelet.


...even Team Whirl.
My haul from today's Apple and Pork Festival:


Not pictured is a M.A.S.K. Switchblade (minus the blades, but otherwise in good shape).

Odd mishmash of stuff.

Sharkticon (can never have too many),
Old Tomica car that is only 1 number away from being a Hot Wheels Jazz,
Old Comandron Magna jet (still walks and rolls)

I still have Commander Magna from when I went to Expo 86. I think I have Velocitor, too, but the other two bit the dust a long time ago.

That old Tomica "almost Jazz" looks eerily familiar, though. I gave almost all my hot wheels-ish cars away to some kids years ago, but I may have had one like that when I was a kid.

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