Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Disney


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Dark Goblin was pretty normal.

I was distracted by how much he looks like Grimsnarl from Pokemon.

The connections to the spider team was a huge surprise, especially with Swarm. I'm sure that was a new thing for the show and not a comics thing. Chameleon was great since the sister came out of nowhere.

Yeah, the series ending Kinda makes the Swarm reveal kinda weird imo, since it comes out of nowhere and we get no build-up or anything. Which is why I agree about Tarantulas really being Chameleon since the whole time I was thinking "where the hug is all this sudden drama coming from?" Maybe if season 3 has been a full 26 episodes they could have explored any of this better.

The WEB collective was a good note to end on but other students coming in would have been nice. We didn't even see how smart Alexei Rhino was. Plus Cho and Riri would be great at WEB, though I don't know how old they are. Plus Anna Marie.

Grady was great but he should have been Otto. Kinda sad that he was really dead dead. Otto was only 19! Poor guy. Maybe he could have returned if it continued. Also love Scott Menville's voice for Otto. For some reason, I didn't connect it to Grady's voice. Didn't hear the tinge of Robin Titans there until you mentioned it was Scott M, haha.

I knew it was him immediatly because to me Grady sounds and looks like "poor man's Otto" in this show. Which is further why I agree that Otto shouldn't have died. Grady just feels weird the whole season, and then he's suddenly there at WEB with the others, being the only one not in the loop. And yeah, I also Kinda hate that we didn't get even ONE episode showing Anna Marie. Even showing her as like one of May's survivors with no VA would have been better then the nothing she got. Otto's Death just adds nothing to show.

Also too bad a Season 4 never happened, they could have renamed the series WEB of Spider-Man. :p

Nothing happened with Sandgirl and her killing her dad. So odd.

Ollie Steel Spider and Clash and Shocker disappeared, darn! They would have been great classmates.

Oh yeah, during the mob Superior stuff, Big Wheel was mentioned as being taken down. But we never saw him.

This is sorta my biggest complain with the series, that it feels like a lot of the "smaller details" get lost in the series. There's just stuff that comes and goes never to be mentioned again.

Miles was named Spy-D in one ep. Subtitles called him Kid Arachnid. Was there any official name for him? Even the kids CGI show Spidey and Amazing Friends named him Spin.

Yeah, the Marvel Wiki uses Spy-D for this version. I can't believe they found a worse name then Ultimate's Kid Arachnid. Really guys, Arach-Kid right there, much snappier imo. And yeah, least both are better then Amazing Friends' Spin, but not by much. This is the other side of the coin to my "Not liking Miles being called Spider-Man in universes where he and Peter are both active heroes at the same time" with the Comics being the one exception to that since that's Miles literally getting transplanted to the main universe. I feel him also being Spider-Man in those universes kinda robs him some of his identity. The Flip side seems to be, No one can come up with a good Alternative hero name for him. I like Miles, I like him as a legacy character. I just feel there are issues in adaptions when he and Pete are both heroes at the same time.

Since I wasn't reading the reactions and stuff, how was 2017 Spider-Man received? Because I kinda love it. I know everybody totes Spectacular Spider-Man as peak Spider-Man but 2017 is actually really good! For comic fans, especially. I hope people liked it. I think Ultimate Spider-Man was sorta putdown for the faux anime comedy stuff.

A lot of people hate the first season, and I think wrote the show off very quickly. Largely they hated the animation and art direction. For me, I'm with you. I think this show is one of the better Spider-Man cartoons. For me it would probably go 90's, Spec, This. Though I'm also one of the extreme few that also liked Spider-Man Unlimited. I don't dislike Ultimate Spider-Man, but as I said I feel like this is a direct response to it since its so much of a "back to basics" type series, while still being fresh and new thanks to Slot's influences. I mean, a lot of that was gonna happen anyways, but to me it's kinda just how much focus they seem to put on him being a Solo here. And if you like this series, there is an Avengers and GOTG series that takes place in the same Universe. Marvel Animation was kinda trying to make its own shared Universe.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
WEB of Spider-Man would have been a great title, haha. Thanks for all the 2017 Spider-Man replies. Do you recommend those GotG and Avengers shows? I know I binged 2017 but I really should get started on Picard.

Anyhow, saw the new Neighborhoods. Three eps blur when you watch together.

Well, with two eps left, we know what will happen to Lonnie.

Lots of attention given to Harry and Nico. What is up with her?!?!

I'm sad about what developed with Norman but, wow, what an appearance.

I don't know what happened to Finesse after Avengers Academy (not Young Avengers, whoops) but she's a good guy here?


Well-known member
WEB of Spider-Man would have been a great title, haha. Thanks for all the 2017 Spider-Man replies. Do you recommend those GotG and Avengers shows? I know I binged 2017 but I really should get started on Picard.

Anyhow, saw the new Neighborhoods. Three eps blur when you watch together.

Well, with two eps left, we know what will happen to Lonnie.

Lots of attention given to Harry and Nico. What is up with her?!?!

I'm sad about what developed with Norman but, wow, what an appearance.

I don't know what happened to Finesse after Avengers Academy (not Young Avengers, whoops) but she's a good guy here?

