Spider-Man: No Way Home

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
It’s kinda a neat bit of symmetry that both Norman and Otto *could’ve* already been the fixed versions in the original Movie endings. I doubt that’s the intention but still kinda cool.

speaking of, how exactly would things change in their Universes if they went back fixed?

I think the largest change would be Norman. Given he’d return right before the Glider Impalement he’d still be *technically* responsible for quite a few murders. Given his wealth though it’s not impossible he’d get off on a technicality. Provided he remembers his time in the MCU he could even preemptively help Otto construct the better regulator and not lose his wife and become Doc Ock.

Otto would presumably come back right as he unmasked Peter. He’d have full control of his arms so he *might* not go down with the ship as it were but again, quite a few murders he’d have to answer for and likely be more compelled to since he has control back.

Flint would be human and overall most likely happiest. No clue if he’d finish his sentence though.

Conners would end up pretty much exactly as he did otherwise. Cured of the Lizard but in jail.

Not exactly sure where or when Max would end up? At the power station maybe? I feel like that wouldn’t change much since Harry would still be coming. Unless he left with Gwen or something.
I'm assuming they just created a bunch of multiverse "splinters" from when these characters return to their timelines. We know they all come from different points in time, so returning at the myriad of points would create new "branches" because of the paradox effect of, say, a cured Goblin might have on the progression of events that would lead to the Peter 2 that came into Peter 1's world.

Which means Loki season 2 should be fun dealing with this and all the stuff we're seeing in Dr Strange.


Continuity Nutcase
Just got back from seeing it.

To me, this film felt like to One More Day what Civil War was to its comics counterpart.

It's like "THIS is how you make a genuinely tragic Spider-Man story where Aunt May is mortally wounded and ends with the complete erasure of everyone's memories of Peter and MJ's relationship, WITHOUT upsetting everyone in the audience."


Continuity Nutcase


This movie was great. I enjoyed this and all it brought to the table. Not to mention that it was highly nostalgic for those of us who saw the first Spiderman in theaters.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Spidey senses don't work if you're having a moment."



Continuity Nutcase
Playing the video makes them go away. 😜


Well-known member
Ok so let's get some spoiliery things going even if it's been 2 weeks.

So this is really a hashing of One More Day only done not stupid. Yeah I said it. No deal with the devil, no killing of Aunt May only to retcon it, an actual One More Day thing that makes perfect sense in universe context.

Starting from the word go, we see that Peter and friends are just trying to live their lives post-Mysterio huggery. And boy is that some continuity. I loved it. Seeing how the world of the MCU is divided in half over this, it's kinda amazing. Though I would've loved a Nick Fury cameo to round out the interrogation scene. And Ned, oh Ned. Why can't you keep your mouth shut? Loved that.

Moving on, the first day back at school post Mysterio, I loved Betty out there and my god Flash....I've hated this interpretation of the character since the the word go and this third outing didn't change that. I love it I really do. He's such a god damn swarmy and annoying and claiming he's Peter's best friend when it was clear he could get something was great. Also how the hell did he write that book so fast? That had to have at least 300 pages in it.

Ok so meat of the story isn't Peter trying to get things back on track or anything, it's getting his friends into collage. That's it. It's nothing super selfish or anything, just a kid trying to clean up a mess that wasn't even of his doing. That I think is just the epitome of Peter Parker. That said, I really think his attempts to change the spell MID CASTING! was dumb on Strange's part. Really should have explained things prior to casting.

The old villains coming in just seconds before they were going to die was....well kind of depressing. But I did love Flint's introduction. I knew they grabbed Jamie Foxx, William DeFoe, and Aflred Molina to reprise their roles but Thomas Church and Rhys Ifans coming back to voice their characters was a nice surprise. Especially Sandman's intro as an ally because well, this is happening just prior to their deaths so yeah he was an ally to Spider-Man. So that got us our villains and well, them being subdued was pretty neat. Though I would've loved to see Strange's battle with Lizard. That looked like fun.

So second act was Peter taking responsibility for "curing" the villains because he feels really bad he's sending them back to die. Which is adorable and once again rehashing the fact that a Peter just takes on responsibility for jive that HE REALLY SHOULDN'T! But we have to have some mega conflict and predictably, it's Green Goblin who hugs everything up. Honestly after they "cured" Doc Octopus, I kinda felt that Gobby wouldn't be "cured" that easily. But holy crap that fight in the condo was...amazing. Just amazing. Powerbombs, spine busters, Irish Whips, and everyone against Peter. Well, Lizard and Green Goblin against Peter as Electro hugs off, Doc Oct is incapacitated, and Sandman just...poofed was an interesting thought but probably to save on the special effects budget.

