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  1. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    There should be a color break since it's two different people talking.
  2. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    All told, the planning probably happened in 2021. While physical products take a while to get from concept to release, her cards showed up in Sonic Origins and animation takes a while as well.
  3. Zamuel

    Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

    As everyone said, your health is more important. You do what's best for you and I'll adjust things as needed here.
  4. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    And to follow the cook book:
  5. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    While Blaze's gameplay is usually "Sonic, but on fire", her status as royalty does come up when she's around. The more interesting thing is how it shifts how others interact with her and that's the major shared thing with Sally. In SatAM, Sally didn't lean on her status as royalty but others...
  6. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Out of Mighty and Ray, Team Hooligan, Honey, and the Freedom Fighters, I'd personally assume the Freedom Fighters have the least chance of coming back. Not because of gameplay but because of story. While some individual decisions can be weird, Sonic Team generally does things based on story...
  7. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Hmm. I think the million ring question is whether some or all of those characters will reappear. I can see some having vastly higher chances than others.
  8. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

  9. Zamuel

    The DC...Extended Universe or Films or Whatever

    My assumption is that it would be using the changes to Wonder Woman's origin and world made around then. I could be dead wrong. Just the knee jerk reaction of the moment.
  10. Zamuel

    Ezra Miller is somehow The Flash in the DCEU

    I feel like it'll be the swansong of the current cinematic universe but there's some interesting things here. It's using the movies so breaking the universe brings in the Michael Keaton Batman and the Michael Shannon Zod as opposed to using the Atlantis vs Themiscyra element of the comics...
  11. Zamuel

    The DC...Extended Universe or Films or Whatever

    I'll respond to the James Gunn announcement here and the Flash stuff over in the other thread. Time will tell on how good it actually is but it seems to have a decent setup. I'm disappointed that the Wonder Woman project was described as Game of Thrones but I guess we're firmly entrenched in...
  12. Zamuel

    Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: An RPG thread

    Yesterday, I clearly overestimated myself. Scheduled a Pathfinder 2e learn to play and a Pathfinder Society game and despite being prepared to run both, I wasn't actually prepared since the times ran into each other and each ended late. Didn't help that I also had work this morning. Oh well...
  13. Zamuel

    Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

    Destron, you posted your health but not your full turn.
  14. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Oh, your line of questioning wasn't bad at all. It's just that the Snow Shark plotline was aiming for horror and the sense of it being unknown was the point. It was sorta designed that no one would have the answer until you got to Warning Sound. Oh, it was specifically a drawing request.
  15. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Well, it wasn't just that. Amaretto was (incorrectly) making an argument of worth with her comment about bringing in more money to the Keep. It was fairly targeted. And part of the workplace drama comment was that the ordeal with Anchors Away and Splash Flaunt was going on at the same time...
  16. Zamuel

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    Ah, I see we've reached the workplace drama portion of exploring ancient tombs and fighting monsters.
  17. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Ew, The Game Theorists. Don't particularly care for the jittery video style that seems focused on entertaining short attention spans and capitalizing on clickbait than being good discussion. For this video, they chose the one thing that was easiest to prove and least breaking of the lore...
  18. Zamuel

    Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: An RPG thread

    Comparing yourself to other GMs is always interesting. I think it can be good if you use it to improve or at least not be horrible. Honestly, most people should attempt to GM to at least understand what goes into it.
  19. Zamuel

    Dungeons and Dragons, The OGL and Wizards of the Coast

    Part of the reason why it blew up so much and people so readily organized is because it isn't the first time, it just wasn't so severe. If the thread falls for a while, it's fine. Many companies and consumers have made shifts away and both stockholders and banks have complained. Even if...
  20. Zamuel

    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Other than Cyberspace, Special Stages don't have canon explanations, right?

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