I've not watched them all the way through, but Avenger Assemble is somewhere between trying to be a spiritual sequel to EHM, and be its own thing. Mostly people tended to not like it because it wasnt EHM. Just like they didn't like Spider-Man 2017 since it wasn't Spectacular and had a "cheaper" looking art style then Ultimate had. GOTG from what I seen has a bit of an identity issue, where its trying to be the MCU, but still trying to be its own thing at the same time. It could get better, as the other two do but I've only seen a hand ful of episode so far.

Its clear they are seeding Nico to get her powers, probably either helps in the finale or in season 2.

Also, while we didn't get his costume, we got a Ricochet reference. The name that Norman uses to conceal Spider-Man's real identity, John Galo is Slinger Ricochet's alter ego.

I don't know that much about Finesse myself.

I love the fight with Daredevil, and wonder if that Black Suit is supposed to be this universe's version of the black costume he wore in Season 1 of Netflix.

Also damn, Scorpion was brutal.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh oh oh! Johnny Gallow Gallo? That sounds familiar! Yeah, Ricochet! Dang!

Yeah, Daredevil was great! Did NOT expect him around.

Scorpion impaling that guy was a surprise death, yeah.
Anyway, saw the last two eps.

Ep9 was AWESOME for the fight and I hope hope HOPE things turn out well for him. It was so uplifting. Please let them change the story so it ends well.

Ep10 was mindblowing. I LOVE how they did it. Such a nice, wrap up. Did not expect the fight at all.

And the aftermath? Shadewing, did you freak out?!?!?! I kinda did, thanks to you, hahaha!!! That was just great!

On the end thing, I only really recognized one. Friend said all were practically new. What that whaaaaat?!?!

Neighborhood has been pretty great, yeah!


Well-known member
I think my biggest surprise was that this whole season was a pre-destination paradox. Peter got his powers from a Spider... that was made using his blood... to recreate the powers he had.

As for other things: WEB coming back is awesome, its cool to see that we're getting to see it in some form that's close to its concept from the last series with a lot of teen geniuses and future/potential Heroes/villains. The reveal about Finesse is cool, and I bet was one of your favorite moments. Though another big thing is Richard Parker not only being a live, but being voiced by Josh Keaton, aka The Spectacular Spider-Man. Will be interesting to see where they go with that, though usually those are some weak plots historically; but I'm always willing to see someone trying to improve fail story lines.

Overall, my biggest complaint with this series, is that it really needs more then 10 episodes. It feels like a lot of things got fast-tracked, rather then let them develop naturally, even 13 episodes might have given a bit more breathing room to some of the plot lines.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Hmm, I'm not wild about including other spiders when there's a crop of new kids with powers just around the corner. I'd love to see the new ish characters from Marvel comics running around (like Finesse). We don't even have any mutants yet.

Didn't know Josh Keaton was Richard, haha. Interesting that he's just in regular jail. This is new territory. Or is it? I don't know what revamps have been done. Maybe they're continuing the Andrew Garfield scientists plotline that happen?

I'm ok with the 10 eps cuz they're almost 30min each, right?

So, who are these guys? I only know Max, Ned. Pretty sure Tiberious is from 2099, Alchemax?


Well-known member
Re: Gwen - Rewatch Ep 1, the Spider that bit Pete crawled into someone else's backpack. We never followed up on that. So there was always gonna be at least one other Spider-person. This seems to be the answer to that, and at least its not Miles. Nothing against him, but I've already stated my feelings on him and Peter being contemporaries. And Gwen could be interesting if we follow her typical story line, but with the Ghost Spider twist. That's not something that's happened yet.

Richard is usually Dead, sometimes they're spies, sometimes they're scientists. Usually its never a good story line. Se we'll see where this takes us.

Board Names:

About a third of those names are "no one" in this case I mean "Not characters from Marvel" as they seem to be shout outs/easter egg to the various members of the crew that worked on this show. Of the remaining, about half of them are non-hero/villians. But in regards to your comment about Mutants: Kiden Nixon is one.

Found a good article that covers the ones that will probably be important:

Also, I just learned today there is a "prequel" comic miniseries. It basically covers the skipped time between Peter being Bitten and the next scene where he's suddenly Spider-Man. Villains are Silvermane, the Enforcers, and maybe a pre-powers Sandman. He's only ever referred to as "Marko" with no other names so it could be him or could just be a shared name.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Production people? Boo! We could have had Power Pack kids! Aero to match Wave! More Runaways! The dead kids from Avengers Arena! Mystic students from the Strange Academy! More mutants! Hehe

Thanks for the link tho. What in heavens is GIRL squad?

True about the lost spider. If they want to introduce a new spider that isn't Gwen though, they could always use Jessica Drew. Or Silk as a blank slate.


Well-known member
Thanks for the link tho. What in heavens is GIRL squad?

Genuis In-action Research Labs. A team of girl geniuses created both in-universe and out for the purpose of not having all the smartest people be old rich white dudes.

True about the lost spider. If they want to introduce a new spider that isn't Gwen though, they could always use Jessica Drew. Or Silk as a blank slate.

Jessica Drew might be coming, just since one of the names is "person that died because people thought she was Spider-Woman" but She's typically not a "bitten by spider" Spider-Person. Her powers come from a serum she was given as a kid. Silk could be interesting, since 1. iirc she was actually bitten by the same Spider as Peter in the comics and 2. She's gonna be in Sony's Spider-Man 3 game based on the post credits stuff. But I suppose if you're gonna use any, you gonna use the popular ones first. Which is Miles and Gwen.

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