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  1. GodSentinelOmega

    Movies and TV Christopher Batty Talks the Cinematography of TRANSFORMERS ONE

    Website Animation World Network recently got to sit down with Christopher Batty, to talk about his innovative work on Transformers One’s stunning cinematography. You can check out the full and complete interview on their website here, or read some excerpts from it below. Join the Allspark...
  2. GodSentinelOmega

    Peter Cullen Receives Lifetime Achievement Award from National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

    As it was foretold, so it has come to pass. On Sunday, December 17th, 2023, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences held the 2nd Annual Children’s & Family Emmy Awards. It was there that Peter Cullen, the voice of Optimus Prime (and so, so many more) was presented with a Lifetime...
  3. GodSentinelOmega

    The SuSspark Amongus Thread for Crewmates (and Imposters!)

    Here is a thread for all Crewmates and those of a Sussy nature to come together amd plan some Amongus craziness. Have fun!
  4. GodSentinelOmega

    Mey Hem RPG: Sword & Sorcery After the End of the World!

    I just thought i’d start a thread back for us all to collect notes on the Mayhem Mey Hem RP. If and when Zam returns we can prepare to close out the last campaign With a bang! and maybe, prepare for a new adventure! Mey Hem main page...

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