Recent content by Princess Viola

  1. Princess Viola

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    if it's not based on the masterforce anime i have literally zero interest in anything else. toy-based design? nope, i already have the reissue of the original toy. marvel comics pmop design? i'd rather crush myself with a rock.
  2. Princess Viola

    Food Thread - Post pictures of Food

    I made ramen! Followed this recipe from Wegmans (supermarket up here in New York), with a couple of changes: - I used regular chicken stock instead of the organic chicken bone broth (was cheaper) - The chicken wasn't pre-prepared for stir fry (they didn't have any of that in-stock, only...
  3. Princess Viola

    40th Anniversary Haslab: RID2001 Omega Prime

    does that stop them from making direct KOs of masterpieces lol (yeah, yeah, i know MPs aren't limited production runs like haslab is but they're still expensive and yet you can get KOs for like sub-$100 usually)
  4. Princess Viola

    HasLab 2025: Liokaiser

    3P defenders are a strange bunch I'm not even anti-3P I just find it weird that so many of them will defend absolutely dogshit decisions by 3Ps.
  5. Princess Viola

    The Pet thread

    so our cat luna was pregnant again and she gave birth to her new litter today in my sister's room no pics but also, unfortunately, one of them was stillborn
  6. Princess Viola

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    the giza pyramid complex is not aligned with the heavens the whole 'orion correlation theory' (the theory that there's a correlation between the three largest pyramids of the giza complex and orion's belt in the orion constellation) is literally a nonsensical fringe theory dismissed by all...
  7. Princess Viola

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    will the nacelle reissue be mold-free this time
  8. Princess Viola

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    I don't mind partsforming if it's 'part you detach becomes an accessory for the robot mode' type partsforming. But the Cliffjumper mold ain't it and no them trying to go 'Well look there's a handle, it's a shield' does not count because A. Cliffjumper does not have a shield and B. it's...
  9. Princess Viola

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    we already know how the pyramids were built though
  10. Princess Viola

    Takara Missing Link G1 Series

    I was too young for G1, so the only actually vintage G1 figure I have is an incomplete Thrust my uncle gave me when I was like 5-6 years old (literally missing everything except the wings, tail fins, and landing gear - I even lost his nosecone at some point and that's not even an accessory)...
  11. Princess Viola

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    the lost media community was better back before it became full of people obsessed with friggin preschool show pilots and stuff lmao
  12. Princess Viola

    Takara Missing Link G1 Series

    At this point I find ordering jive straight from Japan is often cheaper than waiting for import sites tbh. I mean usually cheaper is only by a few bucks or so but a few bucks is a few bucks.
  13. Princess Viola

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    i'm just a christian. not part of any denomination nor do i attend church, i don't agree with organized religion. i think religious faith is a personal and individual thing, y'know?
  14. Princess Viola

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    ash wednesday is not just a catholic thing lmao.
  15. Princess Viola

    Transformers: Cyberworld, Mecha Anime Bulls for Days

    I don't wanna be rude but I don't think comparing a random cheap cartoon Takara had made as a tie-in to like a random Transformers side toyline they did is at all comparable to what Hasbro is going to be marketing as the new kid-aimed Transformers line lol.

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