Request to identify accessories!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Hey all.

Long story short: I had space to fill between two titans when I put up my new shelves. So I wound up throwing volcanicus up there. In the process of digging the dinobots out of the bins, I was dismayed by the volumes of loose bits... in a 18 gallon rubber maid bin full of loose toys. I set out to clean it up a bit today, packaging by theme and rematching guns and gubbins. There's like one missile, one gun (which looks like half an exhaust system? Problem for another day.) and these (picture below.)

It's power of the prime cause it's got the titans return headmasters slots, but the rubbery thing that replaced it. I just don't know who they belong to because all my combiners have all manipulators and feets accounted for.

If anyone knows, so I can store it properly, it would be greatly appreciated.


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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So I decided it wasn't worth the effort to match to individual bots since everyone HAD their giant hands, and just lobbed it all in with the starscream. Close enough since the combiner using starscream from that line was never completed.

Following with the cleaning and sorting, I did the next bin in line: which had armada unicron, some odds and ends, Prime and Animated. I was able to match just about everything to individuals, but have come up with a NEW problem.

Who the hug is this guy?!?!

Says hasbro 2003 on it. But 2003 was armada and energon, and he ain't either of those... question mark? Doesn't fit the design style but... literally stamped with 2003.

Any help would be appreciated.


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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Holy hug cousin, is your name google? Thank you very much; I am amazed by your accuracy and shocked by your diligence.

Edit: he's a fun toy. Good articulation and a decent transformation. I like him. Shame he's going in the bin with the odds and ends.


Well-known member
Holy **** cousin, is your name google? Thank you very much; I am amazed by your accuracy and shocked by your diligence.

Edit: he's a fun toy. Good articulation and a decent transformation. I like him. Shame he's going in the bin with the odds and ends.

He's a favorite of mine, shame I lost him in a move.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, no I got him used myself, so everything in the pictures is what you get. Do you still want him?


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I might have an extra set of guns for Downshift if I didn't try to dye them for a custom project. I'll check my parts trays tomorrow and find out.

He's a great figure, I wish we'd got more recolors of him back in the day!


Two arms and one smile
I still love Cybertron Downshift! I didn't keep a lot of my Cybertron figures, but I kept him and still regularly transform him. So solid and fun.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
ALRIGHT! You delicious walking encyclopedias! Time for identifying!

The short version is: I've finished going through my bins, matching bits to bobs, and repackaging them for future use. Now everything is where it's supposed to be... almost. I've got a small selection of stuff I can't identify. The toy listings on transformerland were ludicrously useful, but still got some stuff left over.

The little orange gun is saying something to me, I think a core class or legends call something, maybe that little bumblebee with spike I got an age back... familiar, but not. Otherwise, I am lost. So help is GREATLY appreciated.

Still not bad as left overs, considering I started with a metal cookie tin and almost 30 years of "oops, I'll just sort this later.".


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Staff member
Council of Elders
The clear orange dagger/pistol is likely from the Armada Side Swipe mold or one of the redecos (Treadshot/Oil Slick).

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