Recent content by M. Virion

  1. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    Beyond all that, even if he really is just trying to center himself for the presidential election - he has to win the DEMOCRATIC primary first. He's put the wagon before the horse.
  2. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    I wrote this poem back in September in the run-up to the election. It feels prescient. Fascism is the beast that eats It needs a platter for it's feasts And as we claim we do not see "It's better them, than you or me!" For once it feeds on all it can It turns it's head and starts to plan
  3. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    Or maybe he's just moving right. That could be pragmatism, chasing the voter - but I'm not voting for it. People like Savage actively push rhetoric that will get me and my community killed. I don't have the luxury of wish casting that Newsom is just playing an angle.
  4. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    And Newsom's second guest is... Michael F-ing Savage Who's next, Milo Yiannopoulos? I'm no longer giving him the benefit of the doubt. You want to position yourself more centrist? Reach across the aisle? That DOES NOT require sitting down and normalizing bigots known for saying some of the...
  5. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    People are stupid, but there are a million ways to dodge an issue without giving full throated agreement to CHARLIE-*******-KIRK. Let alone inviting him on your own show to give him a platform.
  6. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    And on civil rights, public perception should not be where the line is drawn. End of discussion. A politician deciding that a 'lesser' right is an acceptable throw away may be a pragmatic choice - but bare minimum - allies, which I presume you consider yourself, should not be dictating to a...
  7. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    I'm sorry, but the idea that trans women routinely have a biological advantage is a scientific falsehood. DEMONSTRABLY so. If you want to argue testosterone levels or physical advantages, we can have that discussion, but then that may also cause certain cis women to be excluded, but we don't...
  8. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    Glad to know which trans rights are acceptable to torch.
  9. M. Virion

    Transformers: Cyberworld, Mecha Anime Bulls for Days

    I love when Transformers are brightly colored, weird as Hell and clearly aimed at a younger audience. I'm getting all the little dudes at least. At $10 a pop these are right up my alley.
  10. M. Virion

    Samurai Pizza Cats: Blast from the Past

    I don't feel like it often, but I really feel like this HAS to be labor of love. It's incredibly niche, by both a new developer and a new publisher (Red Dunes and Blast Zero) - but they went ALL out on new hand drawn animation and getting both the original English and Japanese voice casts...
  11. M. Virion

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    He's not worth your effort. Paladin doesn't even read the articles he ******* posts. Just sees a headline, or gets fed a rhetoric and comes here to scream at all of us about it, often times over the voices of people actually affected by the issues he thinks he's educating us on.
  12. M. Virion

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    The state department has also removed the "T+" in reference to LGBT+ issues. Full on erasure of our existence.
  13. M. Virion

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    The White House is saying they stand by the EO and will fully implement it, it's just the 'memo' that is rescinded. Whatever the hug that means.
  14. M. Virion

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Hearing the official WH line is this is a glitch. But a glitch, the day after an EO that would precisely affect these systems was signed, and came out of 'no where'? Hogwash. Incompetence at best. More likely got more backlash than expected and are trying to walk it back.
  15. M. Virion

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Beyond just human lives, the amount of jobs dependent on federal funding goes WAY beyond what one would expect. If this holds we're potentially going to see a depression by summer. Just had confirmation Medicaid portals are down Florida as well. This is for sure all 50 states. Just beyond evil.

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