Saudi Arabia owns SNK

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Saudi crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the guy who had a journalist murdered and chopped into parts, has leveraged his Electronic Gaming Development Company to expand his prior investment of SNK to a whopping 96.18% of the famed developer. The EGDC also has significant investments on Capcom and Activision-Blizzard.
So...yeah. Buy anything from SNK, you are indirectly supporting a muderer who runs a regime of human rights abuses.

Guess it's a good thing I've already got all the SNK stuff I want


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
When was the last game SNK even released?

Ironbite-I can't recall.
They've been pushing the newest entry in King of Fighters and Samurai Showdown got a reboot a couple years ago. Also seem to do some decent business rereleasing their classic Arcade/NeoGeo stuff on modern platforms


Now with hi-res avatar!
Damn, that's a shame. I like SNK. Maybe enough people will stop buying their games that this prick will sell off his shares.


Slightly Off
That doesn't work. All it results in is SNK closes shop, costing people jobs, while Salman's portfolio slightly dips for a week.


NOT a New Member.


He's a gamer apparently according to people that knew him and of course Saudis (and a good chunk of the Middle East) always had a fascination for Japan (due to Japanese softpower, the rise of Imperial Japan and its post-War economic rise ). Also helps that it has a monarchy like most of the GCC.


NOT a New Member.
He's a gamer apparently according to people that knew him and of course Saudis (and a good chunk of the Middle East) always had a fascination for Japan (due to Japanese softpower, the rise of Imperial Japan and its post-War economic rise ). Also helps that it has a monarchy like most of the GCC.
I read that SA's move into games companies and sports and gaming events has been to improve SA's image due to the atrocious human rights issues there.


I read that SA's move into games companies and sports and gaming events has been to improve SA's image due to the atrocious human rights issues there.
The sports team related stuff is more likely elite competition with the other GCC aka the Kings Club (like how Qatar hosted the WC). Qatar for example bought a French Soccer club in 2011/2012 as part of way to get the WC ( A lot of KSA's past things like Iceberg Utilization and widespread wheat cultivation in the desert (, which were seen as widely impractical were more expressions of their power showing the rest of the Kings (and the Arab World) that they could do this.

I think MBS is legitimately serious about his desire to modernize KSA and it is probably tied in with some scheme to foster native industries and in turn flexing royal power. Again I think he is looking at the various developmental models from Japan and China. Whether he'll succeed is another question entirely.


jumbled pile of person
I read that SA's move into games companies and sports and gaming events has been to improve SA's image due to the atrocious human rights issues there.
Ah yes. Nothing improves PR like taking the things people like and holding them hostage.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
In a free market, they are entitled to make any legitimate purchases they want.

Similarly, in a free market: you don't have to play the game. Though with everyone occupied by the US trying to end the world, I doubt the user base will be too quick to walk away.

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