Recent content by Kalidor

  1. Kalidor

    Getting rid of the Twitter embeds, and enabling alternatives

    After a lengthy discussion with the staff it has been decided that no changes to link sharing will be made at this time. In regards to the software being able to do embedded links from other platforms we will look into how that could be improved.
  2. Kalidor

    Sponsor BBTS News: Transformers, Star Wars, Marvel, ThunderCats, Mass Effect, Gundam & More!

    I find it interesting that Beachcomber is "back in stock" for pre-order again considering I've had him on pre-order since May 24th 2023
  3. Kalidor

    Getting rid of the Twitter embeds, and enabling alternatives

    The only links currently restricted from The Allspark are currently porn links and links to illegal content. I'll bring this up with the staff but my initial thoughts on this is I think banning links to a site to 'stick it to the owner' is a bit overly dramatic. Personally, I'd be happy if NO...
  4. Kalidor

    Request for an added feature

    Oh yeah, I can kinda see that. It's all the same system but the formatting is determined by the width of the screen. If you have a tablet it looks like mobile but those icons exist in the top row. It goes away when the screen gets to a certain size presumably to prevent clutter. I'll look and...
  5. Kalidor

    Request for an added feature

    I just woke up so that might be a factor but I'm not sure I understand the question. Can you show me an example?
  6. Kalidor

    Facebook post embedding

    I suppose it doesn't want to show the specific content but it links to a post when I share the link. I'll try it this way. If it's the way the forums are designed there's not a lot I can do to change it without customizing code.
  7. Kalidor

    Facebook post embedding
  8. Kalidor

    What's up mother huggers??

    Dude thats awesome! Gratz!
  9. Kalidor

    Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!

    Well as you may recall putting blue flames on Optimus Prime was the greatest ruin of childhood back in the day.
  10. Kalidor

    The Random Image Thread

  11. Kalidor

    image testing

  12. Kalidor

    In case you guys don't know

    So I know I mentioned this before but I've still been tinkering with it and got the layout for the front page that I wanted. I think if you set the forums to "Watched" and make sure the email box is ticked you'll get an email whenever a news article gets posted, which will hopefully be more...
  13. Kalidor

    image testing

  14. Kalidor

    Movies and TV TRANSFORMERS ONE Rolls Out – Streaming Exclusively on PARAMOUNT+ November 15

    Paramount+ today announced that Paramount Animation and Hasbro Entertainment’s TRANSFORMERS ONE, the first fully CG-animated TRANSFORMERS film, will stream exclusively on the service beginning Friday, November 15, in the U.S. and Canada. The film’s availability in additional international...
  15. Kalidor

    Superman & Lois - CW TV series

    This is the best CW show by a LARGE margin and I'm so glad they divested from the clusterhug that is the Arrowverse. Best Superman/Clark Kent actor second only to Reeve. I'm sure going to miss this show.

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