We don't have enough Optimus Prime figures


New member
Guys, we don't have enough optimus prime figures. They've been slacking lately. He's one of the most underrepresented figures in the modern toy line. God knows how many siege Megatron repaints we have, but how many Earthrise Optimus repaints do we have? Like 3. When this toy line dies out, we know what's to blame. Thanks for reading, if you agree then spread the word. If you disagree then I curse your figures with GPS and HPS.


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Continuity Nutcase
There's a whole thread devoted to the many Optimus Prime rereleases (and, strangely, Siege Jetfire) we're getting this year.


Another babka?
I want a version of that Missing Link Sentinel Prime in this more affordable format.
Here here! I mean we're getting that G1 toy Optimus in Legacy...

That thread's about the ones we're getting. This thread's about the ones we need.
We need a Generations Machine Wars Optimus Prime packaged with a 3.75" figure of a BotCon attendee to constantly shame him.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Definitely open to some non-84 Optimus Primes, if only to also give their would-be redeco/retool brethren a shot at getting made.

Machine Wars (retool into Thunder Clash)
Combat Hero (redeco into unreleased CHOP, retool into Energon Rodimus and/or better-matching Nova Prime)
G2 Go-bot
Energon (the UW-EX exclusive comes close, but let's have the actual chonky Grand Convoy. Redeco into Grand Scourge)
Reverse Convoy (this should be one of many uses of a proper G2 Megatron mold)

Also still want a better take on Cybertron Op.


Another babka?
You could get Hero Optimus- complete with vaporwave sunset truck deco- out of Volvo Prime. Extra points if they came up with a proper trailer for him.

I feel like you could get both a Thunderclash and MW Optimus out of the Legacy Animated Optimus mould.

Fun fact. The Nova Prime design was pitched as an upgrade for G1 Optimus that got turned down. When Nova Prime was created the character model was recoloured and used. The Spotlight Optimus issue from IDW- where Nova first appeared- included the original drawing of that character design in Optimus colours.
So you know what that means! Comic book concept art Optimus from Nova Prime!

You could probably get a decent Beast Hunters Optimus out of Legacy Bulkhead.

And hell, let's just repaint the Legacy Menasor giftset as Optimus and friends!


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
If we are talking redecos, then the upcoming Legacy Deluxe Prime in every conceivable color combination would be welcome.

If we're talking new-molds, then what would be cool would be a redo of Prime Cyberverse Optimus Maximus as a base/citybot (but not Titan-size), with a City Commander, Headmaster, Targetmaster, Powermaster, and Micromaster that are all based on various iterations of Optimus Prime.

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