Search results

  1. Trans Formers 40 - When Did You Start Watching Trans Formers

    A friend of mine had a few episodes but here's what started it for me Shout Factory released Trans Formers East (Head Masters - Victory) on DVD. Then I watched The Unicron Trilogy. Recently I picked up a 25th set for G1 US and the 86 movie. Shout Factory DVD was when I became a regular viewer...
  2. Sony Play Station Store - Games From The PS1 - PS3 Era

    Here's my deal with digital games. You buy a game and sooner or later it's off the server due to lisence expieration. The company that hosted the game when it first came out changes to Amazon or somebody. Then you're out the purchase price of the games. So for this reason I have a PS1 mini...
  3. Miss Scarlett

    For the new series Miss Scarllet will be the only active main cast member Details posted shortly.
  4. Pokemon Generation VIII - Journeys - Ultimate Journeys Viz DVD

    Viz Media continues the home DVD release for the USA of the series with the first Netflix era generation of the series. Journeys Part 1 was released in 3 parts Master Journeys is a year set release Ultimate Journeys is a year set release. Ultimate Journeys includes the mini series To Be A...
  5. Scooby - Doo XV - Go Go Mystery Machine

    Cartoon Network will release the 15th incarnation of Scooby - Doo and it will be an anime series. This new chapter will be set in Japan. More upon confirmation
  6. Red Dwarf XIV - 2025

    Red Dwarf will return for 3 episodes in 2025. This could revert to the format used for Red Dwarf IX Back To Earth Parts 1 - 3.
  7. Power Rangers Mighty Force

    Power Rangers Mighty Force East Side Games Hasbro Soft launch Official Launch - June 2024 Plot Rangers known Jason - Red Ranger Billy - Blue Ranger Trini - Yellow Ranger Kim - Pink Ranger Zack - Zoe - Yellow Bear Ranger Will only be listening the regular story Rangers. The story...
  8. Doctor Who - Lost In Time

    BBC has launched another mobile game which the episode is interesting for this.
  9. New Year's 2024

    How did you guys start 2024? Me Watched the fireworks from London live on YouTube Watched Pocket Monsters The Jhoto Journeys Watched The New Red Green Show X Special Red Green Does New Year's
  10. Natural Light Issues And Dark Areas

    Have any of you guys had issues with daylight playing games? This happens when I play any games even on PS 1 Mini. You go into a dark area like a dimmed room or cave. Also natural daylight gets in the way and you end up waiting for night.
  11. What's The Most You've Watched For A Single Year Of An Anime?

    The most episodes for one year I've watched Pocket Monsters Indigo League 82 episodes This includes the banned episodes btw. I streamed the banned episodes. Watching on DVD.
  12. DC On Tubi

    This thread will keep track of what movies and series are streaming on Tubi. More coming in 2024. Hopefully they pick up Titans. Bat Man - Original Series Batwoman (CW) Birds Of Prey Gotham (Fox) Krypton (Sy Fy) Lois And Clark - The New Adventures Of Super Man (ABC) Swamp Thing
  13. Dissida Final Fantasy Opera Omnia

    Playing this on Android. Currently on Act 3 Chapter 7. Game Data Resume Tip Make sure you have an account with either Square Enix or Google Play. To resume - Transfer data Then Restore with either Square Enix or Google Play. The game takes a combined 21 gigs so I only load what I need.
  14. Marvel Future Fight

    Currently playing this game and have been using Ms Marvel for most of it.
  15. Tomb Raider I - III

    The first 3 games are coming to Switch and PS 4 and 5 in February 2024.
  16. Harry Potter - Hogwarts Mystery

    Been playing a Harry Potter prequel game. The first part takes place 7 years before The Sorcerer's Stone. Beyond Hogwarts is at the start of the first book. I will be on Year 2 in the prequel story.
  17. Tomb Raider - The Legend Of Lara Croft (Netflix)

    Will post all details for this shortly.
  18. Customs The Anime Remix Theme Thread

    Fans will remix fave themed from Japanese shows. Feel free to post cool ones here
  19. James Bond 007

    It seemed fitting as they are on the 26th mainline movie and 7th Bond. I do have only one issue with these movies. The 27 movies (counting Casino Royal 56 and Never Say Never Again) are on 6 stream feeds which counting Hulu Live TV can run 160 bucks a month. So I watch the movies on DVD to...
  20. The Fast And The Furious

    I'm currently watching the 10th movie on DVD Fast X. I was surprised to see this get an extra movie (#12) to finish the story for a 3 part finale. I've seen all of them on DVD up to Fast X.

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