Disney+s Live Action Rescue Rangers Is Not What You’re Expecting


Continuity Nutcase
Well that trailer is INSANE. It's genuinely hard to believe it's real, because there's just so much bonkers stuff in there.
I see what you did there.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Opposites Attract! Finding that music video playing on MTV was like having A Ha's Take on Me, for me.

I hope it doesn't turn into 'Zipper was the villain all along'. Or worse, Gadget.

Who's the guy with the Jurassic Park homage? That's not Fat Cat.

mx-01 archon

I hope it doesn't turn into 'Zipper was the villain all along'. Or worse, Gadget.

Who's the guy with the Jurassic Park homage? That's not Fat Cat.

They're not doing that. Again, you see Gadget very briefly fighting alongside Chip in the trailer, flying their plane like she always used to.


I’m not dead yet!
Gadget may be the inciting cause for why they get back together. The little plot blurb they put out with the trailer says that one of the Rangers goes missing causing C&D to get the band back together. Black Nerd has a video up where he wonders that what if they are riffing on the Russian Gadget cult possibly to have her being the one missing due to somepeople like them kidnapping her.


wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
See, I kinda like the whole "roger rabbit and toontown" concept because it opens up the possibility of massive cross overs and adventures (like how much liquor launchpad can handle before he does something really stupid.) outside the cannon that makes individual characters famous. I mean: hell; the concept alone of cartoon character cosmetic surgery could probably do an entire mockumentary series.

This... this might either be a neat commentary on ultimately how disposable even beloved nostalgia characters are, or just a very bad idea that was trying to cash in on that nostalgia and failing because there's nothing redeeming for old fans and nothing to attract new ones.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

I'm going to assume that we're suppose to recognize this guy. The shirt looks like Disney's Robin Hood. The arm isn't blocky enough to be The Thing. The face isn't Fat Cat, is it? Who is this guy?

Unless the plot is Chip and Dale investigating a murder / mutilation of some toon characters and someone is Frankenstein-ing them.


Continuity Nutcase
Who is this guy?

From Disney Wiki:
The Chimera monster in the film is made up of several Disney characters. It has the head of Felicia from The Great Mouse Detective, the torso of Peter Pan from the film franchise of the same name, the jacket of John Silver from Treasure Planet, and the left arm of Wreck-It Ralph from the film franchise of the same name.


Wondering bot
I've watched the trailer and honestly, I found it to be rather bland, it has nothing that screams its a must see, it just feels safe, no pushing the bounderies which is kind of sad, Disney was once the peek of western animation, but now, they are just a shell of their former selves


Well-known member
Gadget may be the inciting cause for why they get back together. The little plot blurb they put out with the trailer says that one of the Rangers goes missing causing C&D to get the band back together. Black Nerd has a video up where he wonders that what if they are riffing on the Russian Gadget cult possibly to have her being the one missing due to somepeople like them kidnapping her.
...And now I'm imagining the potential Gadget cult singing the Coo Coo Cola song, with new lyrics. "Come along, you belong..."


Active member
Man, this movie will be okay, but chances are critics and people are going to dismiss it for being nothing but meta.

Also, nice to see Disney care enough to give Roger Rabbit a cameo, and even a scene where Chip and Dale are saved by what looks like the Mane Six.

Demovere Xeno

The (likely on-purpose) jarring mix of animation styles looks kind of cool.
This looks like the Disney Afternoon version of Ready Player One.
Or Space Jam: A New Legacy. Come to think of it, that movie also had that mix of styles between the cameoing franchises.

I'm definitely going to sound like an old man yelling from his porch for saying this, but I can't say I like this trend of taking wacky older franchises and making them 200% 'meta'. Like the people dusting these franchises off nowadays can't trust their audience to suspend disbelief for the more fantastical elements, so instead, they either go full tongue-in-cheek, laugh-a-second humor like here or rake the franchise over metaphorical sandpaper so much in an effort to make it 'serious', 'gritty' and 'realistic'.


Nonstop Baaka
Definitely watching this for the Roger Rabbit/Amazing World of Gumball vibes alone. I get the feeling that there's great things they are hiding about the movie, like the Chimera. Didn't even notice that, nice catch.


Active member
I was ecstatic when Disney gave us the original Rogger Rabbit on 4K, but I never thought we'd see the character/world ever used on-screen again.

Really bizarre franchise choice to do so with.


I hope the plot doesn't sideline Gadget for a big chunk of the film. It's 2022! You can't bench the token female. (Plus obviously she's awesome.)


Continuity Nutcase
I hope the plot doesn't sideline Gadget for a big chunk of the film. It's 2022! You can't bench the token female. (Plus obviously she's awesome.)
Unless she's the character who's gone missing.

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