Legacy Line Wish List


singularly focused
Legacy-ified core class Alice to go with the other pretender cons

What would that look like? No clue, that's not my job to figure out lol


Well-known member
I have a sickos desire for every classic 84-85 character that constantly gets remade to have a standard lady repaint, and Termagax could work for Ironhide/Ratchet in general.

So off the top of my head, I can think of Tracks::Road Rage, Starscream::Slipstream, Bumblebee::Glyph, and Mirage::Crasher. I'm certainly missing some... who else?


Continuity Nutcase
So off the top of my head, I can think of Tracks::Road Rage, Starscream::Slipstream, Bumblebee::Glyph, and Mirage::Crasher. I'm certainly missing some... who else?
Skids::Burn Out, Ravage::Howlback, Cosmos:: Path Finder, Windcharger::Small Foot
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singularly focused
So off the top of my head, I can think of Tracks::Road Rage, Starscream::Slipstream, Bumblebee::Glyph, and Mirage::Crasher. I'm certainly missing some... who else?
Y'know, it'd be nice to get an actual femme seeker mold in generations at some point, but I think Slipstream from Armada Starscream could be cool

Also Optimus:Optimus(yellow)
Sure the original one is a Fire Convoy repaint, but that could apply retroactively


singularly focused
yeah! remembered that right after I posted
god, I'd love a girl with a combining trailer and super mode so much, but not sure I want to settle for one that's associated with urine

(side note: I am always daydreaming about what an Arcee Prime would have looked like if she won the PotP poll)

Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Go for a Powermaster Prime/Super Ginrai recolor to get those super robot vibes in for Splendid Convoy. Shame neither version can mount the double cannons on the outer forearms, though.


singularly focused
Finished idw2 and now more than never I desire a titan class Lodestar with Lightbright. I doubt it will ever happen(even in the unofficial realm), but she'd probably be an ark retool, yeah?

I really need to get into customizing one of these days

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
I've become very confused as to which molds can be reused where, or what is too expensive nowadays for which, etc, but on the 'pure wishlist' catagory, I'd like to see the Voyager Earthrise mold of the jet redone as G2/Shattered Glass/Action Master/whatever Thundercracker, and as a bonus, have at least some of the parts be made glow-in-the-dark so he can be 'neon' in ANY light. Or a glow in the dark Ghost Starscream from that mold.




Continuity Nutcase
Windcharger? Small Foot is a pickup truck, and her existing TF toy was a redeco of Gears.
That was a brainfart moment, thanks.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Was doing some idle thinking, and in the Never Gonna Happen But What If category, I wonder if a weird subline crossover would get shell Pretenders to work: RED series figures of the shells with hollow torsos or backpacks, and Micromasters of the inner robots in the main TF line.

The latter would hide in the former in altmode now, so more compact and fudgeable into a torso shape (a wedge for the jet ish ones, a square for the tank ish ones etc). Backpack/armor shells and such would help. Just give the figures sturdy hip joints and wide heavy ankles, and you're good.

Each is a complete standalone product on its own, but you can buy the two together and have them interact as intended.

Plus it'd even be weirdly G1 lore-adjacent, with the organic Pretenderizationingment process being roughly contemporaneous (or at least consecutive) with the Micromaster downsizing/uprade.
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Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Screw this Armada stuff, I’m just going to stay over here hoping that a Leader or Commander Megahead Megatron occurs so that my fan fiction based on the line will have a reasonable pay off

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