Show me your Retro gaming collections!

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
And I went by the other retro game store near work. Now I haven't been there for about a year at this point, if not longer. You see they went from being opened during the week, to only being opened on Saturdays. That didn't really work for my schedule so I haven't been there in a long while. They compressed a lot of shelves down since I was there the last time. However, it looked like they were doing more retro games, as they had a huge pile of untested stuff not yet for sale.

I looked the whole store over, but I could only find two games on my want list:

TMNT 4 Turtles in Time with Manual for $100
SMW 2 : Yoshi's island cart only for $35

I got the Yoshi's island as I never had that growing up, and always wanted to try it.

So that brings my Wish list of games down to:

my NES want list:
Megaman 1
Megaman 3
Super C
Zelda 2
Rescue Rangers
Castlevainia 1
Castlevainia 3
Darkwing Duck

my SNES want list:
Castlevana IV
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
Super Metroid
TMNT 4 Turtles in Time

my Genesis want list:

Altered Beast
Sonic And Knucles
Sonic 3
TMNT Hyperstone Heist

my Gameboy want list:

Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins
Metroid 2 Samus Returns

my PS1 want list:

Beast Wars Transformers


Eorzean Idiot


So I already have this on the NES mini, vastly improved version on PSP (though the UMD has seen better days), as well as the Pixel Remaster. With vastly improved versions of this, there's little chance I'll ever play this except the small bit I played to make sure it was in working condition. So why buy it?

Because I love Final Fantasy and this is a piece of history I want in my collection. It belongs in a museum.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Nice! I still have the cart and map/enemy list from mine I had as a kid. Sadly, not the original box though. The one I have is a replacement.
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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, I went to a family reunion this weekend, and while I was down there, I got to do a little game hunting.

There is a hole in the wall place in Dothan called Game haven, I saw it on a youtube series a few months back when a guy went through the Dothan area. I checked it out, and it had some good stuff. Nothing o my lists sadly, but I did get a couple things there:

Complete in box Black box baseball for the NES. It was only $20 and the box was in decent condition, and I didn't have the game at all, so why not? This is also my first Black box game.

They also had a bin of $3 games. Most of them garbage games for the DS and GBA, but I found a few games that I didn't have to add to my collection.

Some motorcross game for the orignal Gameboy. It had a hole in the case, but for $3, it was worth a pick up to try out.

Both the Incredibles and the Increrdibles rise of the underminer for the GBA. Both games should be worth the $3 a piece.

And finally, I got the Autobots DS game for $3. I never picked up any of these games due to my adversion to the Bayverse asthetic, but for $3, why not?

They had a good selection of stuff, but most of it I already had, or I haven't started collecting it yet(Sega CD and Saturn). The owner and I joked about the folks that are trying to complete the NES set.

After that, I took the kids to a park to play for a while and then we hit up the 2nd and Charles on the way out of town. This is the second 2nd and Charles I have ever been to. At first the wife was a bit miffed that we went there instead of Brnes and Noble, but she ended up quite happy with three books that she wanted to get. Sadly, despite having a quite large selection of NES games, they didn't have anything on my list either. Not only that, but what they did have was at Ebay prices or higher. They did have some nice Plastic clamshell replacement cases for most of their NES games though.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So here is my list of NES games I have:

3-D World Runner
Back to the future
Back to the future 2 & 3
Bart Simpson vs the space mutants
Bart Simpson vs the world
Base Wars
Big Bird reading game
Black Bass
Blaster Master
Castlevania 2
Days of Thunder
Double Dragon
Double Dragon II
Dr Mario
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior 3
Duck Tales 2
Excite Bike
Final Fantasy
Flying Warriors
Friday the 13th
Gauntlet 2
Golgo 13
Goonies 2
Hogans Alley
Ikari Warriors
Ikari Warriors 2
Karate Kid
Kid Icarus
Kirby's adventure
Legend of Zelda
Major League baseball
Megaman 2
Megaman 4
Metal Gear
Mickey Mousecapade
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Monster party
Ninja Gaiden
North vs South
Operation Wolf
RBI Baseball
Romance of the three kingdoms
Spy Hunter
Star Tropics
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario Bros/ Duck Hunt
T&C Surf Designs
Tecmo Bowl
Terminator 2
the bible game
Top Gun
Yoshi's cookie

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Its only 75 games, which is about a tenth of the entire NES set. However, I don't seem to find that many games that I don't have. Which makes me wonder about something. If you are watching the NES Persuit on youtube, they are saying that they are just getting started and are only at 140+ games. I am looking at my list, and I just wonder, why anyone would want even that many (140)?


This is how a unicorn comments
Actually have something to update in here. A little while ago my roommates and I went to a 2nd and Charles. They had all of about six Gamecube games, but it just so HAPPENED that one of them was this:
Breakin Da Rules.jpg

I've actually wanted this game for a long time now. Being such a big fan of the early show. (Note the EARLY show. Not the later stuff where it all went downhill) I had heard this was basically the same style of writing, and I can say after a bit of time with it, it so is. It's made me laugh out loud a couple of times.

The BAD news is it has to have the worst double jump I've ever come across in a video game. It makes platforming a tedious choir, and of course there are levels where you HAVE to keep platforming. So I've only got a little bit of a ways into it as the platforming can go from 'managable' to just flat out annoying.

Still It's one to finally cross off my list.


This is how a unicorn comments
Let's see. My want lists for all the systems I own. (Actually just a few of the early ones) At least the games I can think of at the top of my head. There are likely ones I want but have forgotten.

