09:12 *** FnuAw joined #allsparkle
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My Little Pony
Topic set by ChanServ on Sat Mar 22 2014 09:12:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
09:12 +++ ChanServ has taken op from FnuAw
09:13 NickServ Password accepted - you are now recognized.
09:13 +++ ChanServ has given op to FnuAw
09:46 *** Caldwin joined #allsparkle
09:46 --- ChanServ has banned *!*@mib-77267D03.carolina.res.rr.com
09:46 *** Caldwin was kicked by ChanServ (User has been banned from the channel)
10:01 *** Caldwin joined #allsparkle
10:01 Caldwin good morning
10:02 Caldwin Yay! It recognized my password the first time this time.
10:07 FnuAw Hi hi hi there.
10:07 Caldwin What's up?
10:07 FnuAw Not much.
10:07 *** Scav joined #allsparkle
10:07 FnuAw But...
10:07 FnuAw I'm in charge today.
10:07 Caldwin Morning, Scav
10:08 Scav zzzzzzz
10:08 FnuAw Welcome.
10:08 Caldwin You seem to be getting a lot of power lately. I guess the good news is you're not as evil as you try to make us believe
10:09 Caldwin Is Pao taking a break or is he just handing it off to you for good?
10:10 FnuAw His schedule changed.
10:10 Caldwin Poor guy.
10:11 FnuAw So for the forseable future I'll be running the chat.
10:11 Caldwin Oh, Sobana has his review for Birds of a Feather up. He missed some of the points we made. I was dissapointed
10:12 FnuAw I'll look at that later.
10:16 Caldwin There's usually more people by now, isn't there?
10:17 FnuAw Yup.
10:17 FnuAw Oh heck, I'll read that play by play now.
10:17 Caldwin Well, lets see...Scav's asleep. I won't be able to watch the episode untli later tonight. This may be a one person chat, Fnu
10:18 FnuAw Well, that'll make the transcript really easy.
10:22 *** Dvandom joined #allsparkle
10:22 Dvandom Morning.
10:22 Caldwin Good morning, Dave
10:23 Caldwin You see...that phrase just isn't the same if you can't hear the HAL voice I'm saying it in
10:23 Dvandom Open the pod bay doors, Cal.
10:23 Caldwin Ooooh, never noticed that. It can go both ways. Nice!
10:24 Caldwin Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true. I'm half crazy...I'm just going to leave it there for now. Can't remember all the lyrics
10:25 Dvandom ...all for the love of you.
10:25 Caldwin Well...yeah...but I know there's more after that.
10:25 Caldwin It's been waaaay too long since I've seen that movie
10:27 Caldwin *dumps a pitcher of water on Scav*
10:27 *** GuardianPrime joined #allsparkle
10:27 Scav cofeeaquired
10:27 Caldwin Good morning Prime
10:27 *** Cheeerileeretro joined #allsparkle
10:27 GuardianPrime Morning.
10:27 Scav ugh missed the "why Maud was wearing a german helmet" bit again
10:27 Caldwin Congrats on your newest aquisition, Scav
10:27 FnuAw Looks like the party's getting started.
10:28 Caldwin Morning Cheerilee...too many 'e's can't count all that
10:28 Cheeerileeretro hello
10:29 Scav have I ever seen cherileretro post on the board?
10:30 FnuAw You should have.
10:30 Scav is disapointed he hasn't seen any PMVs with the maud theme
10:30 Caldwin I think so. I don't remember so many 'E's in the name, but yeah, she's on the board
10:30 Caldwin Hasbro needs to release a Maud poetry book
10:31 Dvandom Gah, forgot to change channel and missed the first few seconds.
10:31 Dvandom Fortunately, this wasn't one of the times my DVR inexplicably won't let me change channels to an active recording.
10:31 Scav Ponies have iron tech
10:31 *** Utilitarian joined #allsparkle
10:31 Scav and elmers glue...which is troubling
10:31 Dvandom Morning
10:31 Scav hey ut
10:32 Caldwin Marning Util
10:32 Dvandom (Hooficure trimmings are sold by spas to gluemakers?)
10:32 FnuAw Nice.
