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  1. Ceir

    A small thoughts thread: what are you playing and how is it going?

    Because I don't think it's necessary to put up a new thread for every game I play, but occasionally just want to write about a thing! By all means share your bits too, digital or analog. I recently got into the Final Girl series. I don't like watching horror movies at all, but I'm perfectly...
  2. Ceir

    The Repaint Concept Thread

    Ha. You can also already do it with the Siege Lambo family. Armada Wheeljack 6th Ranger, anyone?
  3. Ceir

    Harris-Walz / Dems

    I haven't read the whole thread, I'm just venting some spleen and asking rhetorical questions. The hell, Dems. Why are you having such a problem presenting any kind of a united front or message against the current bullshittery, even one as simple as "hey, we're not the ones who want <insert...
  4. Ceir

    We all Warframe Together

    Well, at least the new Nightwave season is a couple slots. Thank you Nora, that's how I've gotten by so far (though I do wish once in a while she'd give pet slots instead). Yeah, going through the list and playing the "is it good and/or did I actually enjoy using it" game for what to sell off...
  5. Ceir

    We all Warframe Together

    Pardon the double post, but FYI: double-affinity weekend is up! Making use of it to finish leveling the booger gun. Built the Stug for memes a bit ago, it's just taking me ages to level. Big surprise as a slow, low-damage gun. But hey, I appreciate a meme machine now and then.
  6. Ceir

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Literally the only One figure I see any more, and in no short supply. Relevant to Legacy, I finally snagged a copy of G1 Universe OP last week, and have not tired of him as a deskbot. So far all my joints are good, guns fit the hand ports okay, and the paint is fine. I'm liking him quite a bit...
  7. Ceir

    P&R Funnies!

    "'But I didn't think they'd eat *my* face', cry voters who supported the Face-Eating Tiger party"...
  8. Ceir

    Struggling with Digital v Physical

    Physical media all the way, baby. A book or a disc on my shelf that I've paid for can't be taken away from me accidentally, incidentally, or intentionally if my internet goes out, a website goes belly up, or a service provider loses rights/decides to play the censorship game. Yes, I am also...
  9. Ceir

    Star Trek General Discussion

    Long post is long, 'cause I finally got to pick up my Into The Unknown starter! As a game, I'm still poring over the rules and how-to-play vids (FLGS dude recommended Crabbok's to me, on the youtubes) and having a think about it. Also as a game, be aware that the box does not include the full...
  10. Ceir

    Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    As I've seen noted on several different pokemon blogs, so source is a bit tenuous: "The principal difficulty of having a pokemon pick up your groceries for you isn't getting it to understand the concept of a grocery list, but getting it to understand the concept of capitalism. One might assume...
  11. Ceir

    Star Trek General Discussion

    This impressed me. He's also done the TNG, VOY, and LD intros.
  12. Ceir

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    I too am a Star Trek fan. Strange New Worlds is the most consistent fun I've had with a modern series, and I think the show's biggest weakness is the 10-episode seasons. There's almost no room for characters to develop, and it's harder to get into their heads - especially in a prequel/AU series...
  13. Ceir

    AI don't trust techbros

    They really have absolutely no long-term plan or end goal other than More Money For Me Forever Eternally And hug Everyone Else, don't they.
  14. Ceir

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    'nother thing from a rando blog that I added to my quote file. "I don’t know what those ‘90s sci Fi TV writers were putting in their shows but I wish they’d start doing it again # They de-escalated the stakes every once in a while so you can see what the characters are like when they're not...
  15. Ceir

    The Repaint Concept Thread

    I know they were never actually that common, but I do miss the less-conventional OP redecos. These days it's movie-or-G1, Nemesis, maaaaaybe a Toxitron if we're lucky. I'd buy more mainline Optimii if we got things like G2 Hero white-and-stripes, Nightwatch, Elite Guard/YOTH with the darker...
  16. Ceir

    The Repaint Concept Thread

    Another color scheme I desperately wish we could get again.
  17. Ceir

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    I was reminded of a joke recently: My wife asked why I got my CCW license. I said, "for when the Decepticons attack." She laughed. I laughed. The toaster laughed. I shot the toaster. It was a good day.
  18. Ceir

    Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    A very valid point! Sub-division then: there will be two types of containers. One will never have anything in it; the other will be full RNG roguelike randomization. Additional trope subversion: nothing will ever take exactly three hits or have three phases.
  19. Ceir

    The Repaint Concept Thread

    From last page - dig both the color variations, and this has helped me pin down what bugs me about this mold. It's kind of like the old DOTM deluxe prime; the wheelbase is way too long because the legs don't meaningfully collapse in any way.
  20. Ceir

    Mayhems tangled mess of controler cords

    Purely as a thought exercise, I've been trying to come up with the most fair yet mean game possible, in terms of just totally stonewalling player expectations and being sarcastic about video game tropes - basically, the ultimate streamer troll. For what I'm envisioning, it would have to be some...

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