Pools of Radiance.
Monster Party
Gremlins 2 the New Batch
Super C
Bart Vs the World
Dragon Power
Little Samson (Though I doubt I ever will)
Felix the Cat
Ghosts and Goblins
Metal Storm

Donkey Kong Country 3
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire 2
Star Fox
Earthbound (since my last copy was borrowed and never returned...)
Contra 3 Alien wars
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Goof Troop
Magic Sword

Gameboy/Gameboy Color:
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Wendy Ever Witch Way
Avenging Spirit
Final Fantasy Adventure
Gargoyle's Quest
Kid Dracula
Resident Evil Gaiden (I know it sucks, but I want it for my collection)

Jet Force Gemini
Buck Bumble
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tootie
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64 The second attack
Space Station Silicon Valley
Blast Corps
Shadowgate Trials of the four towers
Rocket Robot on wheels
MegaMan 64

Playstation 1:
Countdown Vampires
Martian Gothic
Echo Night
Vanguard Bandits
Klonoa Door to Phantommile
Bust a Groove 2
Vagrant Story
Vandal Hearts
Heart of Darkness
Jumping Flash
Jumpin Flash 2
Wild Arms (really wish I knew where my copy of this went)
Skull Monkeys
Herc's Adventures
Nightmare Creatures 2
Rapid Reload

I'll stop there for now. Genesis would take some thinking as I didn't grow up with it. Sega Saturn would be a long list. Anything higher then that would be as well. Only Gamegear game I can think of I want is the MegaMan one.

I'm still looking for a lot more games then I thought...

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So my monthly trip to the local Game Exchange wielded some results.

I found a copy of Arch Rivals for the Genesis in box for $8. I also got a copy of Tetris for the Gameboy for $12. On top of that, I got some used toys from their bins. A 2008 Star Trek Enterprise toy about 2" long on a stand, a stand for a larger star trek ship that I think goes with the Excelsior ship I got from them previously, and one of the RID train bots(The one that forms railracer's legs).

So that brings my Wish list of games down to:

My NES want list:
Megaman 1
Megaman 3
Super C
Zelda 2
Rescue Rangers
Castlevainia 1
Castlevainia 3
Darkwing Duck

My SNES want list:
Castlevana IV
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
Super Metroid
TMNT 4 Turtles in Time

My Genesis want list:

Altered Beast
Sonic And Knucles
Sonic 3
TMNT Hyperstone Heist

My Gameboy want list:

Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins
Metroid 2 Samus Returns

My PS1 want list:

Beast Wars Transformers

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, my monthly trip to Game exchange didn't get me anything from my list, but I did get a few things:

1. Nickelodeon TMNT for the 3DS complete in box for $7. I have been meaning to try out some of the 3DS TMNT games to see if they are any fun.
2. Tazmania for the Genesis loose for $8. I have the sequel in box, but I haven't managed to get this until yesterday.
3. Deadly Towers for the NES with a dust sleave for $5. I have never heard of this game before, so while it's not expensive, it is rare. The gameplay looks interesting, and the dust cover makes the $5 price worth adding to my collection.
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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So was the game worth $2?

I think it's worth $2.

So my local game store recently moved. Years ago it started as a flea market booth, and he expanded it into a store. (A side note, the store was tobacco store for the past 15 years ad had the absolute worst smoke smell you could possibly imagine. I spent 4 hours one night cleaning their carpets for them to get rid of that smoke. The water that came out of that carpet cleaning was black as the void of deep space.) They were in that spot for the past 8 years or so, and last month they moved to a new spot that, while not as nice of a shopping center, got more space and are closer to my house. I went after they opened but their inventory didn't really seemed to have improved. That has always been one of my two main problems with this store:

1. They never have anything good in stock.

2. What they do have is going to be 40% higher than eBay sold listings.

However, I do follow them on Facebook, and they were showing a lot of new trades coming in, several of which had stuff from my wishlist on it. Then they announced a 10% off sale for Memorial Day. So I took my girls down there (My oldest asking where Retro Rick was, and I had to inform her that was another store), and we had a blast. I ended up getting something. I got TMNT Fall of the Footclan for the original Gameboy for $13. For some reason I thought that this game used to be an expensive game. Anyways, I am stoked to get it added to my Gameboy collection. I would have got more, but I ended up spending about $50 on toys for the three girls there.

My NES want list:
TMNT 3 - They had got this in, but sold it before I could get there, which was my primary objective.
Megaman 1
Megaman 3
Super C
Zelda 2
Rescue Rangers - Had it, but it was marked for $40, so It hought I would pass and see if I could get it cheaper elsewhere.
Castlevainia 1
Castlevainia 3
Darkwing Duck - Had it, but there again, it was at $60, which I thought was high, but the game is spiked right now for some reason/

My SNES want list:
Castlevana IV - Had it but was way too much for me.
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
Super Metroid
TMNT 4 Turtles in Time - I was tempted on this, as it was $60 for a loose copy

My Genesis want list:

Altered Beast - I still can't find a decent loose copy of this game.
Sonic And Knucles
Sonic 3
TMNT Hyperstone Heist - They had a complete version of this but it was $200!

My Gameboy want list:

Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins
Metroid 2 Samus Returns

My PS1 want list:

Beast Wars Transformers

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders

My Girls outside the store yesterday! :)


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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I found a great deal on Megaman 3 on eBay, $22 shipped and taxed with a sleeve.

Should be here soon, which means I need to hunt for a box for it.


This is how a unicorn comments
I guess that depends on if he just wants something that looks like a case, or a real box for it. Which is probably going to be hard to come by, or if you do. It'll be overpriced.

I've seen a guy selling JUST THE CASE ONLY for one of the Starforce games I own, and they want 200 bucks for it. For just the case. I really hate I might have to go the re-production route for them myself, but money wise I might not have a choice.

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