AND SPEAKING OF! The killing off of Aunt May was....amazing. I'm not gonna lie, I've always assumed it was Uncle Ben's death that put Peter on the path but I'm starting to think MCU doesn't have an Uncle Ben and never did. Instead, it's Aunt May who fills that role. And by god did she fill it. Even though Goblin killed her, and yeah he did, she still thinks trying to cure them was the right thing. And I guess it was but my god, the emotional impact of that scene can't really be described. Just that it...well it hurt. It hurt a lot.

That said, the introduction of the other Spider-Men proved a point I've said for year's. Toby made a great Peter Parker, Andrew was a great Spider-Man. The costuming choice proved my point and speculations and I am here for it! Now if only I cared enough to watch Amazing Spider-Man outside of youtube clips. Hmmmmmm....

Third act fight was great but I really wanted more Goblin. Just because I think the MCU costume he came up with was awesome looking. It honestly reminded me of Harry's Goblin costume from 3. So I guess apple doesn't fall far form the tree maybe. But yeah, it was great. Especially when Max saw Andrew's face and then started wondering if there was a Black Spider-Man out there and I giggled. Kinda hoping we get some sort of cross over in Into the Spider-Verse part 1 with that. But that's just me wishing.

Ending of the movie though, perfect One More Day with the added bonus that while we didn't forget Spider-Man, Peter Parker was forgotten by everyone. And everything it seems. Hence the comic accurate costume at the end because I'm pretty sure his StarkTech doesn't recognize him at all. And I loved it. They finally got out of the corner they put themselves in ever since Spider-Man showed up in Civil War. They got him away from Stark and put him back in the neighborhood and I think that, that was perfect. No more toys, no more super tech, just Spider-Man, his smarts, and well, his shitty apartment. That's Spider-Man to me. And it only cost him his best friend and the love of his life. Kinda hoping the next trilogy they got Nedd and MJ to sign new contracts for the next trilogy because I kinda wanna see that relationship begin again. Ahh well.

So that's my thoughts on No Way Home. Was it perfect? No. It's a super hero movie. It's never perfect. But it was a great ride and a perfect ending for the year.

Ironbite-now bring on Mobius so we can figure out what the hell happend there.


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well that video seems to have 1.5 million views already so I doubt your click would amount to much either way. I would say you could click on it just to dislike it but YouTube decided that isn't something people should do.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I just saw it. I have strong reactions.

It should have been a celebration! How could they do this to Peter?! Dang!

Gathering my thoughts.

Also, the extra scene was basically just the trailer?


Active member
I think it ties in thematically enough to NWH to not be “just” the trailer. It feels like a sequel/follow-up.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I just saw it. I have strong reactions.

It should have been a celebration! How could they do this to Peter?! Dang!
It was how a Spider-Man movie should end. Even when he wins, he usually still loses. That's a STRONG element throughout most of the character's history where he tries his damndest to be the best he can, he usually wins over the villain or conflict, but usually at some sort of cost. About the only film that didn't have Peter taking a huge personal hit was Homecoming, and he still ended up hurting a classmate. Spider-Man 2 netted him the girl, but he lost a mentor AND his best friend.

So the ending of NWH is a VERY "Spider-Man" type ending to me.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh, I can see how they wanted to go with the classic 'Parker luck' from the comics but it just rips your heart out.

MCU Peter doesn't have to be comics Peter. Peter1 almost had it all. Support from Stark was the best. His May was vibrant and amazing. He just got MJ. He had a genuine best friend in Ned (all Harry Osborns had too much drama). He was an Avenger! The Mysterio and college thing was being dealt with. He was almost living the high life. He didn't deserve what he got, just because he was being a pest. He was young.

MCU Spider-Man was absolutely refreshing because he was positive, upbeat and just fun. I don't want a downtrodden, neurotic Peter. It's worse cuz the usual Peter came from, well, a low financial and social level. MCU Peter had reached such heights (he wasn't even bullied. His Flash was a loudmouth but not that hurtful) and all of it got snatched away from him.

NWH was a great movie with all the connections. I can't believe they pulled it off. (well, would have been cooler with the bonus scene being part of the main story to complete the number, y'know? Plus they messed up poor Thomas Hayden Church. And it would have killed if animated Miles Morales dropped by somehow, haha. And maybe Ned grabbing hold of some goblin schematics. And...) But I would have liked it better if it ended with a gosh darn hopeful note somehow, dang it. :(

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