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  1. Destron D-69

    Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Disney

    originally this was billed as "THE ORIGIN" of the mcu Spider-man, but then that changed. now this is just Disney on their own with no connection to anything sony related doing their own Spider-man. I'm already not going to be watching thanks to the continuing Ginger erasure. its just obvious...
  2. Destron D-69

    Fantastic Four: First Flight in July 2025

    marvel's doing a lot of work to make me not instantly turn away... but boy howdy then I remember this is the launching pad for downeyDoom and secret wars and I just feel like... I don't know if the ship has already sunk and they're just trying to row along the bottom right now. I'll have to see...
  3. Destron D-69

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    Dee would just be Guyver II. I mean I've used that 'character' as an avatar on allspark before so it makes sense. were there to be a May hem Kamen Rider team
  4. Destron D-69

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    lol She tried guys, she really did... but I don't think being friends is in the cards for future maple and Harmony
  5. Destron D-69

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    I'm kinda waiting to see how Godbomber turns out before I invest too much interest in this mold. Kinda hope it is better designed than the titans return combination.
  6. Destron D-69

    Mey Hem RPG Micropiece Theater

    I loved this. the nurses -wowza ... might have to start a Viknadian healthcare provider visa program and import some nurses from whatever school produced these fine ladies.
  7. Destron D-69

    He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe

    the tributes have been really touching. RIP
  8. Destron D-69

    Fnu Draw Thread (Drawversary 2022)

    true, the first one feels more characterful. this earlier version can still fit into canon however. just as a further recollection from somewhere later in the timeline. lol like when we cut back to Forrest Gump on the bench and he's talking to a different person than he was when he started that...
  9. Destron D-69

    Getting rid of the Twitter embeds, and enabling alternatives

    thanks for looking into alternatives.
  10. Destron D-69

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    FFVII it sure is interesting what could happen, and I think square wants us to believe both the possibilities are on the table going into game 3. that being that A) they're going to let us "fix it" somehow. or that B) They've constructed a new way to 'do it to us' again, that will be both...
  11. Destron D-69

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    I'm starting to wonder if hasbro forgot they need to make Generations Omnibots for me.
  12. Destron D-69

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    boy oh boy the arrested development is acting up big time tonight for my sweet little love bug lol, plopping down like a toddler in the middle of the hallway because she doesn't want to go back to the mean people place... XD
  13. Destron D-69

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    the whole thing will be on switch 2 in 2027 if not before
  14. Destron D-69

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    tig o' bitties
  15. Destron D-69

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    oh good, Maple didn't go back into the kitchen... I couldn't remember if she did or not lol
  16. Destron D-69

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    some of the outfits got slightly less sexy apparently. I do not own the game as of yet, my new game budget goes to ff7 this console generation.
  17. Destron D-69

    Fnu Draw Thread (Drawversary 2022)

    omg, is Night Cap the current "dread Pirate Roberts" of dreams... and this watcher is the previous one... O_O ?
  18. Destron D-69

    [OOC] STOMP Remembrance Project

    good luck if you all do end up having another game.
  19. Destron D-69

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    I forgot how weird the quote feature is lol. Maybe he means "Prepatch" and "postpatch" versions of Stellar blade?
  20. Destron D-69

    Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)

    Tetsuo big banged

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