Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse


Guess whos back
I liked it. I wish it wasn't a 2 parter however. It doesn't really feel like there is enough natural story left to fill out a whole 2nd movie which makes me worried its going to be drawn out to justify it. The different spider people were neat although a few were kinda... a car? really?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Peter ParkedCar, haha!

Yeah, it didn't need to be a two parter. I actually had no idea it split so I was totally disappointed.

Btw, how many Kravens were shown? I can't wait for his movie. Vulture on paper was simply amazing!


Well-known member
So people forget that for the first year or so of this movie's existence it was advertised as "part 1"?


Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I avoid watching trailers of movies I know I'm going to watch (like Marvel, DC, Pixar,. Disney and franchises I follow). So I absolutely did not know it was to be continued. Gosh dang.


Guess whos back
So diving into it.
I don't really know what the movie is trying to say yet? Miles is very much against the idea of canon but so far all shown evidence is that violating canon destroys that timeline. I get not being able to swallow having to let people die but he acts like there is no proof after being shown two worlds both effected by canon being broken. We know it can't be blamed on Spot either given one happens before he even manages to cross the barrier between worlds. Miles Prowler (not be be confused with Miles Prower) seems very angry with Miles. The only conclusion I can draw is that perhaps him and his Uncle were trying to steal from that lab the spider got ported out of and things went bad leading to his fathers death. There isn't really another satisfying narrative reason for both of them to be so mad at Miles and so indifferent about another version of Jefferson dying. Okay well scratch that, It was pointed out to me that Spots little backstory shows that the spider had already gotten out and was about to bite earth 42 miles while he was in the middle of class but the Spot grabbed it from that dimension.

Also worst parent awards all around this movie. Gwens dad pointing a gun at her and trying to arrest her, Peter B Parker taking a baby into battle, and Jessica Drew getting into combat while pregnant. I guess technically shes not a parent yet, but she isn't helping her odds on ever being one. Just bad. Bad bad bad.

I do have to wonder however about the idea of having a bunch of reality hopping spider people when your so concerned with canon however.

Was neat seeing Donald Glover get to be Prowler, felt like we missed out on that in the MCU. Miss Liv, I know there was a deleted scene where she got hit with a bus but thats technically not canon so I want more of her. She was such a fun variant!
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Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Apparently there's alternate versions of the movie with alternate lines?

Like during the tea scene, Miles says No instead of Sorry.

Minor line changes?


Eorzean Idiot
You know, I thought it was really good. Like honestly, it topped the first one. I absolutely loved every moment of it. There was only one problem.

To be continued?

Hey, movie...hug you, you hugging hugger. Continue this, you mother hugger. I can't hugginging believe this. Just...HUG!!!!

Wow I hope the auto-censors caught all that. Otherwise, it's been nice being a part of the boards while it lasted.

EDIT: No it didn't catch all of that. Had to do it myself.



Destron D-69

at Journey's end
we're able to cuss now Caldwin, most of us are old enough to have kids who can buy beer. LOL Anywho... I also just kind of watched this... they're doing my man 2099 dirty in this, but oh well, marvel's been doing that for decades now.... anywho. I thought it was an okay film, I'll have to wait until the next part comes out in 2027 to know if it sticks the landing

edit: also it was nice to see spectacular spider-man


Eorzean Idiot
I know I can in real life. Real life I could make a sailor blush. But last I checked it was still frowned upon by the admins here.


Eorzean Idiot
I mean, I don't want to turn a Spiderman discussion into an auto-censor discussion. But it was a cluster f-bomb. Some got censored but some didn't. Not sure if the auto censor just was able to notice so many in quick succession or what.


...even Team Whirl.
I really, really liked it. I saw it over the summer with my daughter, and we had a great time.

Something I noticed about the movie - I don't know if it was the way they told the story, or if it was just the spot I was in, but the (mother-hugging?) cliffhanger didn't bother me. I'm not spinning up wondering what'll happen next. I've got an idea of where the next part of the story will start, I don't know for sure where it'll go after that, and I'm cool with it. With the Avengers movies I was always getting into a guessing game of how things fit into the overall story, but with this, I'm just along for the ride, and I'm having fun with it.

Fullstrength Motleypuss

Well-known member
It's on Netflix now so I wasted no time watching it yesterday. I went into it knowing it was Part 1 so the cliffhanger didn't bother me. Anyway, I loved both the twists about Miles and his powers and overall I thought the whole thing was a roller coaster of fun. The only thing that really bothered me is it feels like Miggy's role could have been filled by pretty much any Spider-Man and he didn't really feel like any Miguel O'Hara I'm familiar with. Just kinda generic I guess.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
That's true. Spiderverse Miguel wasn't the 2099 comic version I read in. Even Layla wasn't Marilyn Monroe looking. Easy answer would be Multiverse but, bts, why did they choose him and mess with the 2099 comic world? But cool thing is it totally made him popular.

Deathy G1

Active member
Watched it on Netflix last night and like many, I thought it surpassed the first one. It joins Empire Strikes Back and The Dark Knight as superior middle chapters of trilogies.

One thing I didn't see mentioned here: the score was amazing!


...even Team Whirl.
Honestly...I don't remember the music but now you've got me curious. I've been seeing ads for a showing of the movie with live musicians, too. Could be fun.

I do get a 3-day weekend, so maybe it's time to go back and rewatch both movies.

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