Big update: I managed to trade most of the Cosmos figures I was able to obtain at this point. A lot of pretty good deals.
I currently have one final Velocitron Cosmos figure available, out of sixteen (!) I originally puchased at a very good price.
I am currently looking for a Canadian fan...
I started a thread on this topic many years ago on the old Allspark forums. For obvious reasons, that thread is long gone, so I'd like to start a new one.
My personal backstory: I was born, grew up and still live in Duisburg, Germany. My city is part of the Ruhr region, one of the largest...
This thread is not for discussing so-called "third party" items. Please leave them out of this.
This thread is for very blatant instances of copyright or trademark infringement, such as the unauthorized use of graphics or trademarked names.
Today: A PC manufacturer named "Beastcom" that uses...
I can't find the other thread so I assume it was lost in the EVENT last year. Anyway.
Current situation: Woman was detained by the so-called "moral police" for the crime of not wearing her hijab correctly. Died shortly thereafter. This caused a lot of uproar by people (mostly women) who are...
This thread is specifically dedicated to instances where Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall covers a Transformers-related subject (usually a comic book).
His latest video is a review of IDW's "Deviations" issue, aka "Hot Rod sucks and how much better would it have been if Optimus Prime hadn't died...
I wish this was a joke, but the parallels are too eerily similar at this point.
Whenever gun restructions or even bans are even mentioned in the US, the right riles up behind the "second amendment, mah freedums" talking point.
Whenever a general speed limit is mentioned in Germany, there is a...
So these were recently filed by Hasbro.
Obviously, those are for the upcoming "Rise of the Beasts" film.
Which has led...
Since defenders of Putin and the Russian invasion of Ukraine keep bringing up stuff like the 2003 US invasion of Iraq as their default whataboutism, I say it's about time to have a serious discussion if only to show that hey, we can acknowledge when the US has screwed up.
Full disclosure: As a...
Previous Mystery Time threads:
Beast Hunters Ultimate Beast Fire Predaking, Canadian/Latin American version
Disclaimer: I think I posted some of this before during the Big Allspark Outage of 2021, but it was lost in the second crash.
Anyway. As always, this is a Nevermore thread, so please be...
Preface: This is a Nevermore thread. Please read the following carefully on order to avoid answering a question I didn't ask. I'm asking a very specific question, so please make sure you understand the question I'm actually asking.
If you think I'm going overboard with this, I'm speaking from...
How come we're not discussing this yet?
Over the past few months, Russia has moved a large number of troops near the Ukrainian border. Although they insist they don't have any intention to invade, there have been talks between the US and Russia during which Russia has made bold demands, such as...
All of these are by the same company. They're just released in different markets.
Same story here: International man of mystery.
And who doesn't know this?
Or this?
Me personally, I'm familar with this chain, but I assume many of you think there's a wrong letter in the name.
Just to...
This thread is dedicated to (presumed) mysteries and (apparent) discoveries regarding primarily older toys where new variations, packaging variants and other peculiarities are discovered.
Do you have an odd version of a toy you can't seem to find any info about? Have you seen a toy in packaging...
While updating TFWiki, I came across a note regarding RID 2015 Groundbuster's instructions, and found this:
The name is spelled "Groundbutter", with a double "t", in...
The man, the legend:
Apparently he already died a few days ago.
Sadly, it wouldn't be an article about Orenstein without some severe misreporting about his...
Since it appears the Buzzworthy branding won't be going away for the foreseeable future, I though we might as well give it its own thread to avoid cluttering other related threads with stuff that doesn't really belong there.
To summarize - thus far we had:
Studio Series Deluxe Class:
Rattrap, Cheetor, Optimus Primal and Megatron have already been released. Up next are Tigatron and Scorponok. Official Hasbro stock photos from an eBay seller:
And no, these are not digibashes like some people...
There are some political outliers who, surprisingly enough, hold progressive political views which they actually justify with Bible quotes, such as opposing the death penalty or supporting immigrants. Some even go so far as consider abandoning the "evangelical" label, not because they think it...
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