Sooo I had put my Nacelle on the shelf and hadn’t touched it for about a month after I had bought it and fiddled around with it for a bit on that day. I remembered the day I got it (part of my present for my 40th!☺️) and that I went on here to brag about how my copy didn’t have any mold/plastic...
Many people tend to discuss or mention aspects or details of their relationships with their singular significant others quite a bit in everyday spaces, including many on this website. Some of us just have more than one significant other (SO), and there are unique circumstances that just happen...
When I originally watched Beast Machines ep "Savage Noble", I presumed that Meg's beast mode parts that he excised from his person and dumped into a random body that gained sentience happened as some freaky side effect of the experiment.
Rewatching Beast Wars, I realized that... that...
Was it a “blink-and-you-missed-it” release? Has it not come out yet? Was it cancelled? I thought it was supposed to come out around the same time as Galaxy Shuttle and Scourge but never saw it anywhere except in promos.
I have a feeling he obviously won’t be speaking in the film, for starters. My question is why?
Will he get the AoE Dinobots treatment in that he’ll just be a background character there to fill out the ranks?
Will there be an in-universe explanation, like he had his voice box damaged too? (Cus...
I’m assuming many are too jaded will not know what the eff I’m talking about, but my most recent Pulse shipment arrived today and included RotB Battletrap.
I don’t know why, but while I was learning how to transform him (I like going through the steps while reading the instructions), I got hit...
I don’t have too many words right now, just lots of feelings of rage and vengeance. My husband and I were at a different event in Denver that same night (which is about an hr and a half north of the area) and we’ve never been...
How are they talking about this as if this is just a “meh” thing that’s ok? Maybe I’ve seen too many sci-fi post-apocalyptic dystopian movies, but am I the only one terrified at...
I’m hoping someone on staff can let me know in which forum I can post this type of request.
I would like to post a request for someone with a 3D printer to create something for a me; specifically, a custom adapter piece for an existing TF figure that I already have. I am willing to pay for...
So I’ve discovered an easier, safer way to transform the lower body of Kingdom Beast Megs that doesn’t put stress on how the hips are constructed.
Basically, first, use one hand to grip the entire upper body, but especially around the “belt area” of the hips (circled below).
It’s especially...
Is it just not available yet or was he one of those randomly suddenly heavily coveted, blink-and-you-miss-it figures? Cus I can’t find it anywhere. It’s sold out on Amazon. It DOESN’T EXIST anywhere on eBay. And it’s not available on any online retailers that I can find on Google. It has to not...
Apologies if this thread is ripping off a similar concept in another recent thread or something; feel free to merge if that’s the case.
Thread “rules” are simple: what are some concepts you felt could have or should have been incorporated into a Transformers-related story, fiction, or toys that...
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