Recent content by Ungnome

  1. Ungnome

    The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor

    Yes, but the courts have slapped back on a lot of stuff he's done AND they've been forced to rehire a lot of the people he's fired.
  2. Ungnome

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    It's a 'look at me' bill. No chance of it passing, just trying to throw meat to his base of bigots in an attempt to get re-elected. Like a lot of the junk the 'freedom caucus' proposes in US Congress. Best to keep an eye on it because of some of the garbage that Florida has passed, but I'd...
  3. Ungnome

    The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor

    Ah yes, private equity, the industry that acts like a vampire sucking the wealth out of profitable corporations to feed its shareholders and then dumps them as debt ridden corpses to die in the streets. On that note, Musk can't really do anything TO social security without Congress actually...
  4. Ungnome

    We live in a capitalist dystopia

    Well, during the IE thing the internet wasn't nearly as ubiquitous as it is now and Netscape was still doing OK. Now, Mozilla is slowly dying and pretty much EVERY other browser uses Chromium as its base.(not counting Safari since that's pretty much limited to Apple's ecosystem). It's the...
  5. Ungnome

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    Heck, that's exactly why shooting competitions went from mixed to gendered. Women were competitive, often getting close to or even beating men and so slowly they started splitting them up into gendered categories. This is just within the last 40 to 50 years too. Skeet shooting didn't become...
  6. Ungnome

    Star's Reach, new game by Raph Koster

    New build was released. Wasn't able to play long during the test window due to real life interrupting the session, but they've started testing the seasonal system, world events, revamped the skybox and added in a preliminary pass on the farming system. I couldn't figure out how to get farming...
  7. Ungnome

    Interacting with Facebook Memes Anonymous

    I'm of the mind that anyone who claims to want a meritocracy should be FOR a 100% inheritance tax, TBH. Funny that pretty much NONE of those that spout meritocracy as buzzword agree.
  8. Ungnome

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    Yea, Newsom is an opportunist. He will do what he thinks will get him elected, nothing more, nothing less.
  9. Ungnome

    Escalating anti-LGBT+ hate and the terrorism it inspires

    THIS is why representation is important: Two anti trans bills were defeated in Montana due to the work of two of their trans reps. Good on Montana, Zephyr and Howell!!!!
  10. Ungnome

    We live in a capitalist dystopia

    True enough. IRC servers are cheap to run, though. I've run one on dialup back in the late 90s just to test things out. Granted it only had like 5 users and was only up for a few hours, lol. Discord does voice and video, though, which do have much heavier bandwidth requirements.
  11. Ungnome

    We live in a capitalist dystopia

    It was inevitable, unfortunately(heck, it was already moving in that direction before they announced they were preparing for an IPO). We need open standards and to tear down all these walled gardens. I'm gonna go back to my grumpy corner and complain that IRC stagnated to the point that...
  12. Ungnome

    Star Trek General Discussion

    Lol, I didn't even realize that was the same actress. Shows how much attention I've been paying.
  13. Ungnome

    P&R Funnies!

    Funny thing is there is strong evidence that the human digestive system EVOLVED to eat cooked food. Our ancestors have been cooking meat since before they were homo sapiens. Use of fire goes back at least 400,000 years and there is STRONG evidence that it goes back much further than that...
  14. Ungnome

    The Twit destroying Twitter is a Twaitor

    Couldn't happen to a nicer guy /s
  15. Ungnome

    The "What made you happy today" thread!

    My waist is finally narrower than my hips!!! Started doing some mild exercising, focusing on the glutes and hip area, and yea, it's only an inch and half difference, but progress is progress. I might never end up with an hourglass figure(especially since I'm not on HRT and my diet, um, needs...

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