10:32 Utilitarian hi
10:32 Caldwin They've had glue on this show before. But I do agree. Very troubling.
10:32 FnuAw Those dresses.
10:33 Dvandom Also, not all pre-synthetics glues are made from rendered down animal collagens. Plenty of plant-based glues out there.
10:33 FnuAw Night Cap's attempt at a Nightmare Night costume has been outdone.
10:33 Scav Chris Sims says the scooby wrestlemania movie is awesome
10:34 Scav which he was pretty much always likely to say...
10:34 Cheeerileeretro art of the dreees argh!
10:34 Caldwin ?? Please don't tell me they're using that song again!
10:34 FnuAw I predict that this is going to be a popular episode.
10:35 Caldwin Well, if it has Luna in it, I'm sold
10:36 FnuAw Cheerilee still exists.
10:36 Caldwin Yay!
10:36 FnuAw Dave Polsky's writing Rarity again!
10:37 Dvandom Forsooth!
10:37 Utilitarian Sweetie Belle in the Park
10:37 Dvandom But getting carried away is what the CMC is all about.
10:37 FnuAw The Crusaders actually did well at something.
10:38 Caldwin CMC does something right? Is that allowed?
10:38 Dvandom Recapitulation of the Coco Pommel ep.
10:38 FnuAw Modesty!
10:39 Scav Colgate making a bid for fame with some derp face
10:39 Caldwin Minuette's been popping up more lately than she used to
10:40 Dvandom Filly Belle flashback forthcoming?
10:40 FnuAw I love Sweetie Belle's squeaking.
10:40 Dvandom I guess not.
10:41 Dvandom She's in the middle of voice change this season.
10:41 FnuAw It works for her.
10:41 FnuAw Rarity's voice cracks too.
10:41 FnuAw It makes them seem more like sisters.
10:42 Caldwin Because it wasn't obvious enough before
10:42 FnuAw They're way more like each other than they thought.
10:43 Cheeerileeretro bunnies!
10:43 Dvandom Color-bland.
10:44 Utilitarian How many rooms does the Botique have?
10:44 Dvandom Casual use of TK now
10:44 FnuAw Evil.
10:44 Caldwin She's learned her lessons well then
10:44 FnuAw Sweetie Belle is evil.
10:45 Dvandom Luna in 3, 2, 1...
10:45 Dvandom But only probably dreaming.
10:46 FnuAw Doesn't matter, still Luna.
10:46 Dvandom Sweetie-mallow
10:49 Dvandom Ghost of Fashion Show Present
10:49 Dvandom Ghost of Fashion Show Future.
10:50 Dvandom Duck Amok meets A Christmas Carol....
10:51 Utilitarian Sweetie Belle's cutie mark is going to be a strip of acid tabs.
10:52 Scav did y'all just get a chicken commerical?
10:52 Utilitarian no
10:53 Dvandom Yes, the steroid chicken.
10:53 FnuAw Picking up my jaw now.
10:53 Scav they brag about marigolds in their feed..
10:54 Dvandom And now a typical CMC caper.
10:54 Scav I learned last nite that marigolds turn the chicken meat yellow, for marketing
10:54 FnuAw So much dream imagery.
10:54 Utilitarian Not to overthink this, but if Luna could enter dreams, why was she alone at night?Z
10:54 Scav and us has no steroids in chicken
10:54 Cheeerileeretro back3
10:54 Scav ut: yeah, that's a problem
10:55 Caldwin Maybe because entering ponies dreams used to freak them out and they still rejected her?
10:55 Caldwin Or maybe it's a new trick she learned?
10:55 Dvandom Or entering dreams is a new thing Celestia suggested as a way to help Luna too.
10:56 Utilitarian Yeah.
10:56 FnuAw Poor Scootaloo.
10:57 Dvandom Another "What in the wide, wide world of sports?" callback.
10:57 Cheeerileeretro Luna!"
10:58 Caldwin So, was this as good as "Sleepless in Ponyville"?
10:59 FnuAw I don't knwo.
10:59 Scav felt a bit padded
11:00 Cheeerileeretro Luna!
11:00 *** Cheeerileeretro quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
11:00 GuardianPrime I gotta run already. Catch y'all later.
