A college student organizing college protests CAN become a terrorist bomber, but generally these are two entirely separate groups of people, I think.
I want him not deported because it is illegal and they shouldn't get away with doing illegal things even if I don't like this guy. If they have...
This is really hard. I initially thought that the Tesla boycott would be a lot of hot air like boycotts always are, but Tesla is clearly feeling it and their stock is tanking. And it is clearly known to be because of...
It makes me feel icky to root against my country, but I really thought Ontario was a in a strong position here and it looks like the crumpled.
I guess I was a little myopic. Someone else pointed out to me that the wolves in this metaphor can be people too, so in this case beating the disruptive disabled kids that are causing trouble is a comfort to the good kids who are trying to learn. Ugh. We're torturing a metaphor at this point...
So is Romulus pretty okay? I didn't bother with it because I saw Prometheus, but I'm not clear how related they are. I just bumped into some plot points from Romulus while refreshing my memory of Alien and Aliens.
Edit - At this point is there anyone who is a fan of Alien that doesn't ignore...
I'll be feeling really grumpy if Andor starts before DareDevil ends and we're going both of these week to week at once.
PBS has a free AppleTV app that does week to week, but if you donate to PBS, they let you get ahead. I do an annual payment for Disney+. I'm not cancelling as soon as this...
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