The #PowerRangersPreservationProject Presents The Dino Rangers Pitch With Bio-Man Pilot Footage!
Sometime after Saban’s Galaxy Rangers Pitch but before MMPR footage was ready, Saban released DINORANGERS — a 6.5 minute Pitch recycling more bits from the lost Bioman Pilot cut against Zyuranger Footage [and even some Bioman!].
New US Bio-Man footage included previously seen Preservation Teasers like Victor Lee’s and Zack Taylor’s extended intros, a solitary peek at an Americanized Peebo as Alpha-5, plus a variety of new shots of the teens in the desert, additional interactions [


], and a final moment of Zack at Victor Lee’s Dojo.
Most notably, Barbara Goodson appears as the iconic voice of Rita Repulsa — predating the original MMPR Cast — while also dubbing Trini in Zyu footage, as the Bio-Man Pilot Cast were years removed from production. Much of the dialogue would be recycled in the MMPR Pilot and Series. Other observations:
• DinoRangers was set in 2014
• Zordon referred to as both ‘Zantor the Wise’ and ‘Zoltar’
• Command Center = The Desert Control Center
• Power Coins = Coins of Power
• Squatt and Baboo = Grock and Mongo
• Bones = One of Rita’s Core Henchmonsters
• Dino Zords + Megazord = Dino Droids + Mega DinoDroid
Coming Soon from Saban Entertainment… if Rita allows it!
Digitization & Archival by @PR_Media_Info.