So we got a full circle of color changes? Powerlinx Cyclonus became green, so Powerlinx Demolishor had to be given a new color, so Powerlinx Thrust had to be given a new color?
Regarding Decepticharge... isn't that what the original test shots looked like, minus the long barrel? Pretty...
BSW also narrowly failed to get beyond the 5% threshold (they're at about 4.97 percent), which is one of the best news of this whole debacle along with the FDP's Christian Lindner's announcement to step down as his party's chairman and quit his political career entirely.
Both parties being out...
Almost a year later, and I'm back with another theory!
This time: Armada Powerlinx Thrust.
So supposedly the reason behind the whole color conundrum for Powerlinx Thrust was because of Powerlinx Demolishor.
Hasbro originally wanted Powerlinx Thrust to be an homage to G1 Thrust. That's why...
Keep in mind that the copyright stamp refers to when the toy was developed, not when it was released. So always add at least a year or two when trying to place an unknown toy based on the copyright stamp.
(Of course that doesn't work at all with redecos.)
Also, many of those redecos were initially intended as same-character running change deco variants before Hasbro decided to instead market them as different-character redecos instead. Indeed, some of them were sold as the same characters in Europe.
Here's one where I'm surprised it took me so long to nptice the resemblance.
Remember those weird arrows on Optimus Prime's forearms that are part of his character model?
They're not on his toy...
They're also not on the package art...
They weren't even there on the earliest known version...
Here's one small detail I'd like to add to counter Sabrblade's theory:
Based on some old information which I've collected almost 20 years ago, wave 4 of the RID Basics made its retail debut ca. January 2002. Now the RID general retail figures had five-digit product codes that started with an...
I know I haven't been around in a while. Yes, I'm still alive, and no, I haven't stopped collecting Transformers.
Anyway: A few days ago, I stumbled across something on TFWiki that caught my attention, so I looked into it and ended up having to fix an incorrect claim.
The Japanese release of...
Almost. The matching Mini-Con redeco ("Trigger") was available separately as part of a "Micron Booster" batch along with the redecoed Mini-Cons/Microns Wrench, Clamp and Gauge to match the Armada Blurr, Hoist and Side Swipe retools Blurr, Longrack and Runabout (named "Runamuck" for the Hasbro...
In Germany, there is a fictional member of parliament, but it is clearly intended as a joke and everyone is aware of that.
(That "person" was also never up for vote.)
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