Recent content by wentwood

  1. Final Fantasy

    Final Fantasy XI Online is still active in case you guys missed it. My only worry here is the combined for the full game would be over 50 G. You need a pay by monthly account. As for Final Fantasy XIV you would need to beat the game within the free level max cut off point.
  2. Playstation Thread.

    I play games on PS mini to catch up on games I missed in the PS 1 era. The PS 1 mini has a resume save marker. I use it for games like Syphon Filter so I don't fall off or something. Tomb Raider was the rare case as each time a new game came out you have to buy a new computer. My plan is to...
  3. Dragon Quest

    Journey Of The Cursed King Playing the 8th game and have the Ultimate Key. When does Red join for the PS 2 version? Or will I play the entire game with my 4 main players? Also currently had just beaten posesed Leon. So what to do for the next boss fight.
  4. Trans Formers 40 - When Did You Start Watching Trans Formers

    I was sort of taking into account the comics. I was 10 when they started but at that time He Man and She Rah as well as Thunder Cats was running so that was part of it. Also Voltron was on which I'd only seen a few episodes. This morning I had just finished Series II and am watching The 5...
  5. Trans Formers 40 - When Did You Start Watching Trans Formers

    A friend of mine had a few episodes but here's what started it for me Shout Factory released Trans Formers East (Head Masters - Victory) on DVD. Then I watched The Unicron Trilogy. Recently I picked up a 25th set for G1 US and the 86 movie. Shout Factory DVD was when I became a regular viewer...
  6. Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    I was able to get Super Legends on PS2.
  7. Tomb Raider IV - VI drops on Switch on February 14 2025. Hopefully they fix the controls on VI...

    Tomb Raider IV - VI drops on Switch on February 14 2025. Hopefully they fix the controls on VI The Angel Of Darkness. I played Tomb Raider VI on PS2. Can't get out of level 2.
  8. The Great Console War is Finally Over

    I'm playing mostly games that are 1st time for me on Play Station Classic Mini. Currently playing Syphon Filter 1 (PS 1) and hoping to finish Final Fantasy VIII , X and XII as well. I had a PS 1 but the disk tray broke. As for PS 2 need a new memory card. Mine is half full. For the PS Mini I...
  9. The Nintendo Thread of Jumping, Slashing, and Home Decorating

    I haven't had an Nintendo since N64. Most games have turned up on Play Station. My problem is that the selection on the aps doesn't warrent buying in.
  10. The Great Console War is Finally Over

    I've had a Nintendo from NES - N 64 but lately I've been paying PS 1 and PS 2 games. It seems like Play Station picked up most lines started by Nintendo. So as that's the case I play mostly PS.
  11. Final Fantasy

    Playing Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XII on PS 2. I was wondering if any of you guys remember the 5th trial from Final Fantasy X. (Conveyor belts) Stalled out on this one. Also trying to level up before the point of no return on Final Fantasy XII.
  12. Dragon Quest

    I'm playing Dragon Warrior VIII - Journey Of The Cursed King on PS2. Also Dragon Warrior VII on my PS 1 classic mini.
  13. Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    I had missed Mighty Morphin - Space Patrol Delta when they ran on Fox Kids and ABC Kids. I didn't have cable at the time. I did see Beast Morphers and Dino Fury on Netflix. Will watch Cosmic Fury on Kiss Cartoon. As I have a PS Mini I was able to finish Lightspeed Rescue (PS 1) the other day...
  14. Power Rangers General Discussion Thread

    I'm a casual viewer with Power Rangers even on DVD.
  15. Sony Play Station Store - Games From The PS1 - PS3 Era

    Here's my deal with digital games. You buy a game and sooner or later it's off the server due to lisence expieration. The company that hosted the game when it first came out changes to Amazon or somebody. Then you're out the purchase price of the games. So for this reason I have a PS1 mini...

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