Won't be able to watch the new one until Tuesday, so I can't say anything about the new one, but I think the biggest problem with Answer the Call was the chemistry just wasn't there. The original 2 movies had the characters playing off each other very well and that just kinda fell flat with...
And any state organization created to opt out of osha STILL has to uphold osha standards according to federal law. So any osha mask mandates will still have to be enforced in Florida. This will simply cost Florida taxpayers more money.
Hopefully it's a wake up call to the Democratic party and they ramp up the fight over the next year. I fear it's unfortunately the norm for Democrats to let their guards down after a victory, even one as slim as they got in 2020.
Nah, the sun is too good for them, and have you seen the prices per killogram for a simple LEO launch. Just throw them into Kilauea, much more cost effective.
Marxist cultural revolution among corporate elite????????????? So the ones benefiting the most from capitalism are suddenly Marxists? What kinds of medication is Rubio on anyway?
Heck, the former Centauri emperor was about to make a formal apology to the Narn Regime for the original occupation before he died. All the powers in Babylon 5 are capable of acts of great compassion and horrible injustice. Heck, they all get their hands dirty in one way or the other by the...
The Centauri are complicated. Wouldn't call them out and out bad guys, though their government, especially at this point in the story, are quite bad. Besides they did produce Vir. That's not nothing.
Frankly, I'm all for eliminating daylight savings time.
Also bring on the war on terrorists, as long as you include the likes of the KKK and skinheads in said lists of terrorists (which of course, they wont)
Outside of that.....
Question is, can the UK build a national firewall as powerful as the Great Firewall of China? China's internet censorship apparatus still has lots of holes to this day and they've been working on it for over 20 years.
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