In a free market, they are entitled to make any legitimate purchases they want.
Similarly, in a free market: you don't have to play the game. Though with everyone occupied by the US trying to end the world, I doubt the user base will be too quick to walk away.
Nova is my fifth current pre-order. Normally, I don't do this, but I'm not missing out on the primes.
And four of those five are from a local store. Kinda proud of myself.
Futurists and analysts have been warning this since before the 2nd world war. Basically since the second industrial revolution when they could the continuing march of technology actually force multiplying production to the point of removing the masses from said production.
But they got to live...
The flip of that coin is: research has already shown that it only takes like a month to deprogram fox news viewers after removal. So... country wide mass deprogramming.
The same 24 news networks that have bent the knee, kissed trumps ring, and are owned by the biggest donators to trumps campaign? The same news networks that spent two years convincing the american public that biden had dementia and that trump was perfectly vital and healthy?
More to the point: appealing to the GOP means moving towards their point of view. Their point of view is fascism. We do not want to meet them halfway. We want to bury them both literally and metaphorically.
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