11:00 Caldwin Later
11:00 *** GuardianPrime quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
11:00 FnuAw I guess people didn't like it.
11:01 Caldwin Aww! Well, if it's a Luna episode, I'm not going to let that stop me. I'll have to Youtube it tonight
11:01 Scav this isn't the show for it but I'd kind of like "I'm going to make fun of you Rarity for your headress faling apart" "YOu do realize I'm one of the heroes of the realm and best friend to one of the Royals, right?"
11:01 Dvandom I think it was trying to do a little too much for a single episode, without being a big enough deal to merit a two-parter.
11:02 FnuAw still, LUNA!
11:02 Scav the crisis was solved in act 2, all of act 3 was the wacky caper.
11:02 Utilitarian "But have you saved the realm lately?"
11:03 Caldwin Am I going to have to switch my avatar back to Luna once the Gif's roll in for this ep?
11:03 FnuAw Probably not.
11:03 FnuAw She didn't do anything all that new.
11:03 Caldwin Ah well! I'm content using Dash for now.
11:04 Scav .me didn't know you had changed your avatar
11:04 FnuAw I liked this.
11:04 Caldwin Yeah, now it's Dashie doing a facehoof
11:04 Scav This episode had a mch more "target audience" feel...and not in the good way
11:04 FnuAw Dave Polsky still nails the dialog.
11:06 Dvandom I suspect one reason they've got Sweetie Belle's voice breaking all over the place this season is to provide a solid excuse why she doesn't get her inevitable singing-related cutie mark. As the Brady Bunch taught us, a cracking voice can be rough on a singing career.
11:07 Caldwin But if she's at the stage in her life where her voice is changing...doesn't that mean that she's reeeeeeeally late getting her cutie mark?
11:07 FnuAw yes.
11:07 Caldwin They seriously need to just end that plot line
11:08 FnuAw This episode confirmed, Sweetie Belle is at least 5.
11:08 Dvandom Well, keep in mind that the cutecinera is based on the quincinera, or 15th birthday. And voice cracking usually happens before that.
11:08 Caldwin Lovely! I mean, c'mon. There's being a late bloomer and then there's...well...this is just rediculous
11:08 FnuAw Then again, we saw how old Fluttershy was when she got hers.
11:09 Caldwin Oh dear...that's right. No wonder she got made fun of.
11:09 Scav ...girls don't usually have the cracking problem as much, do they?
11:09 Dvandom Not as much, but it still happens.
11:09 FnuAw With that in mind, the CMC plotline really isn't that crazy.
11:10 Dvandom Especially if they're gonna end up altos or even contraltos.
11:11 Scav 1) If the season premiere is to be taken literarly, they haven't even been CMC's for a year yet
11:11 Scav 2) it is extreemly unlikely the CMC's will get their cutie marks in the scope of the series
11:11 Dvandom (I wonder if a Luna/AppleBloom ep is already planned, to make it a troika?)
11:12 Caldwin If they end the series without them getting their cutie marks...I'm going to be very dissapointed. It would be a HUGE plot thread that's just left dangling
11:13 Caldwin Luna/Bloom ep would be nice. On the other hand, if Scoots isn't going to get an ep where she's at odds with her sister...only fair Bloom get's left out of something.
11:14 FnuAw Luna/anyone episode would be nice.
11:14 Caldwin True
11:14 FnuAw I liked this.
11:14 Caldwin Well, I better get going. Almost time for me to go on break
11:14 FnuAw We got to see Luna doing her thing.
11:14 Caldwin Later everyone!
11:14 Scav I think you're placing too much emphasis on the CMC's cutie marks, ironicaly
11:14 Dvandom Luna/Zecora - it would be so elliptical and allegorical the Hub would implode.
11:14 *** Caldwin quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
11:15 Scav Luna/Lyra
11:15 Dvandom Luna x Derpy!
11:18 Dvandom Anyway, looks like we're done, I guess Fnu's posting this time. Not gonna hang out for Rescue Bots, I'm going to a 1PM showing of Muppets.
11:18 FnuAw Yup, looks pretty done.
Yeah I still have some of these. I do not have all of them, unfortunately. I'm going to be uploading what I have.