I had a similar issue, I had the original from the Hasbro Collector's site of the time (same as the Target one, I think, except different box). Sold it and many other beasts during the crisis issues popping up. The only Beast Wars stuff I have left is a few Cheetor's I painted myself and a Target Nemesis Prime, and with how things are going, I may not have the Prime much longer. My nephew does have several of the modern Beast Wars remakes, but not Magmatron. Just this week, I wound up fixing purple-dino Megatron, turns out the hip parts for Rex mode are only held on by one very short pin that comes out way too easily. I'm hesitant to re-buy a toy I sold, because I don't have a huge amount of spare cash and I start to question, if I got rid of it in the first place without a replacement on the horizon, will I really be that enthused anyway?
Still, that remake is really amazing and clearly poses so much better...
And re: Pac Man ceral, it just seems too dangerous. If you don't eat a Power Pellet before you eat the cereal, the cereal might eat YOU and then your eyes would float away...