Harris-Walz / Dems

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Trump would happily let the entire nation burn for just one more minute in the spotlight. The only things that matter to him are money and attention.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean... I get what he's saying. American progressives are ridiculously entitled, often removing themselves from the voter pool because they can't get exactly what they want. The mentality isn't really any different than republicans: either way around they cannot cooperate or compromise.

I hate it that that's what happens: but it's what happens.


Well-known member
Trump would happily let the entire nation burn for just one more minute in the spotlight. The only things that matter to him are money and attention.

And the longer it goes: the money only matters in so far that it gets him the attention he wants.

Yeah. My analysis is that he doesn't care about money. All he cares about is validation, which essentially works like attention. He doesn't spend on lavish things. He only wants the money because it means he is important. He wants applause because it means he is important. He likes to be on the news because it means he is important. He likes to win elections because it means he is important.

I don't want him back in the White House because he as bad enough. But he could have been so much worse if he believed in things and really desired power. He didn't. He didn't use that power that much. He didn't try to make deals. He didn't push policy with enthusiasm. He made speeches because they clap and that means he is important. He bullied people who disagreed with him publicly because their criticism means he isn't important and his revenge means he is. He straggled out of bed in the mid morning, didn't pay attention to the briefing that would tell him the most secret things in the world. There was nothing about being President that he liked except how important it meant he was.

People talk like he might try to become dictator. Like that was what January 6 was about, taking over the government. But it wasn't. He doesn't want to have to do it forever. But losing in 2020 meant he wasn't important. He couldn't have that. It wasn't about keeping power. It was about erasing a stain on his reputation. He's running now just to get comeuppance, because it means he is important, but if he wins this time, he'll be fine finishing his second term and getting out. An ex-President is almost as important as a current President and doesn't have to do anything.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Which is why I've been calling him the organ grinders monkey. Trump, on his own, is neither smart enough nor skilled enough, nor motivated enough to successfully campaign for president, or successfully fill the office. There is a dude somewhere behind the camera that is helping him to do all this: he's the guy who wants the power and trump WAS the perfect stooge for it. Name recognition, already attempted politics and many, many elements to his life and personality that him completely controllable and exploitable.

But between the crimes which cannot be hidden anymore, and the dementia that cannot be ignored: trump is no longer capable of being even a puppet ruler. For this use case, that fat, spray tanned sack of jive was literally 1 in a billion. The next trumpian who will try to replace him will be missing that certain something, and won't be able to build or hold onto the cult, or they'll be smart enough to know their being played and chaff under the others control, or ambitious enough that being a puppet dictator isn't enough, and they'll out the actual brains of the operation for nothing more than spite and collapse the whole thing.

Will there be another attempted coup in the US. Sure: long enough time lines and all that. Will it be because of these conditions? No, it won't happen like this again, at least not in our lifetimes. Trump is done (so long as you all go out and ******* VOTE!) and there's no one out there that can reclaim the cult from him. At least not enough of it at any one time to matter.


Well-known member
was literally 1 in a billion. The next trumpian who will try to replace him will be missing that certain something, and won't be able to build or hold onto the cult, or they'll be smart enough to know their being played and chaff under the others control

Well, Trump already got there somehow. Pence's job was to make it look like the party and experience were going to be in the room with Trump when he made decisions. He had Priebus and Bannon in the beginning, standing on his shoulders and he did some stuff for each of them, but he did get tired of both. But once he filled his room with sycophants, he didn't really get much else done, other than judicial appointments. If he got back in, he'd kneecap himself from the get-go the second time. Making appointments is easy. If GOP got in charge of both Houses then he'd also be able to rubber-stamp what the GOP "grownups" did over there, but he won't be really leading anything.

