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  1. Shadewing

    G1 Marvel Comic Collections

    Didn't IDW reprint much of the G1 Marvel comics in several graphic novel like collections? I have a friend wanting to find them, or a good place to get the orginal for non-insane prices.
  2. Shadewing

    Hasbro, Fix your damn panels or stop using them.

    I am getting REALLY ******* tired of this. Just got 86 Ironhide today. Vehicle mode is near impossible to achieve becuase the panels refuse to peg in correctly, and all I'm doing is adding stress marks in trying to force it. Videos I watch seems like this is a hit or miss issue. 86 Core Ratchet...
  3. Shadewing

    Coming Soon: Shadewing Plays

    So, for those that followed my last attempts at streaming, I'm hoping to get back into it later this month, but rebranded to a more unique name. Same twitch channel, already started updating stuff, so if you've still following over there, you'll be notified to my streams. I'll also post here...
  4. Shadewing

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    You’re watching: ZBS All-Access MAX plus “All of Equestria is watching...” *Video will play after ad* The Muck family has been providing Canterlot's military with armaments for ages, but as the world changes, so too does the state of defense. Gone are the days where the royal guard were...
  5. Shadewing

    Being unfairly evicted

    Our landlord is trying to evict us, without going to court and only giving us 3 days to get out; both against GA law when it comes to our rights at tenants. We're gonna try and fight this, but if anyone can help it'd be greatly appreciated even if it's just spreading this around.
  6. Shadewing

    [OOC] Nighthaze - ShadowRun/Cyberpunk but with Ponies!

    So hey, those wanting to do more TTRPG with Ponies, maybe this work? The current rule book for those that want to look it over:
  7. Shadewing

    Marvel's Hawkeye on Disney Plus

    Okay, I really hope this is what finally gives us Classic Hawkeye; Such a great character but so little really done with him, and seeing some stuff from the 'Hawkguy' comics gives me some hope for that . I also do love the touch that you can see him wearing a hearing aid in some shots, as...

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