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  1. Tuxedo Prime

    If a 3.5" disk held Optimus Prime, what could an N64 cartridge hold? (MiSide)

    I suppose, considering my subjecting Allspark 3.0 to many tales of Love and Literature, to say nothing of my contributions to the Mayhem Bakery thread, it was inevitable that I'd end up starting a thread about the new waifu-care game MiSide! Or is it the VR sim of domestic bliss MiSide? Or...
  2. Tuxedo Prime

    2D/3D art 25th Anniversary Edition! Colourized Beast Machines Twotone

    Amid all that has gone on the past few years, there have been a few missed milestones in our fandom. Hasbro has been a bit lax at anniversaries for Beast Wars, for example -- though we did get Kingdom and the Rise of the Beasts movie. RiD's 20th was a victim of pandemics and rights tangles...
  3. Tuxedo Prime

    "Our Laughs Are In Danger!"

    A sequel, of sorts, to my post regarding the limbo that the World's Worst Site is (still) stuck in. They say that the Internet never forgets -- but with Usenet increasingly harder to access and the Internet Archive having gone out of service following a mass hack and DDOS attack (EDIT: It's...
  4. Tuxedo Prime

    Fanfiction Well, I finally got self-published at

    With so much Web 1.0 content disappeared or disappearing, and Usenet not exactly easy to access (though I am assured that ATT still carries on, with something like around 5 people), I thought I would preserve one of my fan works for posterity. So, 24 and a half years after its initial...
  5. Tuxedo Prime

    On Getting Out of Survival Mode: Musings, Plans, and Questions on 21st-Century North American Life

    I was inspired by the premise -- if not the actual execution -- of the "How to survive?" thread that was one of the many legacies of a rather bizarre poster. Having restarted my own life from something like mark zero in April of 2021 (not the first time, either), and having gone through the same...
  6. Tuxedo Prime

    All Aboard the Feels Train! (A Katawa Shoujo playthrough and analysis)

    So, a bit of background. In April of 2021, I had open-heart surgery, to correct a congenital condition. During my convalescence and rehabilitation over the summer and fall of that year, I discovered Doki Doki Literature Club! - which resonated with me because one or two of the characters...
  7. Tuxedo Prime

    The Taxonomy of Toy-Based Fiction, or a further look at Continuity Families

    I thought that I'd take a look at sparking some discussion (that wasn't about ARGs and anime-themed games) with regards to our Great Big Story Map -- by which I mean the Continuity Family Tree. Since at least the 2003 Universe line, there have been various efforts, some fan led and some...
  8. Tuxedo Prime

    Clip testing

    In which a certain someone states a strong opinion.
  9. Tuxedo Prime

    So passes an age. An age of heroes, villains, and I don't even know what.

    When I'm feeling a little down, as has been my habit for many years, I head over to the Transformers: World's Worst site for a pick me up of very basic humour. Mostly from the early fics -- which are perhaps of a certain poignancy given the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, but even their later...
  10. Tuxedo Prime

    "Welcome to the Literature Club! 💓"

    So.... yeah. I imagine that any discussion of this will lean heavily on spoiler space and content warnings, but I have to say, while the game itself isn't necessarily all that in terms of structure (basic sprites, Ren'Py coding almost designed to be endlessly modifiable, a reliance on...
  11. Tuxedo Prime

    Fanfiction Did anyone collect or contribute to HeadMasters II?

    Hey all, and welcome to my first post on the rebooted Allspark board that is Actually About Transformers. So, I've been surveying some of Ye Olde Inter-Nette over the past few months, and I have to say, a lot of old material has vanished, decayed or is at risk of passing into the ether. There...

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