The judicial appointments would be a big enough problem. But I worry a lot about the cultural part of it. While he wouldn't be particularly effective at leading policy, he would talk all the time and damage politics domestically and abroad as before. He's not going to help Ukraine. He's not going to promote alliances. He's going to embolden more racism and misogyny and homophobia and every other similar thing.
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Well-known member
I really wish, though, that Biden didn't look and sound so old. It is hard to get around it when he is speaking. I don't think he REALLY took a stimulant to get through the State of the Union, but on a day to day basis he really isn't very vigorous anymore. I really don't know a whole lot about Kamala Harris outside her resume. I saw her debate 4 years ago. She hasn't been awfully visible to me since. I wish the Democrats had a more inspirational ticket. But I think the more inspirational Democrats are a lot more progressive (than Biden, anyway, I don't know about Harris) and I feel like they need to bite as far into the moderate/independent vote this year as possible. It's a tough nut and one I know has been frustrating for Democrats for years.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Of course he took a stimulant. Everyone ******* stops at starbucks.

Looks, I understand that you want to be inspired (or at least not disgusted.) by your leaders: but if the everything he's achieved in the last four years, despite a hostile and massively obstructionist GOP isn't inspiring, that's a you problem. Look at his record, his actions, and by the traditional metrics of a countries success: he has been a massively successful leader.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Honestly, I think Trump has turned away enough of his own base (or killed them via his negligence over the pandemic) that, short of massive voter apathy, he's done. He's pissed off too many people, gotten caught too many times. And his health is rapidly deteriorating, so I wouldn't lay odds on him even being alive, much less functional, by the next election.

I'm not calling it a foregone conclusion, because I'm far too pessimistic to count anything until it's over. But, ignoring polls by blatantly slanted groups like Faux News, he's just done too much wrong. They'll string him along until he loses the election, then try to spin all of their failing over the last eight years into being all his fault (and also Biden's, because there's always enough blame to throw at everyone else) and start grooming the next Repuppetlican leader.

What worries me is the thought that Trump was a trial run and the next monster will actually know what they're doing. So, keep voting in every election, because monsters don't change.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Monsters won't change: but people and society DO. Now we've seen the attempted coup, we know it can happen. We've seen (and are beginning to prosecute.) the coup makers. We know what to look for, and what kind of people who would do it.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. And a healthy society will always rise, meet and exceed the tyrants attempting to overthrow it.

So check your voter status, help your friends and family do the same, then all of y'all go ******* vote blue down the ticket on november 5th.

AND THEN! When blue is elected up and down the ballot (because you all made the effort and voted blue up and down the ballot.) you start screaming at all these newly elected reps that the first thing they do, the first thing as the represented in your government that you want is voter reform. An end to the electoral college specifically, but anything else the proper experts suggest get done to better reflect the population, and securing the vote from external and internal threats.


Well-known member
This... is a good act.
Even if it does fly in the face of his previous "BORDER CONTROL" actions.

but wow i can already hear the MAGACHUDS screaming about how he's "Trucking in votes for himself."


too old for this
What I'm hearing is, "This is dumb, married people already get to stay".
That's whats been going around the Kansas right wing circles.


Well-known member
Honestly, I think Trump has turned away enough of his own base (or killed them via his negligence over the pandemic) that, short of massive voter apathy, he's done. He's pissed off too many people, gotten caught too many times. And his health is rapidly deteriorating, so I wouldn't lay odds on him even being alive, much less functional, by the next election.

I'm not calling it a foregone conclusion, because I'm far too pessimistic to count anything until it's over. But, ignoring polls by blatantly slanted groups like Faux News, he's just done too much wrong. They'll string him along until he loses the election, then try to spin all of their failing over the last eight years into being all his fault (and also Biden's, because there's always enough blame to throw at everyone else) and start grooming the next Repuppetlican leader.

What worries me is the thought that Trump was a trial run and the next monster will actually know what they're doing. So, keep voting in every election, because monsters don't change.
If it weren't for the electoral college, I would more or less agree with this argument.

But taking the electoral college into account, Trump still has an edge. We're kidding ourselves if we say otherwise.

Is he definitely going to win? By no means! There are enough sane people in the "battleground" states to make a Biden victory viable. But we can't be even a little bit complacent about this. A Trump re-election is a very real, and very terrifying, possibility.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
So you all need to do your part: check your voter status. Help family, friends, and neighbours check theirs. Arrange rides on election day, help with advanced voting if it's an option.

And vote blue all the way down the ballot. Top to bottom, start to finish.

Then: once blue is voted in; start screaming at your reps about voter reform.

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