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  1. Covert Agent Rodimal

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    The entire republican party needs a cosmic level b*tch slap at this point. Also a bunch of democrats for letting them get this far.
  2. Covert Agent Rodimal

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    How many people (like me) didn't vote because we're tired of the lesser of two evils crap or didn't think our vote would matter in a decidedly red state?
  3. Covert Agent Rodimal

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    When I first read the article about the Navajo, I was irate, still kinda am, but then the chaos monster in me asked the question that made me laugh out loud. Where are they going to send them?
  4. Covert Agent Rodimal


    I'm ambivalent about Fema. Seems like they do help, yes, but only so much and only when they get around to it.
  5. Covert Agent Rodimal

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    If he tries to attack any Nato nation, the words he's going to hear most often are "I'm sorry sir, I cannot follow that order."
  6. Covert Agent Rodimal

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Without an amendment (which he'll never get, not enough support. It'll never make it out of congress, much less get a 3/4 majority of the states), it's a mute point, but funny to contemplate.
  7. Covert Agent Rodimal

    The "Trump" Expansion

    I stand corrected.
  8. Covert Agent Rodimal

    The "Trump" Expansion

    Canada is automatically a State if they decided to go along with this. They don't have to get approved by the US Government. They are grandfathered in in the Constitution (so to speak).
  9. Covert Agent Rodimal

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    You can't declare martial law in the United States without a war, viable threat on US soil, a national emergency such has a environmental issue that effects multiple states, or outbreak. It's easier for a state governor to declare martial law than it is the President. And Martial law in the US...
  10. Covert Agent Rodimal

    The "What made you happy today" thread!

    Journey: Don't Stop Believin' on the radio on the way home from work.
  11. Covert Agent Rodimal

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    Huh, must have missed that part in my research. I stand corrected
  12. Covert Agent Rodimal

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    It can't happen, Speaker is second in line to the Presidency. Musk is ineligible to be President because he's not a natural born citizen. Keeps him from holding any government positions that might lead him to be (officially) President of the United States... Not that they are going to bother...
  13. Covert Agent Rodimal

    What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

    I don't want to live in this reality anymore.. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  14. Covert Agent Rodimal

    Trans Formers 40 - When Did You Start Watching Trans Formers

    Whenever MtMtE came out the first time in 1984.
  15. Covert Agent Rodimal

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Maybe she'll make a babyface turn halfway through the term.
  16. Covert Agent Rodimal

    The 2024 Us Presidential Election Thread

    A lot of Hasbro's stuff is currently made in Vietnam, not just China
  17. Covert Agent Rodimal

    Studio Series discussion

    Like with '86 Springer, don't know if I need '86 Galvatron, but I want it.
  18. Covert Agent Rodimal

    Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

    Silver only works with werewolves.

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