2D/3D art FanComic. DoubleClutch: Pilot for hire. The entire saga.


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
Alright here we go.
If I mess this up PLEASE tell me! The pain meds from surgery have me a bit off (which is an excuse for not knowing how to properly post images)

AnyWho... DoubleClutch : Pilot for Hire has been my pet project for over (gasp! I'm old) TEN YEARS!!!
The first "Issue" was rendered back in 2010 and then later posted to Deviant Art on January 2nd 2011.
My FanComic is loosely based after the 1980's US Cartoon. The war has been over for a while, Humans said basically stay away from us and the Paradron populace that migrated to Cybertron are helping to restore the planet. Let's Do This!
See this link Below? every title page has one that corresponds to the specific DeviantArt Comic issue gallery! Cheers!

*NOTE: the deviantart gallery page order is backwards right now heh.
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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
I have no clue what I'm doing...

Warp Gates* they used them back then... nowadays they use transwarp engines.

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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
Yes. you are correct in assuming I am a FireFly fan. This issue was drawn heavily from the episode "Out of Gas"

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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
So yeah looking back and rereading my FanComic I can see a tone of things I'd change now. Sadly shortly after finishing this "first run" the aged computer I was using crashed and I lost everything, all of the character models and all of the rendered parts and pieces. The only back up was DeviantArt and The Allspark.
So ALL of the characters I am using now have been recreated in just the last couple of years.
I use a Software (once shareware) called DoGA, specifically DoGA L-3 (which stands for Lesson 3), it came out in 1999 I think?
I paid $40 for the access password and username to unlock the program and being stingy, I will squeeze every last drop of 3D goodness out of it.


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
the floating Orb tower in the "Sea of Light" was ripped from a sketch of Cybertron I found online, where some one (Zobovor?) was attempting to map out the planet.


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
Diode's wrist blade is very special.
PLUS the "Triton" base is actually a relic of my first attempt at a comic back in 2008. It was supposed to be an Energon refinery that was ruled by Straxus and Axer.
that story only exists in fragments now.
yes it says "To be concluded" I intended the story to end in one more "Issue" but it took a life of it's own and stretched out 4 more "Issues" lol


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
So this Issue (Issue 3 Dark Physician) is a personal favorite of mine and is referred to often in both "Rust Sea" and "Quest for Tires" (they will also be reposted here so everything is in one place and in chronological order)
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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
It was around this time that I picked up a few issues of IDW's Transformers. I already had a few issues of Desolation and the Simon Furman run, but this new direction seemed bigger, more expansive. The characters just seemed more real to me. In Homage of that I started adding some small elements of IDW MTMTE to my story.
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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
FYI Starscream has only one "ear" vent in refrence and honor to how he was drawn during the "Underbase" saga of the original Comic run.
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yeah in my Fan-verse Blaster and Tracks have a bar named after their Human Friend from the G1 Cartoon.


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
FYI the rendering of Darkmount/Straxus was a chore. I wanted as close to toy acurate as I could get. He ended up being over 20,000 polygons, which doesnt seem like much but the old DoGA program struggled to pose him.
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Shameless FireFly reference...


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
I remember being so obsessed with DoGA at this time I ended up having this DREAM where I had a catalog or objects that you could create from the DoGA parts list.
in my Dream it was as thick as an Old School Phone book and had break downs of the object and how to assemble them. I mean I was OBSESSED. An example of this is the Vat that Diode has the Zombie-bots bodies in. That Vat was from that dream. It was the page I had flipped to.
so yeah I have no life . . .
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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
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Yes Gravitas IS that Gravitas from the Dreamwave, Don Figueroa run. He was another relic of my first comic attempt.


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
"Issue 6" ended up being a jumbo sized issue for a couple reasons (33pages)
At the time Kalidor and the Allspark staff were trying to free up space and make improvements and updates on the site. Sadly the Art section had dwindled in interest considerably and with little traffic flow it was decided that much of the Art content was Archived into "Chronicles of Cybertron"
Kalidor allowed me time to finish my comic so I opted for ONE giant finale issue (plus an Epilogue page)

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it's EPIC, in MY mind...
Straxus, fighting the override programming was taken from Megatron doing the same in Dreamwave's run.
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I always thought it would have been illogical that Paradrons didn't continue exploring in my Fan-verse, this is why.


it's EPIC, in MY mind...
To explain Unicron's "Original body" - If you have read Transformers #61 Primal Scream, the origin tale of Unicron and Primus (for me) left one giant planet sized loose end: Unicrons body. Unicron destroyed Primus's body and fled to the Astral plane, Unicron followed. Primus then tricked Unicron by exiting a different way and traping his mind into barren planetoids. Thus (if you follow my logic) Unicrons original body still existed seperated by a tear (the paradron vortex) in space time. I also called Unicrons weapon the mace of Destiny (yeah I know it is a Morningstar, mace just sounded cooler) which was essentially a black hole on a chain. hey this is Sci Fi Fantasy gold!
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