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  1. Playstation Thread.

    First Off, Astrobot, the GLORIOUS platformer from Team Asobi, won Game of the Year at the Game Awards (among other nods). While I have nothing against the usual open world adventures or RPGs that tend to dominate awards season (and Metaphor WAS well represented this year)…it’s still refreshing...
  2. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    That’s about my biggest “hang up” on the 13, as a modern concept. Hasbro and fans are so set on “defining” everything to a concrete thing, some of that fun we get from building our own interpretations seem lost. Just consider how different fans probably perceived The Jedi Order and The Clone...
  3. Transformers: Reactivate (console MMO)

    Reportedly, some leaked footage of a 2020 build for Transformers Reactivate.
  4. Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    Statler and Waldorf are at the Game Awards. They are as confused as the rest of us as to why they are there.
  5. Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    Well, jive. Turned out this WTF episode of Secret Level was a "pre-preview" of BN's new title, Shadow Labyrinth. Which uses much of the same WTFery which permeated this weird episode.
  6. The "What made you happy today" thread!

    I found the Hot Wheels Racerverse toy I wanted today. I largely ignored the line, until... I found out they did a Star Trek Captain Kirk release. And not just any, but of early-mid 80s coifed hair Shatner riding in an Enterprise 1701 refit in all its Wrath of Khan glory. The fact it wasn't...
  7. Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    Lord, the Pac Man episode of Secret Level was a just a big ole pile of Dubya Tee Eff!
  8. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    The catch there is that...there IS no "idealized G1 cast" everyone can agree on. You have toy, cartoon, and comic, each with their own quirks and unique style choices. The early Generations/Prime Wars days were heavily geared around the toys as the default look. These days the Sunbow cartoon...
  9. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    I find it interesting that Mark explicitly cited Prima as sporting the "Creation Matrix", NOT the Matrix of Leadership. You know what would help with this whole "Primes" thing? Give them all a Matrix (or comparative Macguffin thing like Star Convoy's Zodiac). Follow the Japanese series and...
  10. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    A narrative tweak might be that they WERE all a given point. Maybe conceptualize the Matrix as one part repository and one part “power up” as a fragment of Primus. Every set period of time, original 12 would hold a council to “elect” a new council leader (who would become the “Prime...
  11. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    Late 2004. Grabbed them a week or so before Thanksgiving the ONE time I saw the set.
  12. The new Transformers Deal Thread

    New discounts at Walmart. Remember, so long as the site listing is FROM WALMART, stores will honor the lower price! Retro Bombshell and Ramhorn- $15 Thundertron Star Seeker pack- $30! TFOne Megachanger and Energon Glow Bumblebee figures are $10 and change each War for Cybertron Trilogy...
  13. G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

    Fans were robbed of more truly great stuff when the line was “refocused” in 2005 than they were in 1995.
  14. Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    Huh. The 2024 rerelease of Interstellar made more money to date than The Crow or Megalopolis.
  15. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    So…. I’ve been doing my usual “head cannon” (such as we can knowing only a “piece” of the overall arc the team might have planned) to continue building off the “ongoing narrative” Hasbro kind of started with Siege. In my cannon, an assembly of Primes (from the toys: G1 toon and toy, Animated...
  16. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    *Hasbro releases Energon Sixshot* Seriously, I still stand by the assertion that the 6 changers are a solid foundation to make an Amalgamous Prime and would make a fine excuse to redo Sixshot (who hasn’t had a release since Titans Return). Plus potential retool into Quickswitch or Sixknight.
  17. Transformers: Age of the Primes toyline discussion || update: Wave 1 Box Art

    TBH, if Hasbro had offered Selects Star Convoy a second time? I probably would have gotten it and been completely happy skipping the Titan. But at this point, the Selects is pricing around the same (or more!) than just getting the dang Titan version. But yeah, I can see the Nautica vibes, and...
  18. G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

    Scarlett. Specifically, the 2004 Valor vs Venom iteration that was released in the fall of 2004 to discount chains’ single card assortment.
  19. The new Transformers Deal Thread

    Target has select Transformers on sale for 25% off IN ADDITION to a Circle offer of $10 off a $50 purchase of toys ($25 off when you spend $100)

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