Recent content by GodSentinelOmega

  1. GodSentinelOmega

    Mortal Kombat

    Nitro Edition? interesting.
  2. GodSentinelOmega

    Comics Skybound Teases The Transformers Compendium Kickstarter

    This is right up my alley. A chance to get the complete comic runs combined into one set. I’ll buy that for (likely a lot more than) a dollar.
  3. GodSentinelOmega

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    They really did build the most ridiculously ’perfect’ Utopia that could ever exist. It is painfully happy. :) I agree it is just pure unashamed cheese. Though how much of that was on purpose, or simply a happy accident. Who knows. It is the definition of a ‘fast food’ movie. Yeah, Snipes here...
  4. GodSentinelOmega

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    That’s a lot of hours of Stallone. :)
  5. GodSentinelOmega

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    There’s SIX Rocky films? Not counting the Creed films. I mean, I thought Rocky Balboa was just Rocky IV. Huh.
  6. GodSentinelOmega

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Ah, the 3 shells. The ones that nobody understands by definition. :) Snipes is just having a blast in the film. I think I’ve only see Stop or My Mom Will Shoot once. And that was a really long time ago. I’ve never seen a Rocky film and only ever watched Rambo…4 I think? I did go and see Judge...
  7. GodSentinelOmega

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Have to agree. The Expendables as a trilogy works fine. 3 is slower and less good. But yeah, 4 just…exists. Which is a shame to have it just, fizzle out. The first too are pure testosterone madness with bare bones stories, but they do pull you along. And yeah, the Norris cameo an oddly short...
  8. GodSentinelOmega

    Toys and Figurines Haslab Liokaiser Revealed!

    This looks very impressive. Very pricey, but very cool. And Hellbat is now called… Ellbat? Also, DeathCobra can definitely transform.
  9. GodSentinelOmega

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    Aw, Iro is trying to be so Sweet. :) Though i kinda like praying mantis too. Hehe. It even works in a world where Tien and Haru still exist. poor Haru. She’s just a killer queen.. So… who wants what colours?
  10. GodSentinelOmega

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    I can see the Night Cap. Also, that is a very cute doggo.
  11. GodSentinelOmega

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    EB and Iro as a Rider duo would work well. And be really funny.
  12. GodSentinelOmega

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    Oh, that Guyver II. I’d almost forgotten that lady Guyver was a thing. And then I remembered how the OVA put her suit on. Yup. Biobooster armour suits RPG Dee quite a bit. We did do a a very quick Mey Hem Super Sentai team spoof in the OOC thread before the site died. I found buried in a...
  13. GodSentinelOmega

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    That is…very accurate. :) I think we actually did that once, and it went exactly the way you think. Though Riders do have the advantage of not being standard team types. EB as Rider Usagi actually sounds kinda cool.
  14. GodSentinelOmega

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    Ha. Rider Omega sounds fun.

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