It is very possible, with the new figures coming out, and Hasbro talking about it at SDCC.
Sure, a BC compatible rerelease of these games can easily be released as-is on Xbox and Steam, especially considering 360 games on modern Xbox consoles are just emulated and not actually being ported to run on Xbox Series S/X hardware.The excuse of "They can't find it on the hard drives" is kind of BS becuase if you own those game digitally, you can download them right now, meaning putting them onto gamepass would be trivial (and Micosoft was fully offering to do the work to make sure they work on the current hardware). Same thing with the games on Steam. Playstation is a bit of a different story given PS3's architecture made making the games backwards compatible more trouble than they were worth.
Woot! Digging this news!Activision employee says they know where the code is, so it was either a miscommunication or a lie that they didn't. (I'm guessing the fault lies with Activision, because it was easier to go "we can't find it" than to go "we're not interested in putting the games out again."
Tweeter is Chief Commercial Officer and Executive VP of Corporate Affairs at Activision.
Once upon a time, Hasbro themselves were pushing these games to be considered on the same level of importance as other mainstream TF media. For the year 2010, even, War For Cybertron was considered the primary Transformers fiction of that year.These games must have been more popular than I realized, because it seems like every news blog on the entire internet is posting about this.