Recent content by Gizmoboy

  1. Gizmoboy

    The 3rd Party Toy Picture thread

    Well that's kind of cool looking
  2. Gizmoboy

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Actually, they are the Home Depot equivalent. LOL
  3. Gizmoboy

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I just snagged the reissue of Devcon from today. They are saying it will be a July release on the pre-order.
  4. Gizmoboy

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Is Cyberverse available on Transformers Official or Pulse YouTube pages? I've heard good things about the series and need to take some time to watch it.
  5. Gizmoboy

    Dramatic Capture Series

    I am glad you got to experience this episode. While super cheesy (like a lot of G1) when I was a 13 year old watching this for the first time, I just absolutely loved it. I always liked the Triple Changers, which were a new concept at the time, and to have an episode that highlighted them in...
  6. Gizmoboy

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    That could have been interesting.
  7. Gizmoboy

    The Repaint Concept Thread

    I still would love to see the Thrust wings on the standard head seeker mold and paint it as Slipstream.
  8. Gizmoboy

    Takara Missing Link G1 Series

    I only have a couple of G1 figures left. Just enough to show any curious people what Transformers used to be like.
  9. Gizmoboy


    100% this!
  10. Gizmoboy

    Studio Series discussion

    I too am waiting for a repaint if I'm going to pick them up.
  11. Gizmoboy

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    For those that don't know (which I'm sure a majority of people who've been on these boards for a while do), I like to come up with my on fanfic-y universe where all of my Transformers are from the same timeline and universe. It leads to some really enjoyable world-building on my part, which...
  12. Gizmoboy

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    I still had Tarn and the Armada team standing on the table and realized the Hailstorms would go really well with them.

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