Buzzworthy Bumblebee - the "everything goes" toyline

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
Unrelated to army building, I was hoping we'd see the rumored Origins Wheeljack, though it wouldn't surprise me if that was a Comic Con reveal. My own Wheeljack is a RTS one that's having trouble with the arms staying on, I keep it because my nephew likes it and uses the easy-off arms as battle damage. But seeing how Origins Jazz and Bumblebee turned out, I'd like a Wheeljack of that style for my own shelves. If it's like Jazz the robot mode would work great in nearly any comic I could do.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Funnily enough, they actually addressed that in the fanstream. They said this set represents the exact moment when the two were shot, so right in the moment when they each started to die but hadn't killed over just yet, which is wild.
Figures they would cheap out on giving us the complete traumatization. =P

But seriously, though, something about that just feels even more hardcore. "We've captured the precise microsecond in which their bodies died, yet their sparks had yet to shuffle off this mortal coil. We hope you enjoy transforming them and posing them in all sorts of creative and brutal ways!"


Active member
Just saying if a red Seeker can be named Red Wing, then why can’t a blue one get the name Blue Jacket?

(Probably because the Jackets usually don’t make Stanley Cup playoffs…)


Continuity Nutcase
You jest, but your suggestion of putting the word "Storm" at the front of the name instead of the back just inspired me to think of another name possibility for this Seeker (just in case it does turn out to be more of a blue than purple in-person): "Stormfront".
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...even Team Whirl.
You jest, but your suggestion of putting the word "Storm" at the front of the name instead of the back just inspired me to think of another name possibility for this Seeker (just in case it does turn out to be more of a blue than purple in-person): "Stormfront".

Stormfront's a cool name.

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