There are just too many cool cars to choose from.
MP Wheeljack/Exhaust
BT/Alt Mirage/Hot Rod
Omnibot Downshift
But hey, they don't have to all be cars. How about Starscream? I assume the MP F-15 version was licensed. I know the F-22 movie version was, but I didn't personally care for the bot mode.
Yeah - it's a reasonable frustration/concern; genuine failures in QC are a real issue. But it's also not really realistic to expect them to maintain extra inventory for every part of every item they sell for some indeterminate time. The Haslabs are honestly the exception to prove the rule...
Looks like Kapow Toys is leading a protest of current pricing and telling people not to preorder Tidal Wave!
I'm inclined to agree at this point. As much as I want TW, if the price conversion sticks that's almost $280 US! I just can't drop that on something that I know will be significantly...
I just really hope it trickles down to the regular line because I'm done buying MPs, but they haven't gotten him right yet elsewhere. I'll pay leader prices for a Voyager size Rhinox if they can manage it.
Maybe it's different now but I thought I remember Hasbro saying the molds are tailored for specific types of plastic, so it's not as simple as just putting regular "solid" plastic in a mold designed for transparent.
I could also be imagining that.
I couldn't watch the cartoon personally - just found it obnoxious.
The figures were cool but yeah, the sizes were tricky and probably part of why I mostly don't collect Classified either. Funnily enough, I just put away my small S6 display to replace it with my small Classified display centered...
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